My Dear A Heart

My Dear A Heart

My Dear A Heart



My Dear A Heart

(Collected Poems)




Menonim Menonimus




Internet Edition



My Dear A Heart (A Collection of Poems) ‘by Menonim Menonimus, Published by

My Dear A Heart



Internet Edition





D.T.P. by A. Shahriar


Printed at:





When Your Eye-brow


My Lines


Against Myself

A Portrait


A Vagabond

To Welcome the Eternity

He Will Come

I Wish to Live


I’m Known to All

The Sun-bathed Corn Field

I’m Proud of

For You


My Heart



For My Motherland



A Symbol of Joy and Pain

Of My Own

A Poet’s Epitaph

Standing on the Open Field

My Eyes Are on Yours

I’m Captivated


Your Laugh


In Such a Sweet Night

What Will I Send to You


The Peepal Tree


Without You


For An Oasis

Talk to Me Nothing

What Will We Talk About



When I am Alone

For Ever a Lover

For Want of Love

My Tears

The Dove Cooed

Excuse Me

The Credit Goes to You


Lonely Night

Braid of Your Hair

Like the Western Wind

Like Your Love

Oh! My Beloved

For the Whole Yester-night


Had You Known



I Will Get Immortality

To My Weary Eyes

I’m Dead

The Wind of Spring

In Peace

I’m Moribund

How are You

Mad of

I’m Too Tired of

Bid Me Farewell

O, My Mother

In Such a Winter

In the Funeral Obsequies

Every Moment

I Can’t Take a Bath

Merina Again

The Boy

She Was

The Summer Sky

In My Wallet


Come Out

Since That Day

My Moon-night

The Bloody Earth

My Tears

How It Burns

Too Much Intimacy


The Forbidden Fruit


Why Do You Ask Me

To My Darling


Token of Love

Journey For Love

Where is He

I Don’t Believe

A  Pair of Dove

In the Full Moon Night

O My Dearest One

You Have Given Me

I Have






When Your Eye-brow


When your eye-brow

Gazes at me

I remind my days of childhood

And meditate on the love of ensuing future

When the sparkling nocturnal sky

Sends down her pretty stars

I lose myself within my soul

With the renewed hope of life.

Otherwise, I would have died in the long past. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart



Once again 

The two souls 

Knitted together in a heart are separated.

Through the amusement of Christmas

Once again the brick wall 

Breaks down 

Once again we are dead. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

My Lines


The about-to-coming days

One by one are going back

Throwing the Curfew Act

Through the noise of the marching revolt.

About to reawakening furrows

The new light of hope

Sets down on the horizon.

And about to germinating faces

Are forever humiliated. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart



When the stars fall down

When the lotus spreads its petals

Either to sigh or to laugh

I investigate the campaign of poetry.

When the decrepit river

Changes its gliding path

To the wave of life 

Spring comes down to the lap of my mother.

When the skeleton of the democratic child

Whine gaping their mouth upward

For a drop of either milk or water

Then  all the black dark of the sky 

Falls down to my heart. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

Against Myself


My creation and devastation

Take shape in the interior of my world

The love songs of my gone days and nights

Are compiled by the author of my soul

And then I die within myself 

And again I take birth out of my death

It is our daily discipline inherited from our forefathers. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

A Portrait


On my worn-out wall

Hangs a portrait of a youth 

Who painted it- I don’t know

I don’t know whose portrait it is

I know he was a youth like me 

His hair is red like blood

In his hand is a flag of green colour

Sometimes in the deep darkness trembles his face

As if he will speak

When I’m lonely 

I feel his language in my heart

His soul is snatched away.

Yet I hear him sing the song of our redemption. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



The splendour of the rising sun

Before picking up the dump noon

Comes down through the irony stair of the airy route

Then I feel that I’m not dead!

And then to nurse myself I search out 

For handful manure.

And then I proceed on 

By the bank of the Luit in search of bricks 

To build a temple of Love.

