Tautology | Tautology-Figure of Speech


Tautology | Tautology-Figure of Speech

Tautology-Figure of Speech

Tautology | Tautology-Figure of Speech

Tautology | Tautology-Figure of Speech

Tautology is a figure of speech in which the same fact or idea is repeated in different words within a sentence. Examples:

  1. Virtue and virtue ‘alone’ is the ‘only’ thing that counts in life. (Here tautology consists in repeating the word ‘only’ that has already been expressed in ‘alone’).
  2. I ‘rejoiced’ at the ‘happy’ sight.
  3. He was quite ‘exhausted’ and ‘fatigued’.
  4. To have a say in public is the privilege and birthright of every man in a democratic country. 0 0 0.

Tautology-Figure of Speech

Read More: Simile Meaning, Definition, Illustration

N. B. The article ‘Tautology | Tautology-Figure of Speech originally belongs to the book ‘The Rhetoricby Menonim Menonimus.

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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