The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech


The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech


The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech

The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech

The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech

In English, a word is used as different parts of speech. In other words, to say, a word may be used as a Noun, Verb,  Adverb, Preposition,  Pronoun etc. Some words used so are shown below :

The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech

1. All:  

All that you say is good. (Noun)

All men are not happy. (Adj.)

It is all well with them (Adv.)

2. After: 

He was ill in his after-life. (Adj.)

He returned long after. (Adv.)

He went there after his studies. (Prep.)

She left me after I had gone there. (Conj.)

3. Above:

Bhagawan guides us from above. (Noun)

The birds fly above like a kite. (Adv.)

The bird was flying above the tree. (Prep.)

4. Any:

I want any of these pens. (Pron.)

Any book will do. (Adj.)

Don’t loiter any longer. (Adv.)

The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech

5. As:

It is the same pen as I have. (Pron.)

He was driven away as he was dishonest. (Conj.)

Go there as soon as possible. (Rel. Adv.)

6. Back: 

The sack is at my back. (Noun)

He ran away through the back door. (Adj.)

My brother will back me. (Verb)

A dead man never comes back. (Adv.)

7. Better: 

We should respect our parents better. (Noun)

She works better than her sister. (Adv.)

Try to better your studies. (Verb)

Your choice is better. (Adj.)

8. Before: 

We went there before. (Adj.)

They are playing before the temple. (Prepo.)

Look before you leap. (Conj.)

9. Both: 

Both of the students are good. (Pron.)

I hate both methods. (Adj.)

Both Kabita and Sabita are well. (Conj.)

10. But: 

He loves me but I do not. (Rel. Pron.)

He is but an honest man. (Adv.)

Rajen tried but failed. (Conj.)

None but the virtuous are respected. (Prep.)

The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech

11. Down: 

She likes to use the bed of down. (Noun)

The news downed her spirit. (Verb)

She went there by the down mail. (Adj.)

Mary went down at once. (Adv.)

Ranin went down the river. (Prep.)

12. Either: 

Either of the students may pass. (Pron.)

There are teak trees on either side of the road. (Adj.)

Either Ram or his brother is good. (Conj.)

13. Enough: 

We have had enough of sorrows. (Noun)

I have ideas enough to guide you. (Adj.)

He was generous enough to help his brother. (Adv.)

14. Fair: 

We are on the way to the fair. (Noun)

Ram is fair. (Adj.)

Kamala visits fair. (Adj.)

Fair your narration with a simple sentence. (Verb)

The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech

15. Fast: 

The Muslims take fast in the month of Ramjan. (Noun)

Deepika runs fast. (Adv.)

We travel by fast train. (Adj.)

16. Few: 

Few of the students were guilty. (Noun)

A few boys were present. (Adj.)

17. For: 

The young students were sent for. (Adv.)

He was sent for a doctor. (Prep.)

I don’t like him for he is not honest. (Conj.)

18. Half:

Half of his time is spent on studies. (Noun)

Honesty is half way to heaven. (Adj.)

Well begun is half done. (Adv.)

19. Ill: 

The ills of our desire is much. (Noun)

Ill persons are not happy. (Adj.)

It was ill done. (Adj.)

20. Little: 

I have acquired a little. (Noun)

He feeds little. (Adv.)

A little girl played there. (Adj.)

The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech)

21. Many: 

Many of my natives are poor. (Noun)

Many will go with me. (Pron.)

Many fishes were caught. (Adj.)

22. Much: 

Much can be done. (Noun)

He gave me much advice. (Adj.)

He is much worse today. (Adv.)

23. More: 

More are present there. (Noun)

More help was rendered to him. (Adj.)

Kamala is more deserted by her friends. (Adv.)

24. Near: 

I wish to meet my near and dear friends. (Adj.)

The boat neared me. (Verb)

Don’t approach near. (Adv.)

The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech

25. Need: 

Our need is much. (Noun)

You need not learn this. (M.Verb)

He needs to do that. (Verb)

16. Neither:

Neither of them was present. (Pron.)

Neither student will pass. (Adj.)

Neither Ram nor Rahim is dishonest. (Conj.)

27. No: 

No women can do that. (Adj.)

He was no better than his brother. (Adv.)

28. None: 

None need to do it. (Pron.)

The bold is none, but he (Adj.)

Ramen loved me none the less. (Adv.)

29. Only: 

I am your only friend. (Adj.)

We only advised him to go. (Adv.)

Sleep, only to help me (Conj.)

30. Past: 

The king had a reputed past. (Noun)

The past deeds were praiseworthy. (Adj.)

The hurricane blew past. (Adv.)

(Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech)

31. Right: 

Right is might. (Noun).

I knew the right words. (Adj.)

Its faults were righted. (Verb)

My brother is right glad to meet you. (Adv.)

32. Round: 

He was on his weekly round of visits. (Noun)

The earth is round. (Adj.)

He rounded the circle. (Verb)

The moon moves round the earth. (Prep.)

33. Since: 

She left the village since ten years. (Adv.)

I had been there since Sunday. (Prep.)

Ten springs have passed since I went there. (Conj.)

34. So: 

She is so nice. (Adv)

Sabita is well and she is still so. (pron)

I am here, so you should come (conj)

The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech

35. Some: 

Some are present here. (Noun)

Show some of your own skill. (pron)

Some men are honest. (Adj.)

Some thirty girls were ready. (Adj)

36. Still: 

He likes to read in the still of the day. (Noun)

The sky was still. (Adj.)

She stilled the child. (verb).

Honesty is still in him. (Adj.)

I am weak, still I struggle. (Conj.)

37. Such: 

Such things are praiseworthy. (Adj.).

She is robust, her brother is not such. (Pron.)

38. That: 

Return me the pen that I gave you. (Pron.)

The climate of Guwahati is hotter than that of Shillong (Dem. Pron.)

That book is good. (Adj.)

Read that you may pass. (Conj.)

39. The: 

The moon is down. (Article).

The sooner the easier (Rel. Adv.)

He was none the miser for it. (Adv.)

40. Up: 

We have ups and downs in our life. (Noun)

We went there by the up-mail. (Adj.)

Lift up. (Adv.)

He sailed up the river. (Prep.)

(Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech)

41. Well: 

Well is a source of water. (Noun)

I am quite well now. (Adj.)

She sings well. (Adv.)

You are ill, well I shall do it. (Conj.)

42. Why: 

Why are you not happy? (Adv.)

I told you why he did go. (Conj.)

43. While: 

I have not-heard from you for a long while. (Noun)

We should not while away our time. (Verb)

He came while I was sleeping (Conj)

44. What:

I know the what of your arrival. (Noun)

What profession do you like? (Adj.)

45. Else: 

Is there anything else to say? (Adj.)

I have met you somewhere else. (Adv.)

I did not hear the news, else I would have gone. (Conj.) 0 0 0

The Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech


N.B.  The article ‘Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech’ originally belongs to the book ‘School English Grammar Part- II‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

Books on Linguistics by M. Menonimus:

  1. A Brief History of the English Language
  2. Essays on Linguistics
  3. My Imageries
  4. Felicitous Expression: Some Examples
  5. Learners’ English Dictionary

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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