Exploring the source of hope my mates come out

Carrying the twigs of green trees. 0 0 0

Note: Luit is a great river that flows from east to west through Assam (India) and Bangladesh. It is also called Brahmaputra, Padya, Mahabahu etc.

My Dear A Heart

A Vagabond


He came off a shower of rain

An ivory stick was in his hand to stand with

His hair is grey

His face is wrinkled

His eyes are green and bulging

His beard is white

I asked him:

What is your name?

What is your Nationality?

What is your whereabouts?

He whispered to my ears: 

I’m an aborigine of the earth

Now a vagabond. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

To Welcome the Eternity


Don’t hide yourself under the hill

Today an earthquake would take birth

Fire! Fire! Fire!


Think of it-

And make yourself ready to welcome Eternity. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

He Will Come


He will come 

Like a gust of storm,

Like a hilly spring

Being a spirit

We are waiting to welcome him.

After his arrival, the earth would be pregnant

We have to wait only till tomorrow

Be hurry, oh! Mother,

We are in need of some storm-like brothers. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

I Wish to Live


Under the green sky 

Beside the blue hill

The lotus, jasmine, marigold and daisy bloom

They bloom with mouthful smile

Upon whom the morning dew 

Drips down golden dye

And adorn them with the glory of Heaven

I wish to live long amidst them

Till the doomsday. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



Reverend Socrates,

The First Martyr of Philosophy

With due honour 

I have a question:

Why have you taken birth?

Dear Disciple,

Listen to me:

I’m born that you can learn to ask a question.


Dear Sir,

The true Master of Logic

With due honour

I have another question:

Why must I learn to ask a question?


Dear Disciple:

Turn to Light and listen to:

You must learn to ask a question to know-

What you are.


Dear Sir, excuse me

I have a question more:

What am I?


Dear disciple,

Open your eyes and see-

You are the feeblest creation of God. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

I’m Known to All


I’m known to all

Who are war- beaten

But not known to myself.

I am a source of hope 

For those who are exploited

But I’m hopeless.

I am the sun 

For the dead

But I’m in the dark. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

The Sun-bathed Corn Field


The sun-bathed cornfield

Swept over by the western wind

Swept over its petals, buds and yellowness

And made dappled with juicy food. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

I’m Proud of


I’m proud of the snow-filled Himalaya

With its crags and rocks

With its fountain, spring and stream 

That fertilize our bosom.

I’m proud of my land

With its salty sea-

Its fishes, waves and torrents.

I’m proud of the dense forest 

With birds and animals

With one-horned rhinos

Dappled and tan-faced deers.

I’m proud of the Indus, Ganges, Cauvery, 

And of the mighty Brahmaputra

Whose muddy water inundates our barren field.

I’m proud of the green valley

With its paddy and wheat, jut and nut

But more I’m proud of my mother’s lap

Full of affection, comfort and love. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

For You


I’m sent down for you.

You are here and there

Please take me up to thee

I’m far away from myself. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



Love is my rose

Recently bloomed.

Love is my ink

Just dropped down.

Love is my stars

That twinkle in my dark heart.

Love is my sighs and tears

That keeps me living. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

My Heart


My heart is like a myrtle tree

Surrounded by green woods

On it hangs a burning portrait

Engraved by red blood

Always shedding tears. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



We are dancing a dance

For our whole life

In accordance with whose tones

We don’t know.

We are singing

A song

For our whole life

But whose song we don’t know.

We are drums being kept beaten

But by whom we don’t know.

We are being played as flutes

But we don’t know who plays on us. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



It is politics

That makes us learn tricks

The tricks to-

Deceive us,

Cheat us,

Fraud us.

Politics – a devil, a monster

That induces us to-

Suck ourselves our blood. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

For My Motherland


I love you

My motherland- 

The land of Mahatma, the land of Nehru, 

The land of Tilak, the land of Naidu

In the veins and cells of my blood

In the fibre of my bulk

Is the dream of your fair face.

