Interactive SEO Guide
(Interactive SEO Guide)
Menonim Menonimus
Internet Edition
Interactive SEO Guide (Learning SEO Through Questions and Answers) Edited by Menonim Menonimus.
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In our digital world, the Internet has been playing a crucial role in every sphere of human life. Internet operates its functions through some digital sites called websites. It is learned that today there have more than two billion websites in the world and the number has been increasing day by day not in hundreds but in thousands.
In operating the function of the internet there are some technical steps and strategies which website users and website builders must know. These strategies are called ‘Search Engine Optimization’, ‘SEO’ in brief.
In this lean volume, some basic lessons pertaining to SEO are expected to impart to the website aspirants.
The information used in this book has been collected from various books of this kind including internet sources.
I claim no originality for this book. I have only collected, selected, and presented the information in a very easy and comprehensive way for those who aspire to learn the basics of SEO.
In this booklet ‘Interactive SEO Guide’ I have presented the SEO strategies in question-answer form. Despite my best effort to comprise all the basic questions and answers pertaining to SEO in this book, there is every possibility of a shortfall for the lack of timely information. If there is such any, I request my dear readers and well-wishers to inform me instantly so that I can add them to the book in the subsequent editions to make it more informative and perfect.
I am ever grateful to the Source-owners from whom I have taken the data.
Hope that this book would be helpful to them for whom it is meant.
Menonim Menonimus.
Shanti Kanan
Interactive SEO Guide
(SEO Guide in Question-Answer form)
Q.1. What is SEO?
Ans: ‘SEO’ is an abbreviation of the phrase ‘Search Engine Optimization’. It refers to any activity undertaken to improve the search engine ranking of a website and its content.
The importance of SEO starts with companies wanting to get more traffic to their websites. Ranking on search engines matters because users pay more attention to the first 5 searches on Google. In addition, users rely on Google’s sophisticated search results because they consider these searches to be more authentic and specific.
Q. 2. What is a Search Engine?
Ans: A search engine is a web-based software system developed to search and find relevant information on the World Wide Web. Search engines typically answer queries entered by users and give them a list of search results.
Q. 3. Who is the founder of Google?
Ans: The founders of Google are Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
Q. 4. In what year was Google founded?
Ans: Google was founded on 4 September 1998.
Q. 5. What is the World Wide Web?
Ans: The World Wide Web (WWW) or the web is an information system of Internet servers containing webpages where specially formatted documents and resources are supported by the Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP. It was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in the year 1989,
Q. 6. Name of some search engines.
Ans: Some search engines are Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Yandex etc.
Q. 7. What is the domain?
Ans: On the Internet, the domain is a part of the network address and acts as a descriptor for websites. This includes email addresses, website addresses and Internet protocol addresses such as SSH, IRC and FTP. For example, is a domain.
Q. 8. What is a domain extension?
Ans: The domain extension refers to the notation found at the end of the web address. The extension is used to specify a country code or a web category. For example .edu is a domain extension to designate an educational institution as a web category.
Q. 9. What is a website?
Ans: A website consists of a collection of web pages or formatted documents that can be accessed on the Internet. Websites are usually identified by domain name or web address.
For example, if we type the web address on the Internet, it will take us to the home page of the website.
Q. 10. What is a web server?
Ans: A web server is a computer program with an IP program and domain name that displays web pages to users when requested. The web server accepts and processes requests sent via HTTP. For example, when we enter the URL’ on a web browser, the request is sent to web servers that hold ‘’ as the domain name.
Interactive SEO Guide
Q. 11. What is web hosting?
Ans: Web hosting refers to any service that provides space for websites on the Internet. A website can be viewed by others through a modem or network by creating a web host space on a server.
There are various types of web hosting services available today which are used according to the needs and requirements of web developers.
Q. 12. What is crawling?
Ans: Crawling or web crawling refers to an automated process through which search engines filter web pages for proper indexing.
