A House for Ashad


“Explore the heartwarming tale of ‘A House for Ashad’, where friendship knows no bounds. Follow along as one person’s selfless act of help for their impoverished friend unfolds, revealing the true meaning of compassion and loyalty. Discover the power of generosity and the bonds that unite us in this touching short story.”

A House for Ashad

A House for Ashad

A House for Ashad

Makib and Ashad are friends. They are of the same age, around seven. They have no permanent house. They live here and there in the coastal region of Mumbai. Makib’s father is a labourer. He works here and there in people’s houses.  Ashad’s father is a rag-picker. When their fathers go to their respective works, Makib and Ashad meet each other. They go to the beach and play almost all day long. They build houses of sand. One day Ashad said to Makib,” Look at it! It is a fine house.”

Makib replied, “Of course! It is the finest house on the beach. But it is made of sand only. Look at the sea. The water is getting closer. Our house will be washed away.”

“Don’t worry! We will make another one,” Ashad replied with a smile.

After a few weeks, Makib’s father left Mumbai for Kanpur in search of a better way of life. In Kanpur Makib’s father got a job as a ward man in a very rich household. He earns two thousand a month. Months passed by. His master made him the chief ward man of his vast household. His salary was raised up to five thousand a month. His lifestyle began to change.

His son, Makib got admitted to a local school. He began to progress in his studies.

With the passing of years, Makib passed his B.A. and got a very attractive job in a multinational company. Within a few years, he became one of the rich people in the locality. He was upgraded to the post of Supervisor of the company. Already he got married and became the father of a child.

One day his wife said to him, “Let us go for a tour to the beach.”

“Good idea,” Makib said. “Where will you like to go?”

“How about going to Mumbai?” His wife said.


One fine morning they set off to Mumbai, the birthplace of Makib. He was happy that after about twenty-five years he was in his home city. After getting off the flight he hired a Maruti van and ordered the driver to drive the van down the beach straight.

When they arrived at the beach, he found that everything had changed within these twenty-five years. But the beach where he used to play with his mates had changed little.

Makib began to walk along the beach. He looked far off the sea. Water….water….water with huge waves.

Suddenly he saw that a man in rags was coming along toward him.

The man was about to cross him, but suddenly he stopped, stared at Makib, and asked, “Makib, is that you?”

Makib dipped in reminiscence, seemed to wake up, and cried, “Oh! Ashad, are you?”

The two friends hugged each other.

“How are you?” Makib asked.

“I am still a pauper, a vagabond. Ashad replied. “Do you remember our sand house?”

“Yes,” said Makib.

After your departure from our city, I alone used to build sand houses on the beach. But the sea wave washed away all of them.” Ashad said with a long sigh.

“Let us build another,”  Makib said.

“Then we must be children again,” Ashad replied.

Makib said,” No, we have grown big now. We can’t be children again to build a sand house. Now we must build a real house not with only sand but also with brick, sand, and cement that the sea cannot wash away.” Makib said.

‘But I have no money, said Ashad.

“I have,” Makib said.

They walked along the beach and sat on the rock. They watched the boats and ships sailing far, far away.

About five months later, their house was ready.

Ashad exclaimed with joy, “It’s really a fine house. The sea cannot wash it away.”

The next morning Makib said to Ashad, “Friend, this house is yours. Live here in peace. Let me leave you. I have to go to my job. Farewell!” 0 0 0.

A House for Ashad

N. B. The story entitled ‘A House for Ashad’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘Juvenile Stories and Essaysby Menonim Menonimus.

A House for Ashad

Books of S. Story by M. Menonimus:

  1. The Fugitive Father and Other Stories
  2. The Prostitute and Other Stories
  3. Neha’s Confession
  4. Juvenile Stories and Essays

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  1. Beach House
  2. Juvenile Stories
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  4. Books for Children



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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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