I love you, my motherland-

The land of Azad, the land of Pal, 

The land of Roy, the land of Bhagat.

I love is your every atom-

Its sands and mud

My love is to your golden paddy field

My love is to your high and low hills

With teak, cinnamon, oak and cedar.

My love is to your-

Ganges, Yamuna and Brahmaputra.

For you my dear land 

I can shed my red blood to the last drop.

I can sing songs-

The song of harmony

The song of brotherhood

The song of freedom tinged with the golden rays of the sun

I can sacrifice my breast, my throat, my stamina

And for you, I can die with a smiling face. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



What is sorrow?

It is our lack of endeavour.

What is pleasure?

It is our enjoyment.

What is pain?

It is our foolishness.

What is love?

It is our feeling. 

What is wisdom?

It is our conscience.

What is fear?

It is our weakness.

What is bravery? 

It is our self-belief.

What are tears? 

It is our heart’s purification.

What is God?

It is our title.

What is death?

It is our question.

What is life?

It is a mystery. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart



Only some days ago

Here just here

I put my belly

Beside this slept volcano

Now my belly has turned itself into a flaming fire. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

A Symbol of Joy and Pain


In my close-fisted hand

Is a bunch of flowers

Black, white, red and lily coloured.

The gust of wind is at my back

Sorrow-stricken, pain-stricken, solitude-stricken.

I’m surprised-

The bunch of flowers has turned into a cup of honey.

Again I took up a flower

Of crimson colour

I’m surprised-

It turned into a venomous snake. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

Of My Own


The secret soul of my heart

Is put  silently

In your heart

Beyond my consciousness.

I wield the plow of the furrow

With green dreams.

Bunch of skeletons come out of my digging up the ground

Which was beyond my reach.

All the joys of mine are yours

And all the sorrows are my own. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

A Poet’s Epitaph


After my death

Beside my pyre

Utter these words:

Here this poor poet lost his hours

Running after the little moments.

And write on my Epitaph:

Nobody else should come searching after those moments

All those lost poor moments are absolutely mine. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Standing on the Open Field


Standing on the open field

You would call me up aloud

Aloud we would call up you all

The free wind thwarted our voice

Taking a sharp sword in its hand

We did not know –

Where was to turn: whether to the hilly gorge

Treading the faithless foots

Or whether we should follow 

The royal road smeared with red blood. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

My Eyes Are on Yours


Today my eyes are on your eyes,

My mother

Through your wrinkled two cheeks

Glides down the golden light

In the chasmless darkness of your heart

Glitters my inner man.

Galloping over the darkness passes away the horse of light

And through my heart the whizzing sound

Of some newly hatched words burst out like fire. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

I’m Captivated


Your gracious appeal has captivated my feelings

And revolve round your sparkling beauty

As the earth revolves round the sun

Or as the sun does round the galaxy.

What is the difference between the charm Venus and your beauty?

Venus is but a poor imitation

After your black spot.

Hence the door of my heart is kept open

Enter into and keep living forever and ever

I am your thrall to guard you

Till you get eternity. 

I will feed you with all my heart’s embrace

I am here to adore your grace. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



Had you known to

The bitterness of keeping away from the sun

Thou would have been cold

And died without leaving an existence. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Your Laugh


Your laugh 

A lion

A bulldog

A storm

A fathomless abyss

A Saturn

An assassinator

A cup of poison

A winter night

A prison cell

A lonely travelling 

A death.

Your laugh

A living tomb. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 




Your nights are days

My days are nights.

Your tears are smiles 

My smiles are tears.

Your sorrows are joys

My joys are sorrows.

Your death is life

My life is death.

Your hell is heaven

My heaven is my hell

Your ugliness is your beauty

My beauty is my ugliness.

But who knows 

You are lonely in your world

As I am in my narrow cell. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

In Such a Sweet Night


On such a sweet night like this one

What could a poet do?

