Anonym is a word that is opposite in meaning to another word in the same language.
Antonyms are formed in different ways as:
1. By substituting a different word, as
Words —– Opposite words
After ——- before
Above——- below
Begin——- end
Black——- white
Buy——- sell
Cheap——- dear
Coarse——- fine
Dark——- bright
Dawn——- dusk
Day——- night
Dead——- alive
Deny——- admit
Dull——- keen/sharp
Dwarf——- giant
Easy——- ——- difficult
Ever ——- never
Failure——- success
False——- true
Far——- near
First——- last
Forget——- remember
Gain——- lose/loss
Guilty——- innocent
Hard——- soft
Heaven——- hell
High——- low
Hope——- despair
Ill——- well
In——- out
Junior——- senior
Kind——- cruel
Knowledge——- ignorance
Lend——- borrow
Little——- big/much
Life——- death
Open——- shut
Optional——- compulsory
Peace——- war
Present——- absent
Proud——- humble
Rain——- sunshine
Rich——- poor
Rise——- fall
Right——- wrong/left
Rough——- smooth
Simple——- complex
Slow——- fast
Start——- stop
Strong——- weak
Sweet——- bitter
Short——- tall
Thick——- thin
Vague——- clear
Vex——- please
Virtue——- vice
Wet——- dry
Young——- old
Win——- lose
2. By adding a prefix, as:
Words ——-Opposite words
Agree——- disagree
Normal——- abnormal
Plot——- counterplot
Advantage——- disadvantage
Ordinary——- extra-ordinary
Noble——- ignoble
Legible——- illegible
Moral——- immoral
Perfect——- imperfect
Proper——- improper
Seen——- unseen
Known——- unknown
Deed——- misdeed
Violence——- non-violence
Manage——- mismanage
Practice——- malpractice
Treat——- mal-treat
Regular——- irregular
National——- international
Discipline——- indiscipline
Visible——- invisible
3. A list of Miscellaneous Antonyms:
Word——- Opposite words
Absolute——- relative
Accept——- reject
Abstract ——- concrete
Acquit——- convict
Active——- inactive/passive
Admittance ——- quittance
Adversity——- prosperity
Affirm——- deny
Afraid——- bold
Ample——- scanty
Angel——- devil
Arrive——- depart
Back——- front
Backward—– forward
Barren——- fertile
Base——- top
Beneficial——- harmful
Blunt——- sharp
Calm——- boisterous
Care——- uncare
Close——- open
Competent——- incompetent
Condemn——- Praise / approve
Confidence——- diffidence
Conscious——- unconscious
Contract——- expand
Credit——- debit/discredit
Decent——- indecent
Defect——- merit
Defend——- offend
Delay——- haste
Descend——- ascend
Empty——- full
Encourage ——- discourage
Enthusiasm ——- indifference
Entrance——- exit
Eternal——- transitory
Exterior——- interior
Extravagant——- economical
Even——- uneven
Fact——- fiction
Faithful——- faithless
Fallible——- infallible
Female——- male
Fickle——- steady
Finite ——- infinite
Fit——- unfit
Bad——- good
Beautiful——- ugly
Broad——- narrow
Defeat——- victory
Early——- late
Famous——- notorious
Foolish ——- wise
Freedom ——- slavery
Full ——- empty
Genuine—– spurious
Happy ——- sorry
Honour ——- shame
Increase ——- decrease
Optimism ——- pessimism
Oral ——- written
Particular ——- general
Present ——- absent
Punish ——- reward
Pure ——- impure
Rise ——- fall
Long ——- short
Modern ——- ancient
Natural ——- artificial
Safe ——- dangerous
Unity ——- diversity
Violent ——- gentle
Weal ——- woe. 0 0 0
N.B. Â The article ‘Antonyms’ originally belongs to the book ‘School English Grammar Part- II‘ by Menonim Menonimus. Antonyms
Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:
- Advertisement Writing
- Amplification Writing
- Note Making
- Paragraph Writing
- Notice Writing
- Passage Comprehension
- The Art of Poster Writing
- The Art of Letter Writing
- Report Writing
- Story Writing
- Substance Writing
- School Essays Part-I
- School Essays Part-II
- School English Grammar Part-I
- School English Grammar Part-II..
Books on Linguistics by M. Menonimus:
- A Brief History of the English Language
- Essays on Linguistics
- My Imageries
- Felicitous Expression: Some Examples
- Learners’ English Dictionary
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