Miscellaneous Motivational Quotes


Miscellaneous Motivational Quotes

Miscellaneous Motivational Quotes

Miscellaneous Motivational Quotes

Miscellaneous Motivational Quotes

1. All you need is ignorance and confidence and then success is guaranteed. -Mark Twain
2. Success is about liking yourself, liking what you do and how you like it. —Maya Angelou
3. Climb the mountain so that you can see the world, not that the world can see you. Stranger
4. Nothing fails like success. —Alan Watts
5. Applause awaits success. -Benjamin Franklin
6. Pray that success does not come sooner than you can bear. —Albert Hubbard
7. You sleep on victory and you will wake up with defeat. —Conor McGregor
8. Success is the sum of details. Harvey S. Firestone
9. Success is always a big liar. Friedrich Nietzsche
10. Success cannot be made by force. —Loretta Young
11. Your calendar is a better measure of success than your bank account. —James Clear
12. You don’t have to show people how successful you are. —Martin Ian
13. Success is an essential byproduct of education. —Naval Ravikant
14. The ladder of success never moves upwards. —Napoleon Hill
15. Success is the result of concentration. -Navjot Singh Sidhu

Miscellaneous Motivational Quotes

16. Success should be an outcome and not a goal. —Gustave Flaubert
17. Dreams and success take a lot of blood, sweat, and courage. —Paul Bryant
18. Success is a poor teacher. —Robert Kiyosaki
19. Success is the sweetest revenge. —Vanessa Williams
20. Success is a mindset, not a trophy. —Lance Allred
21. The experience of success you see in others is rarely as sexy as it sounds. —James Clear
22. The results of success are usually public and highly visible, but the process behind success is often personal and hidden from view. —James Clear
23. The really successful people are those who don’t bother with the odds because they know what they want. —Maxim Lagakik
24. Success is meaningful and enjoyable only when it feels like your own. —Michelle Obama
25. Success is about doing the right thing, not doing everything right. Gary Keller
26. The best predictor of success is an innate ability to allocate time correctly. —Keith Raboso
27. There’s a simple formula to success: Try your best, and people will love it. —Sam Ewing
28. Success comes down to choosing the pain of discipline rather than the ease of capitalization. —Chibuto
29. Are you chasing success? Instead, follow good habits. — Maxim Lagakik
30. If I say that I am good, you are probably saying that I am proud. But if I say I’m no good, you know I’m lying. -Bruce Lee

Miscellaneous Motivational Quotes
31. Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development because success is something you will be attracted to. -Anon
32. If you master only yourself and you do not help anyone else, we will call you happy, but no one will define you as successful. —Derek Savers
33. Success builds confidence; Confidence comforts the industry, and neglect destroys the reputation that bolstered accuracy. —Ben Johnson
34. Success is easy. Do it the right way, at the right time. — H Arnold
35. Each success to buy an entry ticket for only one confidential ticket. – Henry A Kissinger.
36. To be successful, your desire for success must be greater than your fear of failure. — Bill Cosby
37. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what drives you forward. —Jim Ryun 0 0 0.

Miscellaneous Motivational Quotes

Read More: Motivational Quotes for Success

Note: The article ‘Miscellaneous Motivational Quotes’ originally belongs to the book ‘Motivational Quotes: An Anthology‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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