Maybe he would smile at the Moon 

Hidden behind the clouds of winter

And dream of how he can wake up! 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

What Will I Send to You


What will I send to you, my Beloved?

Still today I am away from you 

As you are from me 

Like that of the twinkling stars of the sky

Or as the wild meadows of the African plain

Are far away from me.

You have been glittering as a brighter star 

I am being trodden as a fistful green under the foot. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



That day- 

The previous Friday

You came.

The time was early morning

You and I 

Like two tired strangers

Talked to each other

With the words devoid of alphabet

The talk that was never told before us. 

The spring came unto my breast

As there were you

You are still there

Hence spring comes to me again and again

As winter follows autumn. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

The Peepal Tree


The Peepal tree

That we had seen

Along the street

Have you recalled of them?

Today as the dewdrops have dropped down

So your warm breast has made me

Tremble on my lonely couch. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



My well-wishes

Though it is late

I hoped to send them to you

As the rose spreads fragrance 

With the advent of spring.

But alas! I have no means to accost you. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Without You


What have you been thinking?

Just at this moment, on such a hot night.

My eyes have become inundated 

With the flood of tears.

Say, such a lonely ecstasy 

How can I bear? 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

For You


For you 

How many nights

Would I make the sky weep

Setting fire with the fuel of my heart?

Again we’ve faced each other

On the brink of midway

Of our journey to eternity

Placing our hearts upon each other.

We, both can sing a song

With the words of silence

As a devotee does to the Lord in a solitary cave

But alas! I don’t know-

Whether you hear or not. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

For An Oasis


I’ve been making a breast-full belief

Amid the hot sands of the desert

In this skin-cutting winter

Searching after an oasis. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

Talk to Me Nothing


Talk to me nothing

Never talk to me anything

With the language of your feeling

Everything you talk, as long as remains untold,

Makes an echo in my breast. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

What Will We Talk About


What will we talk about?

Since what was to talk

Have been forgotten already

As a long span of separation sweeps away the passion.

Now if needs let us pick up

From the plain fields of memory

That had been our own long ago. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart



I can’t deny- 

I am washed off with the milk of stigma

Never ask me more-

Of my love to you

I am so weak to make a sin again

With the promise of getting your feigned kissing. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart



I’ve given my heart to none

But it does not mean that

I’ve not a heart to feel

As the river thinks of the sea

Remaining lonely amid the vast green. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

When I am Alone


When I am alone

I am with you

All the stars of the far-off sky

Twinkle in my heart

None sees 

There lies my pain. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

Forever a Lover


My words may not get the reorganized

Bearing the purport of poetry

Or my lines may not get echoed in your heart

But it does not mean that 

I have not sense of amour in my little heart.

I am forever a lover. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

For Want of Love


Why is so long to-night?

Oh! I’ve come to sense

Though late

It is for your absence from my bosom. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

My Tears


My tears are like the dews of your life

They melt away in the very cold night also

Like the meteors, they burn

But never come to ashes. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

The Dove Cooed


The dove had been cooing all night

I did not know till that day-

What did it mean for?

But now it is too late to appreciate. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Excuse Me


That whistling

I listened to that night

Through the hole of the bamboo wall

But the talk is that

I have forgotten to make an echo in my heart. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

The Credit Goes to You


I’ve nothing to convey to you:

What is called Love?

The credit 

For all that I’ve learnt

Goes to you. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



Who is there as happy as a king?

As beautiful as the butterfly?

Shut up your eyes and think

Let me know what you see. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Lonely Night


As long as you had not been with me

The far-off stars wept

Squatting along the bank of darkness

All night. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Braid of Your Hair


As the waves of a river in summer

Get up and down

So is the braid of your hair

Dances with the air of my desire

That makes me forget my entity

And enkindles my fire. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Like the Western Wind


Like the western wind

What have you kept hidden 

In the pores of your hair?

You may show me or not

I would neither ask you 

Nor would I peep through. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Like Your Love


Like your love that day

Would you continue loving me all your life?

