If I Were a King


If I Were a King

If I Were a King

If I Were a King

If I Were a King

Introduction: Democracy is said to be the best form of government. People believe that the best form of government is the government of the people, by the people and for the people. The only road to peace, prosperity and happiness lies in a democratic way of life. Therefore, kings are out of place in the world today. The glory and pomp of the monarchy are things of the past. No king can have absolute power. He has to submit to the wishes of the people.

My View of a King: A king owns a kingdom for himself to rule. He has powers, wealth and influence. He has countless servants and attendants. But royalty is not a bed of roses. A king cares and worries. It is said  ‘the uneasiness rests on the head that wears the crown. The state is a big house. The king is its head and the people are his children. It is the duty of the king to look after the welfare and to fulfill the primary needs of his subjects. Vikramaditya, Rama and Ashoka were the ideal kings of ancient India.

If I were the king of India, I would do everything possible for peace, happiness and the all-around welfare of my subjects. I have got some plans and I will try to implement them. Some of my plans are as follows:

Government: The form of government will be democratic. The state should be secular. No communal question will ever arise regarding the duties and benefits of the citizens. There will be complete freedom of opinion and worship. Politics would be free from religious predilection.

Food and clothing: First of all, I shall try my best to provide sufficient food and clothing to my subjects.  For this, I shall introduce modern technology in agriculture and give all the facilities to the peasants. There will be no more poverty. We should make our own food. All types of industries would be developed under the control of the state. We can produce our own cotton and get our clothes from handlooms and mills. The mills should be owned by the state.

Education: Education would be free and compulsory. People should be trained in various branches of education: technical, scientific, literary etc. After education, all the students should be able to live a comfortable life and provide useful service to society. Everyone will enjoy equal privileges. Youth should be given compulsory military training. The cleanliness of the country should be improved. Steps should be taken to make the country both physically and mentally healthy. All kinds of social evils have to be overcome. All Indians should have a common language. There should be a system to educate the public and raise their standard of living.

Foreign Policy: Internal peace and prosperity are not enough to make a state ideal. I should also develop international goodwill. I am a lover of peace. Peace will be the primary concern of my foreign policy. Of course, my country will always resist the aggression of any kind. The state will take all measures to protect the country.

Conclusion: These are some of my plans. My idea is to make the country a paradise on earth. Hunger, illiteracy and diseases are traditional problems in India. My aim will be to bring about a holistic improvement of my land based on Indian culture and heritage. People should live in peace and prosperity. I may not be able to convert all my plans into action, but I will try my best to bring my ideas into reality. 0 0 0

If I Were a King

Read More: Tips for Writing Essay

If I Were a King

N. B. The article ‘If I Were a King’ originally belongs to the book School Essays Part-Iby Menonim Menonimus.

If I Were a King

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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