Father and Daughter A Conversation

Father and Daughter: A Conversation

Father and Daughter: A Conversation Father and Daughter A Conversation Father and Daughter: A Conversation Daughter: Good morning, Papa. Father: Good morning, child. What is the time? Daughter: It’s half past seven. Father: Please get me the newspaper. Daughter: I will...
Gopinath Bordoloi-His Generosity

Gopinath Bordoloi-His Generosity

Gopinath Bordoloi-His Generosity Gopinath Bordoloi-His Generosity Gopinath Bordoloi-His Generosity Bipul is a beggar. He is also ill for some weeks. He can’t work for physical infirmity. In this world, he has none --neither father nor mother, neither...
A House for Ashad

A House for Ashad

"Explore the heartwarming tale of 'A House for Ashad', where friendship knows no bounds. Follow along as one person's selfless act of help for their impoverished friend unfolds, revealing the true meaning of compassion...
The Grasshopper and the Ant

The Grasshopper and the Ant

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Allen and Tapash Uncle

Allen and Tapash Uncle

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Waiting for Rain

Waiting for Rain

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The Wind and the Sun

The Wind and the Sun

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The Ungrateful Cat

The Ungrateful Cat

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Birbal and Akbar

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I have a Silly Sister | A Story about a Silly Girl

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Flying Bridge

Flying Bridge | A Juvenile Story

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The Benefits of Walking

The Benefits of Walking

The Benefits of Walking The Benefits of Walking The Benefits of Walking Hamen: May I come in, Sir? Teacher: Yes, You may come in. Hamen: Thank you, Sir. Teacher: Take your seat, but why are you late? Hamen: I was caught...
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