I would embrace you 

With all the sorrows and pain

I think love is not love 

That seeks only comforts. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Oh! My Beloved


Now the night is drawing near

With the thickness of snow

With the fear of a pyre

How long would you remain away

Bing sullen?

Oh! My beloved. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

For the Whole Yester-night


For the whole yesternight

The western wind was blowing with a gust

Yet it could not shake the fringe of my hair

As  the least reminiscence of yours does

And breaks away the building of my inner heart. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



A shower of white cloud

Has crossed over the golden bridge of the sky

The heart queen has fled away in a golden van

Leaving behind her desolate earth. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Had You Known


Had you known

How tiresome a night is

For me without you!

Had you known how much tears 

The eyes can shed night by night! 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



My horse has begun to gallop

To overtake you

In such a desert.

The lotus has begun to melt

Without spreading its flavour. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart



What does a song know?

What does it convey?

He knows better

Who is bled with the wound of thorns

While inhaling the smell. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

I Will Get Immortality


I was, I am, I will be

Being yours

If you are mine

I will get immortality. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

To My Weary Eyes


O, my eyes

And how much would you flow down 

Being tired?

Come on, let us 

Pick up the thorns. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

I’m Dead


You are my moon 

The tone of my hymns

The cadence of my lyrics

The cradle of my desire

The colours of my amour

The beacon of my light.

You are my soul

Look at here

I am dead! 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

The Wind of Spring


The wind of spring 

Is but the fragrance of our sport

Fallen scattered 

Because of our drunkenness. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

In Peace


A breast-full hope 

Has been nourished

With the light of your eyes

With the smell of your sweat

With the air of your respiration

Now, let me die! 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

I’m Moribund


Again I’ve reminded of-

How worth looking your hair braid was

Again I’ve reminded of-

How worth smelling the scent of your eye dye was

When all those come to my mind

I become moribund with a mystic joy. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

How are You


How are you?

Here I am not sitting idle

Peep through the chasm of the hills

I am composing the verses of your forehead. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Mad of


The entire world 

With all its being is in deep sleep


I am- 

This poor poet has been keeping awake

Being mad of your past memory. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

I’m Too Tired of


I know- how a piece of Japanese Haiku smells

I know- how a China verse revolts

I know- how Chilean poet sighs

I know- how an Israeli hews the head of a Palestinee

I know how- humanity is suffocated in the capitals of Africa

I know how- a rose bites a fly

But oh! My sweet-heart, 

I am too tired of your tricks 

To know the meaning of your smile. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

Bid Me Farewell


Bid me farewell 

My dear one

How much would you 

Beguile me

With your venomous smile? 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

O, My Mother


How charming is your love

I am blind of both eyes 

Since I am born 

O, my mother

Let me remain as I am

All my life. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

In Such a Winter


The spring flower is with me

Yet the world stinks 

It is mid-day 

Yet darkness heaps upon the darkness

The water is getting snow

Yet it is too hot here

In such a winter. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

In the Funeral Obsequies


At the funeral obsequies

They invited all

Wishing a long life of my soul- 

All the invitees came

There came my friends,

There came my maids,

They came who loved me

They also came who did not love me

Among the people who were present

There were some who never knew me

There were some who did not hear my name

Except only one 

For whom 

They arranged my funeral. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Every Moment


One by one 

The wind becomes unacquainted

And minute by minute 

I become isolated.


In every minute

The Rainbow changes its colours

Only it is I 

Who remains unchanged.


Every day the grasses are growing

It is only I 

That is getting withered moment by moment.


In every minute

The river is lulling the fishes

It is only I 

That is lying dead. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

I Can’t Take a Bath


I can’t take a bath in the river of blood

If need I will remain dirty

As the fragrance of your love

Kept me blind

Throughout the spring.


It is the green synthesis of my soul

Torn by the poking of thorns.

It is a handful of food for the hungry soul

To keep on living ahead.


