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Brief Biography of men of letters.

Ronaldo Net Worth and Salary

Ronaldo Net Worth and Salary

Discover the latest insights on Cristiano Ronaldo net worth and salary. Explore how the legendary footballer earns over $100 million annually through his professional soccer career and lucrative endorsements. Learn about his $600 million...
Ronaldo Wallpapers

Rolando Wallpapers | Ronaldo Wallpapers Best Collections

Discover the ultimate collection of over 1000 Rolando Wallpapers (Cristiano Ronaldo wallpapers) ! From thrilling moments on the football field to relaxed times at cafés, romantic snaps with girlfriends, and joyful celebrations, this comprehensive...
Sitanath Brahmachaudhury-Brief Life Sketch

Sitanath Brahmachaudhury-Brief Life Sketch

Sitanath Brahmachaudhury-Brief Life Sketch   Sitanath Brahmachaudhury-Brief Life Sketch Sitanath Brahmachaudhury (1908-1982) is one of the most influential Assamese Romantic poets. He was born in Bhalukmari, Gowalpara.  He started practising poetry from an early age. His poetic works...
A P J Abdul Kalam

A P J Abdul Kalam the People’s President

A P J Abdul Kalam the People's President   A P J Abdul Kalam the People's President, A P J Abdul Kala A P J Abdul Kalam the People's President On 15th October 1932, a child was born...
William Blake-Brief Biography

William Blake-Brief Biography

William Blake-Brief Biography   William Blake, William Blake-Brief Biography William Blake-Brief Biography William Blake was a man of versatile genius. He was an artist, a musician and above all a great mystic poet of England. He introduced, spontaneously...
John Donne-Brief Biography

John Donne-Brief Biography

 John Donne-Brief Biography John Donne, John Donne-Brief Biography, John Donne-Brief Bio, John Donne-His Life John Donne-Brief Biography John Donne (1572-1631) was the major and head poet of the so-called English Metaphysical School of Poetry which broke out...

Andrew Marvell-Brief Biography

 Andrew Marvell-Brief Biography Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell-Brief Biography Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) was an English poet who belonged to the Metaphysical group of poets of the 17th century. As a poet, Marvell was typically Metaphysical both in theme...
Virginia Woolf-Brief Biography

Virginia Woolf-Brief Biography

Virginia Woolf-Brief Biography   Virginia Woolf Virginia Woolf-Brief Biography Virginia Woolf was one of the great English psychological novelists of the twentieth century. Virginia was born at Hyde Park Gate in London in 1882 in a distinguished literary...
Ernest Hemingway-Brief Biography

Ernest Hemingway-Brief Biography

 Ernest Hemingway-Brief Biography Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway-Brief Biography Ernest Hemingway was a man with a multi-facet career in the twentieth-century world — he was a fisherman, a boxer, a hunter, a heroic participant in both world wars,...
Robert Frost-Brief Biography

Robert Frost-Brief Biography

Robert Frost-Brief Biography   Robert Frost Robert FrostBrief Biography On the 26th of March 1874, there in San Francisco was born a child, who later on took to writing poetry on ordinary rural themes in a simple style...
Samuel Beckett-Brief Biography

Samuel Beckett-Brief Biography

Samuel Beckett-Brief Biography Samuel Beckett Samuel Beckett-Brief Biography Samuel Beckett was one of the popular French dramatists of the twentieth century. As a dramatist, he belonged to the Absurd school, the dramatists of whose school wrote dramas...
Dylan Thomas-Brief Biography

Dylan Thomas-Brief Biography

Dylan Thomas-Brief Biography   Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas-Brief Biography Once there was a boy of strangely confused character with weak lungs and the cleverness of truancy often suffering from a hemorrhage for which he feared that he would...
George Herbert-Brief Biography

George Herbert-Brief Biography

George Herbert-Brief Biography George Herbert George Herbert-Brief Biography George Herbert was an English priest-poet who wrote unprecedented great devotional poetry in the English language. Though he was great as a devotional poet, yet he remained, throughout his...
Thomas Stearns Eliot-Brief Biography

T S Eliot-Brief Biography

T S Eliot-Brief Biography T S Eliot T S Eliot-Brief Biography T S Eliot (Thomas Stearns Eliot) was a great literary figure of the twentieth-century world who began his writings with innovation both in theory and practice...
Romantic Criticism-Chief Characteristics

William Wordsworth-Brief Biography

 William Wordsworth-Brief Biography William Wordsworth William Wordsworth-Brief Biography At the fringe end of eighteenth-century England there was born a great poet who made bold defiance against the age-long poetic tradition and successfully gave rise to a new...
William Shakespeare-Brief Biography

William Shakespeare-Brief Biography

 William Shakespeare-Brief Biography William Shakespeare William Shakespeare-Brief Biography William Shakespeare, the emperor of English literature, was born on the 23rd of April 1564 at Stratford-on-Avon in the district of Warwickshire. His father John Shakespeare was only a...
John Millington Synge-Brief Biography

J M Synge-Brief Biography

  J M Synge-Brief Biography   J M Synge J M Synge-Brief Biography J M Synge (John Millington Synge) was a great poetic dramatist of Ireland who met an untimely death at the age of thirty-eight after writing...
Henry Vaughan-Brief Biography

Henry Vaughan-Brief Biography

Henry Vaughan-Brief Biography Henry Vaughan Henry Vaughan-Brief Biography Henry Vaughan was one of the English poets of the seventeenth century, who are bracketed with the term 'Metaphysical School of Poets'. He wrote poetry on a variety of...

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Oiram Bori-Brief Life Sketch

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Kamala Miri-Brief Life Sketch

Kamala Miri-Brief Life Sketch

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Bhrigumuni Kagyung-Brief Life Sketch

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Nunthombam Vidyapati Singh-Brief Life Sketch

Nunthombam Vidyapati Singh-Brief Life Sketch

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Saraswati Singha-Brief Life Sketch

Saraswati Singha-Brief Life Sketch

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