Habit-An Essay


Habit-An Essay

Habit-An Essay


Habit-An Essay

Introduction: Habit is a settled tendency to do or practise certain things regularly which can hardly be given up. Habits are formed by repetition. If a man does the same thing again and again, it becomes a habit for him. If a boy is made to get up early in the morning for a few days, it will gradually become a habit with him and later he will get up early on his own. 

Significance of Habit: Habit makes everything easy. Man’s life is a bundle of good or bad habits. We are all slaves of habits and habits determine our character. Habits are easily formed but once they are formed it is difficult to give up. So usually our future life is made according to the habits we have formed in our early years. The habit once formed becomes a part of our nature.

Good Habits: There are good habits and bad habits. If we form good habits, we can become good men. If a boy makes a habit of telling the truth, he will always be truthful and he will never tell a lie. A good man is one who has formed many good habits. He has good conduct and character and is therefore loved and respected by all. He can improve in life. Sometimes we have to resist temptation and face some troubles in order to form good habits. But we should do them if we want to be good men.

Bad habits: Men with bad habits are bad men. Stealing, lying, smoking etc. are bad habits. Bad habits are very difficult to shake off. A man of bad habits talks about all kinds of bad things. He has no strength of mind. He is easily led to temptation, his life is spoiled. Bad habits are formed easily but are very hard to shake off. So we did not repeat anything bad.

Conclusion: We should try to make good habits early in life. All bad habits should be abandoned. We usually imitate others. So we should not mix with men of bad habits. Habits build character and without good habits, our lives have no value. The aim of education is to create good habits and take out the bad ones. The parents and teacher should instruct the children to form good habits from early in life. 0 0 0

Habit-An Essay

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Habit-An Essay

N. B. The article ‘Habit-An Essay’ originally belongs to the book School Essays Part-Iby Menonim Menonimus.

Habit-An Essay

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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