Indian Sovereignty-How Far Secure?


Indian Sovereignty-How Far Secure?

Indian Sovereignty-How Far Secure?

Indian Sovereignty-How Far Secure?

Indian Sovereignty-How Far Secure?

India is one of the greatest democratic sovereign countries in the world. It is rich in natural resources, man-power and at present, it also claims to be self-dependent in science and technology. But after such a claim, a question worries us i.e. whether Indian sovereignty is secure and if it is secure then how far secure it is. If we look up the pages of its history, since its independence and if we look at the present socio-political panorama, then we would see that India is being goaded ahead to the mouth of a bursting volcano the fire flames of which might engulf its entity in no time.

Though India’s foreign policy is amicable with its neighboring countries, yet it appears that most of the neighboring countries have been adding fuel to the unrest of India’s sovereignty. First, mention may be made of China, which since the days of India’s independence, has been claiming its authority over a vast area of north-east India especially Arunachal Pradesh. In 1962, China attacked India, all of a sudden and made a sway over Khingimoni, and Bumla and then rushed towards Tawang where there was the Head Quarter of the 7th Infantry Brigadier of India. The Chinese army defeated the Brigadier and took the control of Tawang. The Indian armies were not lacked of morale to fight against the Chinese, but they were in want of firm leadership, weapons, ammunition, ample food and sufficient clothes to protect themselves from extreme cool. Since then the Chinese authority has been claiming control over the northern region of Arunachal Pradesh. Rajiv Gandhi, the ex-prime minister of India, visited China, then the Chinese paper, Beijing Review published a long news review on the boundary conflicts between China and India. It showed with the argument that the Mac Mohan Line Pact, of 1914 was illegal. Since then up till today, China remains a menace against the sovereignty of India.

The second menace to Indian sovereignty has been coming from Pakistan over the Kashmir issue. Pakistan as a neighboring country of India, and the relationship between the two should have been friendly, but at present, it is on the verge of bad to worse. Outwardly, Pakistan claims to be in a friendly relationship with India but politically the leaders of Pakistan have been keeping the issue alive. It is not wrong to say that Kashmir is an issue that is seen to remain hot because of the political leaders who take the avail of rising to power shrieking the issue aloud at the time of the Parliamentary Election.

Bangladesh, which took birth in 1971 out of the soil of East Pakistan under the patronage of India, now turns back to India. Most of the terrorist organizations in North-East India get shelter and training in Bangladesh. The ULFA leader Paresh Baruah has been staying in Bangladesh from where he is running his terrorist activities in Assam. Besides this, almost all the Muslim terrorist organizations get shelter and instigation either from Pakistan or Bangladesh. Weapons and deadly arms are also being provided to terrorist organizations through Bangladesh.

Myanmar is another neighboring country of India. Outwardly there seems no enmity between the two countries. But inwardly Myanmar has been adding fuel to the terrorist organizations of North-East India by providing them with training and war weapons.

It has already come to light that through Nepal also the war weapons come to ULFA and other organizations. Thus the attitude of all these neighboring countries towards India is like that of an enemy.

In addition to the menace from abroad, at present seems that India has been facing a stronger menace from its internal socio-political circumstances. But only a few of us are conscious that we, all are responsible for arising of such a menace to India’s sovereignty. The existing Prime Minister, Dr. Mon Mohan Singh revealed the truth in one of his lectures that the problem of internal insecurity is much more fatal than the menace from abroad. His speech is true to the root. Indira Gandhi the late Prime Minister of India was assassinated at the hand of her security guards. There is hardly a second example of such an event in world history. The security of the house of the Prime Minister is broken by his own security force. Nothing can be more shameful and abhorrent than this. In the state of Bihar, conflicts among various castes are alive. Most of the terrorist groups belonging to the respective castes have been given political patronage under some political parties. It has come to our knowledge that in the force department, there are many youths who have been working as secret agents of terrorist organizations. In the Kashmir Police Force, many fundamentalists have got employment for which the expedition against the terrorists in Kashmir often falls flat. Besides this, even some Pakistani youths have got employment and the problem of terrorists has gone beyond control.

News makes us know that in the city of Mumbai the violent activities of Muslim terrorists have increased. The terrorists of the middle-east have got patronage of the terrorists living in India. And it has become possible because of corruption employing the jawans in the force departments. . In Assam also there have been many employees who have got employment only by means of showing menace to the employing authorities. Some marked terrorists have also got high ranks in important administrative bureaus. So it is seen that corruption in administrative machinery is much more responsible for the rise of terrorists in India.

Everybody would agree to the fact that the act of migration has been running on through the borders though there are huge forces in the borders to keep watch on illegal migration. The armed forces of India are only in name but in reality, they are the slave of corrupt officials that don’t want to protect India from the opposing forces.

The conflicts among various casts are responsible for the loss of peace, order and security in India. It seems that the police forces often stumble down while facing the opposing forces. In the check gates, the police officers have been collecting money from the vehicles without rhyme and reason. Though everybody knows it, yet nobody stands against this day-robbery. It shows how weak our administrative machinery is! For all these corruptions we – all are responsible either directly or indirectly. The citizens of India have forgotten their responsibilities and duties to the country. They sell their votes for money. The political leaders also don’t wish the citizens to cast their votes after their conscience. They buy votes and after the election, they embark to earn money by fair or foul means. In India, politics is a market of earning black money and the political leaders are the patrons of this market. In such a land of corruption how its sovereignty may get secured! 0 0 0.

Indian Sovereignty-How Far Secure?

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Indian Sovereignty-How Far Secure?

N. B. The article ‘Indian Sovereignty-How Far Secure?’ originally belongs to the book ‘Articles on Contemporary Affairsby Menonim Menonimus.

Indian Sovereignty-How Far Secure?

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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