Web crawlers go through web pages, look for relevant keywords, hyperlinks and content, and bring information back to the web server for indexing. As crawlers such as Google bots pass through other linked pages on websites, companies create sitemaps for better access and navigation.
Q. 13. What is indexing?
Ans: The indexing starts when the crawling process is finished during the search. Google uses crawling to aggregate pages related to search queries and creates an index that includes specific words or searches terms and their locations. The search engine answers users’ queries by looking at the index and showing the most appropriate page.
Q. 14. What is SERP?
Ans: The search engine result page or SERP refers to the page that displays when a specific search query is entered on the search engine. In addition to showing a list of results, the SERP may also include advertisements.
Q. 15. What is an organic result?
Ans: The organic result in SEO refers to the list of web pages that are most relevant to the user-entered search query. It is also known as the ‘free’ or ‘natural’ result. Getting a high ranking in organic results on search engines is the very purpose of SEO.
Q. 16. What are the paid results?
Ans: Paid results in SEO means the opposite of organic results. This typically refers to advertisements that appear above the organic results. Many website owners pay Google to display their website for certain search terms or keywords. Paid results appear when some users enter a search query with those keywords.
Q. 17. What is a long-tail keyword?
Ans: Long-tail keywords are phrases with more than 4+ words that make search results highly specific. These long phrases are used by smart SEO experts when they try to attract quality traffic to their website instead of being random traffic and increase their lead conversion rates. In addition, long-tailed keywords are easier to rank than single-word keywords.
Q. 18. What are the LSI keywords?
Ans: LSI keywords or latent semantic indexing are mainly associated with the main keywords that users enter on search engines. With the use of the LSI keyword, which is linked to the main keyword Relevance, search engines can identify the semantic structure of keywords and extract hidden meanings of text to bring the most appropriate results on SERPs.
Q. 19. What are the titles?
Ans: In SEO, the heading or header tag is used to distinguish the headings and sub-headings of any content from the rest of the web page. Six heading tags have been used in SEO in the top-down hierarchy.
Q. 20. What is Canonical URL?
Ans: The Canonical URL relates to the concept of selecting the best URL for a web page that visitors want to see. Also known as canonical tags, these URLs help in content syndication when multiple versions of the same page become available on the Internet. Thus, it is used to resolve issues related to content duplication.
Interactive SEO Guide
Q.21. What is ‘Google Suggestion’ or “Autocomplete”?
Ans: Google suggestion is a part of the auto-complete function of the Google search engine. When any user enters a word or a few letters of the search field, Google shows several words associated with it in the drop-down menu. Such suggestions are a collection of the most frequently searched terms on the Google search engine. For example, as you start typing for Photoshop tutorials, you can find other popular Photoshop tutorial-related searches such as “Photoshop tutorials for beginners” or “Photoshop tutorials for photographers.”
Q. 22. What is on-page SEO?
Ans: On-page SEO refers to all the activities performed within websites to get higher rankings and more relevant traffic from search engines. On-page SEO deals with the optimization of content as well as the HTML source code of any web page. Some of its aspects include meta tag, title tag, meta description and heading tag.
Q. 23. What is the off-page SEO?
Ans: Off-page SEO is related to other aspects that affect the search ranking of websites on the search engine result page. It refers to promotional activities, such as content marketing, social media, and link building to improve their search rankings outside the boundaries of any web page.
Q. 24. What is the definition of a keyword?
Ans: Keyword means to serve any word like a key. The keyword in SEO refers to the key phrases and words included in web content that help users find a specific website by entering relevant search queries on search engines.
Q. 25. What is the title of the page?
Ans: Page title, also known as the title tag, is a phrase used to describe the web page content. The title tag appears on the search results pages just below the URL and also appears at the top of the browser.
It is one of the main components of SEO because it accurately states the content of any page, and is usually optimized with keywords and other relevant information to draw high traffic.
Q. 26. What is the definition of a URL?
Ans: The Uniform Resource Locator or URL serves as a general term used to specify all types of web addresses found on the web. URLs provide users with ways to identify and locate resources and documents on the web. The URL contains the Internet protocol, the host’s IP address and other information along with the domain name.
