One Word Substitution
One Word Substitution
One Word Substitution
One-word substitution is the art of using a single word for many. There are many phrases and clauses for which only one word can be used. The use of a single word for many imparts exactness and precision to speaking and writing. A list of one-word substitutions is given below:
One Word Substitution
1. A tank for water plants and fish ___ Aquarium
2. A place where birds are kept ___ Avary
3. One who wants to destroy all law and government ___Anarchist
4. Money given to a wife by her husband after legal separation ___Alimony
5. That which happens once in a year ___Annual
6. One who practices some art for pleasure___Amateure
7. One who lives on vegetable ___Vegetarian
8. A medicine which removes the effect of some poison or previous medicine ___Antidote
9. That which can not be understood ___Unintelligible.
10. An office with salary but without work ___Sinecure
11. Fit to be eaten ___Edible
12. Something likely to cause death ___Fatal/Deadly.
13. An animal that lives on flesh___ Carnivorous
14. One who eats the flesh of its own kind ___Cannibal
15. That which can not be put into practice ___Impracticable
16. A book which does not bear the name of the writer ___Anonymous
17. That which can not be heard___Inaudible
18. A speech made for the first time___ Maiden
19. A book written by hand___ Manuscript
20. One who works for money___ Mercenary
21. A word no longer in use ___ Obsolete
22. A child born after the death of his father ___ Posthumous
23. A book published after the death of its author ___Posthumous
24. A prize awarded after the death of its winner___ Posthumous
25. An office with work but no salary ___ Honorary
26. A medicine which can cure all disease ___ Panacea
27. A place where an artist works ___ Studio
One Word Substitution
28. Houses in which soldiers live ___ Barrack
29. A place where coins are made ___ Mint
30. A place where medicines are dispensed___ Dispensary
31. A word with opposite meaning ___ Antonym
32. An institute for higher learning___ University
33. A disease caught by touch___ Contagious
34. A man who is not married ___Bachelor
35. Life story written by one’s own self___ Autobiography
36. A sound that can be heard ___ Audible
37. A word or custom which was used in old times ___Archaic
38. One who can neither read nor write ___ Illiterate
39. The custom of having only one wife ___ Monogamy.
40. That which ends only in death ___ Fatal.
41. A hater of womankind ___ Misogynist.
42. One who hates mankind ___ Misanthropist.
43. Money paid to a woman for her personal expenses ___ Pin money.
44. An instrument used by both eyes to see distant objects ___ Binocular.
45. An instrument which magnifies small objects ___Microscope.
46. An instrument which measures temperature ___Thermometer.
47. An instrument which foretells weather change ___Barometer.
48. An instrument which transmits sounds more loudly ___ Microphone.
49. An instrument which is used by doctors to examine the chest ___ Stethoscope.
50. An instrument which carries the voice to a distance ___ Megaphone.
(One Word Substitution)
