Paradox | Paradox Meaning, Definition, Example & Illustration


Paradox | Paradox Meaning, Definition, Example & Illustration

Paradox Meaning

Paradox Meaning, Definition, Example & Illustration

Paradox | Paradox Meaning, Definition, Example & Illustration

A Paradox is a self-contradictory statement. At first reading, a paradox seems to be absurd or impossible, but deeper reading shows that it contains a valid truth. Example:

The paths of glory lead but to the grave. -Thomas Gray

At first, the above-quoted line seems to be absurd or impossible, but a little thought shows that it states an important or valid truth as the final end of human life is death; though glorious are its achievements. The purpose of a paradox is to arrest attention and provoke fresh thought.

More examples:

  1. Save money by spending it.
  2. I know that I know nothing. –Socrates.
  3. That was the beginning of the end.
  4. I only message those who don’t message.
  5. The most corrected copies are commonly the least correct.
  6. The less is more.
  7. Nobody goes to that restaurant, it is too crowded.
  8. Don’t go near the water till you learn how to swim.
  9. Stay home and visit me. 0 0 0.

Paradox Meaning

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Paradox Meaning

N. B. The article ‘Allusion | Allusion Meaning, Definition, Illustration originally belongs to the book ‘The Rhetoricby Menonim Menonimus.

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.



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