If I Were a Millionaire-An Essay
If I Were a Millionaire-An Essay
Every state of our country has introduced a lottery. In our state, it has been introduced in the 1970s. Some people are crazy about the lottery. Some purchase tickets for entertainment, some purchase them for testing their luck but most people buy them with the sole intention of winning prizes so as to become rich overnight.
I have some weaknesses in the lottery and sometimes purchase one or two tickets. Though I have won no prize till today, yet I desire that if one day I win the first prize in the state lottery and become a lakhpati then I shall do the following things:
First of all, I shall build a small house to live there comfortably. I shall divide the house into three rooms. In one of the rooms, I shall make a small library and for that, I shall make some almirahs, a spacious table and some chairs. In my library, I shall keep all the best books in the world. As my hobby is reading books, so I shall make the room filled up with every kind of book. Though it will be my private library, yet I will keep a special provision so that needy students may borrow books on the condition of returning them within a specified period.
After building and making my house and library, if there remains some spare money, I shall buy a bigha of land to make a garden of plain trees as I am very much fond of green trees.Â
So when I purchase a ticket, I pray to God that He might help me in winning the first prize. 0 0 0
If I Were a Millionaire Essay
N. B. The article ‘If I Were a Lakhpati | If I Were a Millionaire Essay’ originally belongs to the book ‘School Essays Part-I‘ by Menonim Menonimus.
If I Were a Millionaire Essay
Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:
- Advertisement Writing
- Amplification Writing
- Note Making
- Paragraph Writing
- Notice Writing
- Passage Comprehension
- The Art of Poster Writing
- The Art of Letter Writing
- Report Writing
- Story Writing
- Substance Writing
- School Essays Part-I
- School Essays Part-II
- School English Grammar Part-I
- School English Grammar Part-II..
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