Q. 27. What is SEO Friendly URL?
Ans: SEO-friendly URLs are used to optimize structure and word usage in URLs so that the process of indexing a website by search engines is improved. SEO techniques, such as inserting keywords and having the appropriate length and file structure in the URL, help improve website ranking and increase website navigation.
Search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.) and users may have complex URL problems. Clean and simple URLs help users and search engines to easily understand the on-page topic. It is seen that the first 3-5 words in the URL are given more weight. So we should try to make our URL shorter and simpler.
Q. 28. What are meta descriptions?
Ans: Meta descriptions are also called HTML attributes that should provide an accurate description of any web page content. These descriptions serve as preview snippets of web pages on the SERP page. The meta description, which ideally should be within 150 characters, increases the promotional value of web pages and can get more user click-throughs if done correctly.
Q. 29. What are backlinks?
Ans: Backlinks are also called incoming links that help users shift from one web page to another. These links play an important role in SEO. When the Google search engine sees multiple quality backlinks on a page, it considers the page more relevant to the search query, which helps in its indexing process and improves its organic ranking on SERPs.
Q. 30. What is a do-follow link?
Ans: A do-follow link, as the name suggests, allows Google Link Calculator to count all inbound links from other web pages and websites. The higher the link points, the higher the search ranking of that web page, because these links make the web page very relevant and popular for Google search engines.
Interactive SEO Guide
Q. 31. What is a no-follow link?
Ans: A no-follow link is the exact opposite of a do-follow link because such link attributes do not allow Google bots to follow. These links cannot be followed by robots; only humans can do it.
Q. 32. What is internal linking?
Ans: Internal linking is a process of providing hyperlinks to web pages connecting to the same domain. This is another way of directing the visitors of the same website from one web page to another. They help search engine spiders to easily crawl and index all the internal pages of a website/blog and such links help in creating an information hierarchy, pushing the level of link jus in any website and allowing visitors to navigate the pages of the website properly.
Q. 33. What are the incoming links?
Ans: Inbound links, also known as incoming links or backlinks, refer to hyperlinks on a third-party web page that direct users to your web page. Inbound links can be based on both text and graphics. However, text inbound links are more useful in drawing more traffic and improving the Page Rank level of any webpage.
Q. 34. What is an outgoing link?
Ans: An outbound link is a hyperlink that points to a target or external domain and is different from a link on the source domain. For example, if you provide links to other third-party web pages on your website, they will be external links to your site.
Outbound links are of great importance in SEO because they provide more quality and value to your web pages for search engine ranking. The Google search engine counts outbound links as third-party votes that improve the ranking of your web page.
Q. 35. Why are backlinks important in SEO?
Ans: From the SEO perspective, backlinks and quality backlinks differ from each other.
For Google search, random backlinks do not offer any help. Google assesses the quality of backlinks on a web page, with relevance in the content of both web pages.
The higher the relevance between the original content and the backlink content, the higher the quality of the backlinks. Quality backlinks bring more referral traffic to a website/blog and most importantly, improve the ranking of the webpage.
Q. 36. What are the most important factors of Google ranking?
Ans: According to Google’s search quality senior strategist Andrey Liptsev, the top 3 ranking factors influencing Google’s search engine algorithm are: Content, Backlinks and Rank Brain
Q. 37. What is robots.txt?
Ans: Robots.txt is a way to tell search engine bots about web pages on your website that you don’t want them to go to. Robots.txt is useful to prevent the indexation of parts of any online content that website owners do not want to display.
Q. 38. What is an HTML sitemap?
Ans: An HTML sitemap includes a single HTML page that bears links to all web pages of any specific website. This sitemap lays the foundation for all web pages of any website.
HTML sitemaps contain all formatted text files and linking tags of any website. This is especially useful when you have a large website with many web pages as it helps you improve the navigation of your website by listing all the web pages in one place in a user-friendly manner.
