Paralipsis | Paralipsis-Definition, Meaning, Examples & Illustration


Paralipsis | Paralipsis-Definition, Meaning, Examples & Illustration


Paralipsis | Paralipsis-Definition, Meaning, Examples & Illustration

Paralipsis | Paralipsis-Definition, Meaning, Examples & Illustration

Paralipsis is a figure of speech in which a speaker or writer professes to omit all mention of a subject that he really wants to emphasize. To say in other words, Paralipsis is a way of denying or pretending to deny what has already been spoken.  Examples:

  1. I come to bury Caesar, not ‘to praise’ him. –Shakespeare (‘Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene II)

Here Antony really wants to emphasize what he professes to omit (i.e. to praise Caesar).

  1. I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke

But here I am to speak what I do know.

  1. I will not do them wrong: rather I choose

To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you.

  1. I know who did it, but I won’t mention Rasel’s name (the person has already mentioned the name).
  2. I will speak only about his good nature (implies that the person certainly has a bad side).
  3. I need not mention that everything should be done within the deadline. 0 0 0.


Read More: Simile Meaning, Definition, Illustration


N. B. The article ‘Paralipsis | Paralipsis-Definition, Meaning, Examples & Illustration originally belongs to the book ‘The Rhetoricby Menonim Menonimus.

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