Phrase and Clause
Phrase and Clause
Phrase and Clause
Mind the italicized words in the following sentences:
1. Our Principal is a man of few words.
2. Napoleon was a man of fortune.
3. Go there as soon as possible.
4. He sat on a chair.
5. We met George Bose on the way to London.
6. We belong to a nation of unique heritage.
7. Keep the book on the table.Â
In the above sentences the italicized words as: of few words, of fortune, as soon as possible, on a chair, on the way, unique heritage, on the table are made of more than one word (a group of words). Each of them has expressed a meaning but not a complete meaning. These groups of words have neither Subjects nor Finite verbs. These are called Phrases.
A Phrase is a group of words having neither a subject nor a Finite verb but expressing a sense though not a complete sense.
Phrase and Clause
Mind the parts of the following sentences:
Vaskar is a boy who is a college student.
This is the book which she bought yesterday.
This is the house where they live.
We will not go there if it rains.
Listen to what the teacher says.
Tell me where you are.
If we mind the above sentences we find that each of these sentences bears two parts. Each part has a subject and a finite verb of its own and makes a sense though not a complete sense. These are called Clauses. For illustration: the two parts of the first sentence are: (i) Vaskar is a boy and (ii) who is a college student.
A Clause is a group of words having a Subject and Finite verb of its own with a sense which forms a part of a bigger sentence.Â
Though Phrase and Clause are made of a group of words yet there are some distinctions between the two as:
A phrase has neither a Subject nor a Finite verb. It makes sense but not complete sense.
On the other hand, a Clause has a Subject and a Finite Verb. It makes sense but depends on the rest of the sentence to make complete sense. A clause forms a part of a bigger sentence. A clause in a sentence is connected with the rest part of the sentence by a connective word like: that, what, where, which, and, it, but, if etc.
Note: Clauses are divided into Principal Clause, Co-ordinate Clause and Subordinate Clause. Sub-ordinate Clauses are again divided into Noun Clause, Adjective Clause and Adverbial Clause according to their functions in a sentence. A detailed account will be undertaken about Clauses in another chapter.
Phrase and Clause
Phrase and Clause
1. What do you mean by Phrase. Point out the phrases in the following sentences:
Rome was not built in a day. The table is made of teak wood. Ram was a man of great virtue. They are playing ball in the school field. This chain is made of gold. Karishma is a woman of high birth. He drives the car at full speed. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the First Prime Minister of Independent India. Hari was a man of courage. Ganga is a meritorious student. He left India for good. My uncle bought me a white shirt. A barking dog seldom bites. Charity begins at home. Harish is a white elephant of his parents. Manisha is an actress of excellent career.
2. What do you mean by Clause? Underline the clauses in the following sentences:
He who neglects his duty must suffer in life. If you hope to progress in life work harder. A good student is he who studies regularly. Do it or die. Act upon what your teacher told you. All that glitters is not gold. Wait here till he returns. A sinner is he who commits sin. God helps them who help themselves. I cannot go there if you don’t send the car. He went to college in spite of his illness. He who is idle can never shine in life. We don’t know well where they live.
3. Find out which of the italicized group of words in the following sentences are phrases and which are clauses:
Ask him if he goes to school. Make hay while the sun shines. Do not paly in the courtyard. He is my brother who wears a white shirt. Kanak is the boy whom everybody loves. Though Thomas is poor yet he is virtuous. 0 0 0
Phrase and Clause
N.B. Â The article ‘Phrase and Clause’ originally belongs to the book ‘School English Grammar Part- I‘ by Menonim Menonimus.
Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:
- Advertisement Writing
- Amplification Writing
- Note Making
- Paragraph Writing
- Notice Writing
- Passage Comprehension
- The Art of Poster Writing
- The Art of Letter Writing
- Report Writing
- Story Writing
- Substance Writing
- School Essays Part-I
- School Essays Part-II
- School English Grammar Part-I
- School English Grammar Part-II..
Books of S. Story by M. Menonimus:
Books of Biography by M. Menonimus:
- The World Writers-Brief Biographies
- Introduction to World Writers
- Introduction to World Personalities
- Love of Reputed Persons ..
Books on Linguistics by M. Menonimus:
- A Brief History of the English Language
- Essays on Linguistics
- My Imageries
- Felicitous Expression: Some Examples
- Learners’ English Dictionary
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