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Quizzes on Geography

Assam Geography Quiz

Assam Geography Quiz

Assam Geography Quiz Assm Geography Quiz Assam Geography Quiz Q: What is the meaning of the word 'Assam'? A. Uneven. Q: When did the name of this state come to be known as 'Assam'? A. From the thirteenth century (after...
India Geography Quiz

India Geography Quiz

India Geography Quiz India Geography Quiz India Geography Quiz Q: In terms of geographical location, India extends from how many degrees axis to how many degrees axis? A. Geographically, India extends from 8.4  north latitude to 37.6  north...
Earth Geography Quiz

Earth Geography Quiz

Earth Geography Quiz Earth Geography Quiz Earth Geography Quiz Q: What is the total amount of soil on the Earth? A. 51,01,00,500 sq. Km. Q: What is the age of the earth? A. About 450 billion years. Q: What is the...

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