Periphrasis | Circumlocution Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration


Periphrasis | Circumlocution Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration

Periphrasis Circumlocution

Periphrasis Circumlocution-Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration

Periphrasis | Circumlocution Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration

Periphrasis or circumlocution is a figure of speech that consists in expressing a thing in a round-about way instead of stating directly. Examples:

  1. His ‘prominent feature’ was like an eagle’s beak.

In the statement, the phrase ‘prominent feature’ indirectly refers to the nose.

  1. Don’t be proud of the ‘shroud of sentient clay’. (flesh/ body)
  2. He ‘sleeps the sleep that knows no breaking’. (is dead)
  3. His statement was ‘purely an effort of imagination’. (false)
  4. He resembles ‘the animal that browses on thistles’. (an ass)
  5. His thoughts are set on ‘the sightless courier of the air’. (wind)
  6. He will return in the year’s penultimate month. (November).
  7. He has ‘worn the nuptial tie’. (got married)
  8. ‘The lords of the creation’ are on the verge of falling down from piety. (mankind)
  9. We can not avoid ‘the weaker vessels of the creator’. (womankind). 0 0 0.

Read More: Simile Meaning, Definition, Illustration

N. B. The article ‘Periphrasis | Circumlocution-Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration originally belongs to the book ‘The Rhetoricby Menonim Menonimus.

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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