51. An instrument which sends messages to long-distance ___ Telegraph.
52. An instrument which transmits spoken words to long-distance ___ Telephone.
53. An instrument which guides sailors on the ocean___ Compass.
54. An instrument which takes photographs ___Camera.
55. To give up one’s claim to the kingship of a country ___ Abdicate.
56. One who easily believes what others say ___ Credulous.
57. Something through which one can easily see ___Transparent.
58. A man who loves mankind ___ philanthropist.
59. Persons who live in the same age ___ Contemporary.
60. A man who loves the whole world as his won country ___ Cosmopolitan.
61. A match which remains undecided___ Drawn.
62. A man who behaves like a woman ___ Effeminate.
63. Men going out of a country ___Emigrant.
64. Goods sent out to another country ___ Exports.
65. A speech delivered without preparation. ___Extempore.
66. The killing of a brother___ Fratricide.
67. The killing of a man ___ Homicide.
68. That which is against law___ Illegal.
69. An ink which can not be effaced ___Indelible.
70. One who can not be corrected ___Incorrigible.
71. A place where a blacksmith works ___ Smithy.
72. A book where photographs or autographs are kept. ___Album.
73. A book which gives information on all subjects ___Encyclopaedia.
74. A list of book ___ Catalogue.
One Word Substitution
75. A book which tells dates and days ___ Calendar.
76. A book which contains telephone addresses ___ Directory.
77. A thing that can be seen ___Visible.
78. The killing of a king___ Regicide.
79. The killing of oneself___ Suicide.
80. The killing of one’s parents___ Patricide.
81. An animal or plant that lives upon the body of another___ Parasite.
82. The custom of marrying two wives ___Bigamy.
83. The custom of having a number of wives ___ Polygamy.
84. The custom of having more than one husband ___Polygandry.
85. Anything through which one can not see ___ Opaque.
86. A man who knows many languages ___ Linguist.
87. That which can not be conquered ___ Invincible.
88. A disease which spreads through air ___ Infectious.
89. The killing of an infant ___ Infanticide.
90. A man who can not make a mistake ___ Infallible.
91. A man who can not be appointed ___ Ineligible.
92. A thing that can not be believed ___Incredible.
93. Goods brought into a country ___ Imports
94. Men coming into a country ___ Immigrants
95. A writing that can not be read ___ Illegible
96. That which can not be eaten ___ Inedible
97. That which can not be solved ___ Insoluble
98. A person who can not pay off his debts ___ Insolvent
99. A government carried on by a king ___ Monarchy
100. The government by Lords and nobles ___ Aristocracy
(One Word Substitution)
101. The rule of officials ___ Bureaucracy
102. The rule of the rich ___ Plutocracy
103. The rule of the mob ___ Mobocracy
104. The rule of the church official ___Theocracy
105. One who loves his country ___Patriot
106. One who is all-powerful ___ Omnipotent
107. One who is present everywhere ___ Omnipresent
108. One who can see everything ___ Omniscient
109. Animals that live in groups ___ Gregarious
110. Animals that can live both on land and water ___Amphibious
111. Animals that eat both meat and vegetables ___ Omnivorous
112. Medicine to kill germs, insects etc___ Insecticide
113. The killing of one’s own mother ___ Matricide
114. The killing of an entire religious group, class, race, nation, etc___ Genocide
115. Killing on a large scale ___Massacre
116. A book containing account or description of books ___ Bibliography
117. One who loves books ___ Bibliophile
118. One who loves womankind ___ Philogynist
119. One who does not marry ___ Bachelor
120. One who hates the institution of marriage ___Misoganist
121. One who changes his principles from time to time ___ Opportunist
122. One who takes a gloomy view of the future ___ Pessimist
123. The study of the origin of words ___ Etymology
124. One who is hopeful of the future ___ Optimist
125. The science of gardening ___ Horticulture.
126. The study of the lines on the palm ___ Palmistry.
127. One who breaks idols ___Iconoclast.
One Word Substitution
128. One who worships idols ___ Idolator.
129. The doctrine of considering everything as a manifestation of god ___Pantheism.
130. One who does not believe in God ___ Atheist.
131. One who reads books eagerly___ Voracious.
132. One who wants peace and the total abolition of war. ___ Pacifist.
133. One who is quarrelsome and ever ready to fight. ___Bellicose.
134. Nations at wars ___ Belligerent.
135. One who makes pleasure the chief end of life.___ Hedonist.
136. One who loves only himself ___ Egoist.
137. A man who loves others ___ Altruist.
138. One who hates knowledge ___Misologist.
139. One who lives in another country ___Alien.
140. One who gives up his religion ___Apostate.
141. A soldier who runs away from the army ___Deserter.
142. One who leaves his party and joins another party ___Renegade.
143. One who can use either hand with equal skill ___ Ambidextrous.
144. One who travels on horseback ___ Equestrian.
145. One who walks on foot ___ Pedestrian.
146. A purse carried by a lady ___ Reticule.
147. Medical examination of a dead body ___ Post Mortem.
148. A decision taken with the consent of all ___ Unanimous.
149. A speech or writing too full of words ___ Verbose.
150. Favouring one’s own relatives ___ Nepotism.
(One Word Substitution)
151. A state based on one particular religion ___ Theocracy.
152. A state not based on any particular religion ___ secular.
153. An author who steals ideas and passages from another author ___Plagiarist.
154. Those who work in the same office or institution ___ Colleagues.
155. One who works enthusiastically for some noble cause ___Missionary.
156. That can be explained in more than one way ___ Equivocal.
157. That which can not be understood clearly___ Ambiguous.
158. One who gets angry at trifles ___ Irritable.
159. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain ___stoic.