Please don’t call me unto you

I wish to live more

As I wish to enjoy the yellowish hue of the sunset. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Merina Again


How are you Merina?

Have you still

A basketful hope

To build a breast-full dream?

With the hope of yours

There bloomed flowers in my breast

Don’t you know?

But now all is history.

I have been swinging in that cradle.

Do you not know?

Still today I keep awake

I talk with you all night

The talk that has not been talked about by anyone till date.

We talk about the days of spring

About the days of autumn

About the dropping down night jasmine.

In this spring 

There blooms the rosy gardenia in my garden

To adorn your hair braid. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

The Boy


Today in the broad daylight

The soul of the boy has been sent far away

Who had sung the song? 

In his song, there was a tone of redemption. 

I have not got the chance of peeping 

Through the pores of his tone.

But I know well :

One day his image embarrassed my rhymes.

And another day 

His cadence added new strength to my verses 

Now his throat is suffocated in the mid daylight.

The people who strangled him to death say:

He made an attack on them who like to raid the rays of light.

For that crime, he is rewarded with death

I can’t say- whether it has been done good or bad to him

Because one of my souls has already gone to the other world

Being made me suffer alone. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

She Was


Her life was like the life of a canotis fish

That dies of its own fragrance

Her mystery was like that of Violina

The goddess of light

Everybody who went to her got depressed

Because of her utter indifference to his presence. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

The Summer Sky


The sky of summer-

It is cloud here 

It is raining there

And then a transparent blue sky.

It seems as fickle as your love.

I am unable to appreciate

What does the change mean?

Is it the inner instinct or madness of its vastness?


To the road leading to the temple 

There is not a shower of rain

We have to walk ahead in the sun

We pray to God:

Let us keep living till the coming of the next spring

It would be the first spring of our mutual love

After waiting through many a summer. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

In My Wallet


In my wallet 

There is nothing

Except some gleaned alms

The alms is the only spare goods 

Gathered throughout all my days.

If you need you can forfeit it

But please don’t seize off my wallet

Let me gather again the food for your living. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



What is there to be more intoxicated with

Than the evergreen juice of your love?

Truly I am the monk of your love

There is my entity

I am there wherever your fragrance is

I catch the image of your love in every respiration

At day or at night. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Come Out


Come out 

Stand up in the open field

And invoke:

Come out and keep your hands upon hands. 

I from here am coming out

I, with all my tone, 

Invoking all to walk ahead

To the valley of death 

To keep our freedom living.

Let us revolt against 

Who mock at us being corpulent drinking our blood

We are ready for death.

Let us die for life. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Since That Day


Since then I have been feeling this heartbeat

In the core of my bosom

Since that moment – you stared at me

With the shyness of a hare 

And with the sharpness of a vulture.

I am dead since that day. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

My Moon-night


My every night is moon-night

The moon-beam is my first friend

My first guide and philosopher

That teaches me the alphabet of dark and light

Just now I have learned to make sentences 

With the particles of light and darkness

If I were a poet 

How well I could paint the faces of my people! 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

The Bloody Earth


Almost every sun-bathed morning

The Earth gets drunk

And loses her senses

The sculls of ours drop down from our heads

And we forget that we are the inhabitants of this Earth.

You look at me

I look at you

We become unacquainted with each other

Some of us sip off our red blood

And try to get back their senses

Some of us shoot bullets at others

And thus we make our Earth bloody

Every day, every morning. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

My Tears


My tears, where are you?

I want to cry 

After the lapse of some days

So long I had been dead.

Again I have got life 

Let me cry

And let me enjoy the pleasure of life. 

We count the amount of our peace and pleasure

With the drops of our tears

We gauge –how much love there is in our heart

To our people, to our mother. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

How It Burns


Had you asked me once

How have you been living?

I would have died in peace.

Since you left me 

I have been living with a breast 

Full of woes of the cloudy sky 

Had you not come to my life!