Q. 39. What is XML Sitemap?
Ans: XML or extensible markup language is primarily designed to facilitate search engine functionality. A good XML sitemap informs search engines about the number of pages on a specific website, the frequency of their updates, and the time of the last modifications made to them, which helps in proper indexing of the website by the search engines.
Q. 40. How can I see which pages are indexed in Google?
Ans: There are two ways to see if the web pages of a specific website are indexed by Google. One can check the Google index status of any specific website through Google Webmaster Tools. After adding the website to the dashboard and verifying ownership, clicking on the tab “Index Status” will show the number of pages indexed by Google.
Interactive SEO Guide
Q. 41. What are Door Pages?
Ans: Doorway Pages, also known as gateway pages, portal pages, or entry pages, refer to web pages or websites that are developed for higher rankings upon entering a specific search query. Such pages give way to many web pages on the SERP that take users to the same web destination. They can also funnel users to intermediate pages that do not hold as much importance as the final webpage. Two common forms of doorway pages are cloaking and redirection pages.
Q. 42. What is anchor text?
Ans: Anchor text denotes a visible hyperlinked text, through which clicks can be made. Such hyperlinked text links to various documents or locations available on the web. These texts are often underlined and blue but can be given different colours with variations in HTML code.
Anchor text helps users connect to diverse data that are relevant to the source page or content. Anchor text can be of various types such as keyword-rich anchors, generic anchors, branded anchors, image anchors, etc. SEO best practices determine that anchor text should be relevant to the page you’re linking to, rather than generic text.
Q. 43. What are 404 errors?
Ans: 404 errors are considered one of the most likely obstacles in the path of successful SEO. When a specific URL is renamed or becomes non-existent, any link connecting to that URL will contain 404 errors
Q. 44. What is Image Alt Text?
Ans: Google bot cannot process images on the web. Therefore, it uses full features to understand an image. Image Alt text is generally considered alternative text for an image, providing web crawlers with an alternative option to index the web page that affects the image. Properly concluded alt tags can increase the SEO ranking of your website’s images in Google’s search results, as they add more value to the user experience.
Q. 45. What is Google Webmaster Tools / Google Search Console?
Ans: On May 20, 2015, Google renamed Google Webmaster Tools to Google Search Console. Google Search Console provides free web services by enabling webmasters to monitor and maintain the online presence of their specific websites. Google Search Console helps business owners, SEO specialists, site administrators, and web developers see crawl errors, crawl statistics, backlinks, and malware with the click of a button.
Q. 46. What is a 301 redirect?
Ans: 301 redirects are considered to be one of the most effective ways to redirect to any website. When a web address has been permanently changed, it is best to use a 301 redirect that will redirect all users to the new web address. With this redirection, the search engine sends all the values associated with the old website to the new one. In addition, the 301 directs all links jus to a new web address which keeps the website ranking unaffected.
Q. 47. What is Google Analytics?
Ans: Launched in 2005 by Google, Google Analytics is one of the most powerful analytical tools in SEO, helping webmasters track and monitor traffic to their websites. It is a freemium web service, which means that it provides some basic services for free, while premium services demand investment. An advantage of using Google Analytics is that it can be integrated with other Google products such as Public Data Explorer, Google AdWords, etc.
Q. 48. What is Google PageRank?
Ans: Google PageRank was a calculative software that determined the relevance of a web page, based on the number of quality backlinks it contains. In other words, PageRank views backlinks as votes, meaning that Page X links to Page Y, Page Y is voted on by Page X. PageRank’s job is to both interpret page content and find relevance. The higher is the relevance level, the greater importance is given by Google to a certain page which positively affects the biological result of that web page. Note that Google currently does not use PageRank to rank web pages. Google’s John Mueller said that Google probably won’t update the toolbar PageRank in the future.
Q. 49. What is domain authority?
Ans: Considered one of the most influential SEO factors, Domain Authority is a key performance metric developed by Moz, which rates any website on a 1–100 scale.