One Word Substitution
160. A conversation with one’s own self ___ Soliloquy.
161. One who can speak in more than one voice ___ Ventriloquist.
162. One who walks in his sleep ___ Somnambulist.
163. One whose favourite recreation is lovemaking ___Philanderer.
164. One who is very rigid in matters of discipline ___ Martinet.
165. One who advocates the cause of women ___ Feminist.
166. One who is given to the enjoyment of the senses ___ Epicure.
167. One who is proud of his learning ___ Pedant
168. A child born without the marriage of its mother ___ Illegitimate
169. Words engraved on one’s tomb ___ Epitaph
170. A place where clothes are kept ___ Wardrobe
171. One who stands against his own country or king ___ Traitor
172. The act of speaking disrespectfully about God___ Blasphemy
173. The act of violating the sanctity of a place of worship ___ Sacrilege
174. One who shows unreasonable enthusiasm for some cause ___Fanatic
175. One who is particular about the smallest detail ___ Meticulous
176. An umbrella used by a lady ___ Parasol
177. A building where dead bodies are kept ___ Mortuary
178. A list of the dead ___ Obituary
179. One who has a long experience ___ Veteran
180. A woman whose husband is dead ___ Widow
181. A man whose wife is dead ___ Widower
182. That which happens twice a year ___ Biannual
183. Prayers offered in the morning ___ Matin
184. Prayers offered in the evening ___Vesper
185. One who believes in practical observation and experience ___Empirical
186. That which can not be divided ___ Indivisible
187. That which can not be questioned ___ Unquestionable
188. That which can not be avoided ___ Unavoidable
189. That which is liable to be burnt ___ Inflammable
190. A language which is no longer in use ___AÂ dead language
191. A word which has the same meaning with another ___ Synonym
192. A property inherited from father ___ Patrimony
193. Above all price and value ___ Invaluable
194. Animals living on human flesh ___ Cannibal
195. Beyond the power of nature ___ Supernatural
196. Contrary to nature ___ Unnatural
197. A place where buying and selling of goods are done ___ Market
198. A place where birds and animals are kept for show ___ Zoo
199. A place where clothes are manufactured ___ Cloth Mill
200. A place where goods are manufactured___ Factory
(One Word Substitution)
201. A building where goods are stored before sale ___ Godown
202. A place where lunatics are treated ___ Asylum
203. A house where the Muslims offer prayer ___Mosque
204. A building where objects of historic, scientific and arts are kept ___ Museum
205. A place where people stay for improvement of health ___ Sanitorium
206. The Head-quarter of a Government ___ Capital
207. Where two flowing rivers meet ___ Confluence
208. People who attend a meeting to listen to lectures ___ Audience
209. The students who appear in the examination___ Examinee
210. One who composes poem ___Poet
211. One who makes ornaments ___ Goldsmith
212. One who makes shoes ___ Cobbler
213. Who is famous for delivering lectures ___ Orator
214. One who dies for good cause ___ Martyr.Â
215. A line without any curve ___ Straight.
216. A man who is one hundred years old ___ Centenarian.
217. The first meal of the day ___ Breakfast.
218. Where a lion lives ___ Den.
219. Where the king lives ___ Palace.
220. Where a spider lives ___ Cobweb.
221. Where a horse lives ___ Stable.
222. Where a bird lives ___ Nest.
223. A man of eighty years old ___ Octogenarian.
224. Where any people can take meal ___ Hotel.
225. Where pupils come to read ___ School.
226. Where dead persons are buried ___ Grave.
227. Of no avail ___ Futile. 0 0 0
One Word Substitution
N.B. Â The article ‘One Word Substitution’ originally belongs to the book ‘School English Grammar Part- II‘ by Menonim Menonimus. One Word Substitution
Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:
- Advertisement Writing
- Amplification Writing
- Note Making
- Paragraph Writing
- Notice Writing
- Passage Comprehension
- The Art of Poster Writing
- The Art of Letter Writing
- Report Writing
- Story Writing
- Substance Writing
- School Essays Part-I
- School Essays Part-II
- School English Grammar Part-I
- School English Grammar Part-II..
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