Let me put my heart upon yours for once

You would see- how it burns! 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

Too Much Intimacy


If you had been with me

I would have not been able to compose my verses

The forlorn veins of your face

Wipe away the lines of my writings

The patches robes put on your chest

Entangle the meaning of my poems.

The rhymes fall headlong under the feet in sighs

The pain-stricken sweat on your forehead

Washes off the rays of my pen 

Coming out of the nib. 

It is for which I can’t compose verses 

When you are with me.


It had been better 

If you had gone away stealthily in a deep dark night

I would have enjoyed the pleasure of sufferance. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 



For your honour’s sake

I took up the road

You said:

That was the only road free from thorns

It is – o, my Lord

I am torn, I am bruised, I am wounded. 

Blood has been dropping down

From my forehead

Excuse me, my Lord.

Farewell. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

The Forbidden Fruit


This very moment, I’ve no feeling, no thought, no passion, no, emotion in my mind. Now my mind is empty as an empty pitcher. I’ve no thought of my dear one in my mind. Nor have I, in my mind, the image of my father who has left us some days ago. I am like a lotus blooming in the lake far off from the sight of man. But suddenly a flash of light comes to me from Heaven.  It comes down just only to me.  It has enlightened my dark heart and stagnant cells of my mind. Now I’ve begun to see what is beyond our eye-sight. Now I can shut my eyelids and can see well. I’m so much enlightened that the stars have entered my heart. Since today I’ve been born again – my first birth was like the birth of Adam and Eve. Then my senses were deaf, dark and blind, I could think nothing, judge nothing and feel nothing. Now I’ve eaten the forbidden fruit and am born twice. Let me eat the ‘Forbidden Fruit again and again and let me live. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

What is poetry for me?


What is Poetry for Me? —— It is the music in my woeful days, the light-pot of my hope when I am in despair. It’s a warm coat during the days of winter. When I’m in a solitary cell, it is my dearest darling, it reels and lulls me to sleep. It’s the lotus that blossoms at midnight to make me see. It’s a mellow touch of a soft hand on my coarse forehead. It’s a source of smile amid my weeping. It’s a diamond blooming in my tears. It’s an inspiration to live long. It’s a flag of triumph in front of my poverty. Poetry is my joys, my consolation, my pride, my blood and the poverty-beaten face of my late father. Poetry is what makes me love life. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Why You Ask Me


Why you ask me——

What is poetry?

Study thy own feeling and emotion, thy sighs and tears, smile and joys. If you are weary of life come out of thy door and look at the starry sky, their twinkling. What appeal do they cast upon thy heart? Think it well –it’s poetry.

Once you happen to go alone through a by lane, surrounded by dense bush, with neither a friend nor a guide—as far as you go ahead so much the bush deepens – then sure, a feeling must come to arise in thy heart—and this feeling is poetry.

Have you ever seen the sea full of blue? If not go to the shore of the sea and cast thy eyes on the endless waves and feel well what impression they fall upon thy heart — and this is poetry.

Have you ever been neglected by thy father or mother, friend or maid? 

If yes, call to thy heart how much sorrow-stricken thy heart becomes!

Or have you ever been cheated by anyone?

Yes, you have been cheated – and then what was your feeling – it is poetry.

Have you not understood yet? 

It rises in the heart and heart alone that gets expressed through the mind decorated with the dress of words and words. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

To My Darling


While thou hast keep thyself away from me 

I sleep and dream of thee.

I dream like a wild peacock while it is under the grasp of a hunter.

It looks around and looks for its maid and reminds the moments spent with his dearest one.

While thou are away from me and laugh with somebody else, then my heart pains as the heart of Siri felt agony while her mate Farah was in jail. 

If thou art away from me and sing songs to the ears of my opponents

Then I cry and weep within my heart like a motherless child. Thou, when set on thy foot in the street leaving me behind— I take shelter in my bed, then stir, then weep, and then cry like a forlorn sailor on a solitary island.

