Waiting for Rain


Waiting for Rain | Waiting for Rain-A Story

Waiting for Rain

Waiting for Rain

Waiting for Rain

Anil was a poor peasant. He lived in a village near Tezpur. He had a wife and three children. He had no land of his own. But he produced crops on other people’s land as a sharecropper. The previous year was almost full of drought. There was no rain at all for more than four months. Anil became sad. Every day Anil looked at the sky. There were no clouds. The hot sun looked down on Anil and laughed.

When all his savings were exhausted, Anil went to Murugan (money lander) and said, “Sir, Please lend me hundred rupees.”

“I can’t,” replied Murugan. ‘There’s no rain. No rain means no crops in the field. When the rain comes you can have the money.”

Anil went home being downcast. Suddenly he remembered that there might have been some rupees in the little box under the bed sheet.

He opened the little box and said to his wife, “We have seventy rupees. We can eat for a few more days.”

His wife said, “Well, but what shall we eat after this?”

Every day Anil looked at the sky. The sun laughed down at him. There were no clouds. Everyone was hungry.

After a few days, Anil looked in the box again. There were only eleven rupees.

“We have only eleven rupees for food,” he said to his wife.

“And then?’ said his wife.

“And then! No food at all,” said Anil. They looked very sad.

Suddenly Anil’s wife touched her err-rings. “What about these?” she asked.

“I gave you those on our wedding day,” said Anil.

Anil’s wife took off her err-rings and handed them over to her husband. Anil became sad. Some drops of tears came out of his eyes.

“Sell them in the market,” she said. “We need food.”

Anil was very sad, but he took the earrings and walked off toward the market.

Suddenly he stopped.

“Rain! Rain!” she shouted.

The rain came pouring down.

Now, Murugan would lend me rupees.” Anil said.

He became very happy. 0 0 0.

Waiting for Rain

N. B. The article entitled ‘Waiting for Rain’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘Juvenile Stories and Essaysby Menonim Menonimus

Books of S. Story by M. Menonimus:

  1. The Fugitive Father and Other Stories
  2. The Prostitute and Other Stories
  3. Neha’s Confession
  4. Juvenile Stories and Essays

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  1. Juvenile Stories
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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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