I have a Silly Sister | A Story about a Silly Girl


I have a Silly Sister

I have a Silly Sister

I have a Silly Sister

I have a Silly Sister

I have a little silly sister. Her name is Jitumoni. She always sticks to my mother. Sometimes she keeps whining for sweetmeats. She does not know what a toilet is and she urinates on the floor of our house. She even does not know the difference between red and white.

She is very childish. When we play with the seeds of peach she thinks they are real food.  She even puts them into her mouth to eat.

When I open my book of A B C, she tears the pages of the book and laughs with great joy.

When I become angry with her and scold her, she thinks it to be great fun.

She likes to play with sand and mud. If the mother asks her to keep away from such dirty things she cries bitterly.

When my mother or father calls me by my name, she also calls me by my name. She often forgets to call me ‘Dada’.

Yesternight when the mother was showing her the full moon, she kept crying for an hour insisting on bringing the moon down for her.

When I sit in my study she climbs up my shoulder and began to scratch my hair.

She is so silly to appreciate things.

But I am proud of having a silly sister like her. 0 0 0.

I have a Silly Sister

N. B. The story entitled ‘I have a Silly Sister’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘Juvenile Stories and Essaysby Menonim Menonimus.

I have a Silly Sister

Books of S. Story by M. Menonimus:

  1. The Fugitive Father and Other Stories
  2. The Prostitute and Other Stories
  3. Neha’s Confession
  4. Juvenile Stories and Essays

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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