The higher your DA, the more likely your website is to have strong traffic and high rankings in Google. You can check the domain authority of any website in Open Site Explorer. This metric effectively predicts the search ranking of any website based on the strength of domain authority. Domain authority is evaluated to check the credibility of any website. Plenty of high quality and relevant backlinks help to increase domain authority.
Q. 50. What is a search engine submission?
Ans: Search engine submission refers to a specific activity of webmasters in which a website is submitted directly to the search engine to increase its online recognition and visibility. In other words, it is a way of informing search engines about the existence of any website, which is then indexed by the search engine and reflected on the SERP page. It is also performed by web developers and SEO experts so that search engines reflect the most recent content of the website. We don’t need to submit our website to search engines. Nowadays most search engines crawl and index pages by following links.
Interactive SEO Guide
Q. 51. What is directory submission?
Ans: Directory submission in SEO deals with the listing of any web address or site with relevant details on various web directories under a specific category. Directory submission works similar to a phone directory and increases the popularity of websites with greater online exposure. Directory submission can be both free and paid. Today, directories are valuable when used carefully.
Q. 52. What is Article Submission?
Ans: Article submission is considered a part of off-page SEO optimization. Submitting articles, which includes the presentation of online article directories such as EzineArticles, GoArticles, ArticleTrader, etc. with appropriate anchor text for link building, is used to promote any website. Even though it enjoyed widespread popularity as one of the very effective SEO techniques, article directories lost their fascination with Matt Cutts, Google’s webspam team chief, issuing a warning in 2014 against its use.
Q. 53. What is a press release submission?
Ans: Submitting press releases involves writing press releases and submitting them to effective and popular PR sites to build incoming links to any specific website. Online press-releases remain in the database forever, meaning that they can be used at any time by anyone. It also enhances the online visibility of websites in future.
Q. 54. What is a social bookmark?
Ans: Social bookmarking is a method for people to store, organize, search and manage ‘bookmarks’ of web pages. Users can save these links to web pages they like or want to share, using a social bookmarking site to store these links. These bookmarks are usually public and can be viewed by other members of the site where they are stored.
Q. 55. What is social networking?
Ans: Social networking is the practice of increasing the number of your business and / or social contacts by making contacts through individuals, often through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.Google+.
Q. 56. What is an RSS feed?
Ans: RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. RSS enables publishers to syndicate data automatically. A standard XML file format ensures compatibility with many different machines/programs. RSS feeds also benefit users who want to receive timely updates from their favourite websites or collect data from multiple sites.
Q. 57. What are classified ads?
Ans: A classified ad is a form of advertisement that is particularly common in newspapers, online and other periodicals that can be sold or distributed for free. Classified ads are much cheaper than large display ads used by businesses, although display ads are more widespread.
Q. 58. What is a forum posting?
Ans: Forum posting is the act of engaging, interacting and writing a simple response to a thread or a particular post to a forum thread by a user on the same thread. Posting on popular forums is a powerful way to connect and interact with new users while driving potential customers to your website or business.
Q. 59. What is Business Directory?
Ans: A business directory is a website or printed list of information that lists all businesses in a category. Businesses can be classified based on occupation, location, activity or size. Businesses can be compiled manually or through an automated online search software.
Q. 60. What is a guest posting?
Ans: Guest posting is the process of creating content and publishing on another person’s website. Guest posting blogs allow author bio (author) to be shown above or below a guest post. Blogs are the most popular platform for guest posting. This is a great way to build an online reputation, to get backlinks and much-needed recognition for a company.
Q. 61. What is a Blog Comment?
Ans: Blog commenting is a popular online marketing strategy to leave thoughtful comments on a blog post, where a person or business needs to be able to gain an online presence. Blog comments can position a person or a business as a thought leader in a particular industry, leading to new business opportunities and also link building tactic as commenting on a page submitted in the ‘Website’ field Link back.
