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Thrift -An Essay

Thrift-An Essay

 Thrift-An Essay Thrift Thrift-An Essay Introduction: 'Thrift' means the habit of saving something for the future. This is a very good habit. We should save something from our earnings for the future.  Utility: There are many ups and...
The Study of Biography-An Essay

The Study of Biography-An Essay

 The Study of Biography-An Essay The Study of Biography The Study of Biography-An Essay Introduction: A biography is the story of a person's life and deeds. It is a record of a man's life, his successes and...
The Study of Science-An Essay

The Study of Science-An Essay

The Study of Science-An Essay The Study of Science The Study of Science-An Essay Introduction: Science is the systematic study through observation and experiment of the laws behind the working of things. The main business of science is...
Amusement | Entertainment-An Essay

Amusement | Entertainment-An Essay

Amusement | Entertainment-An Essay Amusement Amusement | Entertainment-An Essay Introduction: 'Amusement is a provision of entertainment that makes us forget boredom after labour and makes our body and mind relaxed. Entertainment gives us joy, new strength and health. Types of...
Benefits of Fruits-An Essay

Benefits of Fruits-An Essay

Benefits Of Fruits-An Essay Benefits of Fruits-An Essay Benefits of Fruits-An Essay This blue planet of ours by the name of Earth is the only planet in this infinite mysterious universe that bears all the conditions of...
Habit-An Essay

Habit-An Essay

Habit-An Essay Habit Habit-An Essay Introduction: Habit is a settled tendency to do or practise certain things regularly which can hardly be given up. Habits are formed by repetition. If a man does the same thing again...
Duty-An Essay

Duty-An Essay

Duty-An Essay Duty Duty-An Essay Introduction: Duty is a task or action that one requires to perform. It may be either a   moral or legal responsibility. Life means work. So everyone, as a social being, has certain duties...
Earthquake-An Essay

Earthquake-An Essay

Earthquake-An Essay Earthquake Earthquake-An Essay An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground, typically causing destruction as a result of movement within the earth's crust. It is an untrollable enemy of mankind. We cannot know beforehand...
Truthfulness-An Essay

Truthfulness-An Essay

Truthfulness-An Essay Truthfulness Truthfulness-An Essay Introduction: 'Truthfulness' is a trait of character or personality of a person of being honest and reliable to others by means of speaking the turth'.  If we speak what is right then we...
Unity-An Essay

Unity-An Essay

Unity-An Essay Unity Unity-An Essay Introduction: 'Unity' refers to the state of being united. It is integrity with nothing wanting.  Sometimes we cannot do work alone but that can be done with the help of others. Unity is...
Self-help - An Essay

Self-help | Essay

Self-help | Essay Self-help Self-help | Essay Introduction: 'Self-help' means the use of one's own effort and resources to achieve something without relying on others. It is a habit of standing on one's own feet. Self-help is a...
The Value of Labour (Industry)

The Value of Labour (Industry)

The Value of Labour The Value of Labour The Value of Labour Introduction: 'Industry' (labour)  means useful physical or mental work. The proverb says  'Industry is the mother of good fortune'. This is true to a large...
Obedience to Parents-An Essay

Obedience to Parents-An Essay

Obedience to Parents-An Essay Obedience to Parents Obedience to Parents-An Essay Introduction: 'Obedience' refers to the behaviour that is respectful and mindful of rules and laws, authority, and to our ever-well-wishers. It is of great quality. Without...
Health is Wealth-An Essay

Health is Wealth-An Essay

Health is Wealth-An Essay Health is Wealth Health is Wealth-An Essay Introduction: 'Health' refers to the state of being free from illness both mental and physical. A popular proverb says, 'Health is wealth'. There is a universality...
If I Were a King

If I Were a King

If I Were a King If I Were a King If I Were a King Introduction: Democracy is said to be the best form of government. People believe that the best form of government is the government...
Burglary-An Essay

Burglary-An Essay

Burglary-An Essay Burglary Burglary-An Essay Burglary is an illegal entry into a house with the intention of theft. There was a time in the past when the burglary was a common crime both in towns and villages....
Town Life and Village Life

Town Life and Village Life | Essay

Town Life and Village Life Town Life and Village Life Town Life and Village Life Introduction: Proverb says, 'God created the country and man made the city'.  There are many cities in the world no doubt but...
The Maharam-An Essay

The Maharam-An Essay

The Maharam-An Essay The Maharam The Maharam-An Essay Introduction: The Maharam is a great festival for the Muslims of the Shia sect. It is commemorated in memory of the tragic death of Hussain, the grandson of Prophet...

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