While thou go ahead walking fast, my heart runs after thee though my muddy body remains to lie back.

And then I felt like an all-lost king.

As long-distance thou go so long my soul creeps to thee. Thou art my soul that keeps me alive. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart



The whole half yesternight I had a thought of you

Had thou with me in the same cell

What had not been done to thee!

I, with all my warm affection, would have embraced thee. 

Perhaps, you would have made all your limbs gap up to engulf ecstasy.

Your chest would have been upon mine

The fragrance of thy cloud-like hair would have dripped down my breast.

I would have bitten you—or you would have done the same.

But alas! You are away from me

And I am from you

But think my love is like the moon that keeps revolving round the earth all the time. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Token of Love


The finest rose if I could collect

I would have sent it to you

As a token of my evergreen love.

A love, that is gifted with the rays of the sun

Endowed with the dye of blood-red lake lotus

Bathed in fragrant flower.

I, being a thief, pluck the black dye from the eyes of night-nymph 

To put on thy brown hair

I pluck the affection of my mother

To gift you as a token of my ever-warm love.

If thou had known

How much love I bear for you!

It is as much as the water of the sea

As immense as the blue horizon of the sky. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

Journey For Love


A journey to thy heart 

I will have for love

Lend me some of your juice

To have a swim in

I am too poor to live.

Your heart if full of flowing honey

Let me drown and quench my thirst and die.

How good thou would be 

If thou allow me to break through your door

I will strike no more. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

Where is He


Where is he?

My friends, my joys, my beauty, my sanity

I am under your feet, O sky

Beclouded by my nonentity.

I am yours faithfully – a poet

I have only a beckon of light—my heart

Amid the sea of darkness—I scribe my verse.

Friend, would you please exchange your smile for my glittering tears?

I am yours truly.

Please leave me alone

I am the sovereign over my pain. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

I Don’t Believe


I shall die

I don’t believe

I shall be living all the time

From mouth to mouth, words to words

From heart to heart

Because I am thy beloved. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

A  Pair of Dove

A pair of a dove was flying over my head

It had gone to the north, to the south, to the east

But in the west, it had roamed many years

But found no plant, no peak to perch on.

Everywhere there is gun-powder, fire and dance of death.

It roamed and roamed and then come back to my breast

I offered the core of my heart to live in. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

In the Full Moon Night


Tonight is the night of the full moon

I’ve opened the door

And through the door

The moonlit entered my breast

I hoped to make joy with you

Bathing in the sea of light.

But alas!

You are far away from me

I am alone on my bed guarding a sleepless night.

Had thou known how much burnt my heart is! 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

O My Dearest One


O, my dearest one, thou are the world where I can see the hills and vales 

With evergreen shrubs and trees

With burning comet and shining stars.

On thy face, I can catch all the rays of the sun, 

The perfume of all the deserts

And the fragrance of all the best roses.

While I look at thy nose-

I see the pyramid of ancient Egypt standing proudly 

Through the ages and become astonished.

But thy heart is the bay of sea which I can never reach.

Thy two hips are two high hills full of adventures

I struggle to climb up but every time I fail.

I struggle and fail

I struggle and fail 

Failure is my victory. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart

You Have Given Me


You have given me, yea, you have given me all—

My homes, domes, my yard and garden, my shield and field, land and sand

You have given the sea of sorrows. 0 0 0

My Dear A Heart 

I Have


I have a heart full of moonlit.

I have a pair of eyes full of dreams.

I have a pair of hands full of the smell of marigold,

I have a pair of ears full of songs,

I have a sky full of shining stars

I have a garden full of jasmine

I have a river full of silver trouts.

I have a lake full of green lotus

I have woods full of fine trees.

But I have a belly full of fire,

Fire is in the belly of my mother

Fire is in the belly of my maid

Fire is in the lakes and hills

Fire is everywhere

Where there is a heart devoid of love. 0 0 0


*The End*


Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

Additional Searches: 

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Next articleMy Native Land
I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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