Q. 62. What is Google algorithm?
Ans: Google is a set of algorithm commands written for the purpose of feeding back with relevant search results for queries made. Google’s algorithm works for you by searching the web pages that contain the keywords you search for, then assigning a rank to each page based on several factors, including how often the keywords appear on the page, page quality etc. Google uses several other criteria that change over time to provide more relevant results.
Q. 63. What is Google Panda?
Ans: Google Panda was a change in Google’s search results ranking algorithm that was first released in February 2011. This change was aimed at lowering the rank of ‘low-quality sites’ or ‘thin sites’ and bringing high-quality sites closer to the top of the search results. Google Panda was created to target sites that publish low-quality content and penalize them if possible.
Q. 64. What is Google Penguin?
Ans: Google launched the Penguin update in April 2012 to better identify and regulate websites considered spam or hyper-optimized. Penguin targeted sites that practised keyword stuffing as well as black-hat SEO. On the other hand, this algorithm rewarded sites that used white-hat SEO and were of high quality in the general sense.
Q. 65 What is Google Hummingbird?
Ans: Google Hummingbird is a search algorithm used by Google since August 30, 2013. It was designed to adopt special features of speed and accuracy. One of the important benefits of Hummingbird is that Google was able to refresh not only its index but also their search engine. However, they also retained important elements such as the search algorithms they had previously created.
Q. 66. What is Mobilegeddon?
Ans: MobileGadden is a name given by webmasters and web-developers to Google’s algorithm update of 21 April 2015, the main effect of this update is to prioritize websites that perform well on smartphones and other mobile devices. Different pages can be tested by Google for ‘mobile-friendliness’ using a mobile-friendly test tool.
Q. 67. What is HTTPS / SSL Update?
Ans: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a protocol for secure communication on the World Wide Web. This prevents eagles from seeing the information that visitors send or receive on the Internet.
Q. 68. What is Google Pigeon Update?
Ans: Google Pigeon is the code name given to one of Google’s local search algorithm updates released on July 24, 2014. The aim is to increase the ranking of local listings in a search which also affects the search results shown in Google Maps along with regular Google searches.
Q. 69. What is Google Penalty?
Ans: The Google penalty is a negative effect on the search ranking of a website based on updates to Google’s search algorithm or manual review. This can be an unfortunate malfunction of an algorithm update or a deliberate penalty for various black-hat SEO techniques.
Q. 70. What is Google Sitelinks?
Ans: Google site links are sub-entries that sometimes appear under the first list on the first page of Google search results. These are hyperlinks to website sub-pages that appear under specific Google listings to help users navigate the site. These are added automatically by Google using their algorithm. Page content, site structure, internal links, and user behaviour may be responsible for these.
Interactive SEO Guide
Q. 71. What is Google Knowledge Graph?
Ans: The Knowledge Graph is a knowledge base used by Google with semantic search information collected from a wide variety of sources to improve the results of its search engine. Google Knowledge Graph ensures an attractive and intuitive graphical representation of information related to queries.
Q. 72. What is Google my business?
Ans: Google My Business is a free and easy-to-use tool for businesses, brands, artists and organizations that manage their online presence on Google, including Search and Maps. By verifying and editing your business information, you can both help customers find you and tell them the story of your business.
In addition to providing information for your local search list, the Google My Business page connects you to your Google+ page, Google Analytics and AdWords Express.
Q. 73. What is keyword frequency?
Ans: Keyword frequency is the number of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page.
Q. 74. What is Google Sandbox?
Ans: The Google Sandbox is a filter placed on new websites as a result, a site does not get a good ranking for its most important keywords or phrases. Even with good content, a site can still be significantly affected by the sandbox effect. A site gets sandboxed when it is new and does not rank for keyword phrases that are not incredibly competitive in Google.
Q. 75. What is the Disavow Equipment?
Ans: Google’s link disqualification tool allows publishers to notify Google that they do not want certain links from external sites to be considered part of Google’s system of counting links to rank websites.
Therefore, you can ask Google to create a .txt file with a list of these domains or URLs and send it to Google to remove certain URLs or domains as a ranking factor in your site’s index.
Q. 76. What is Google Fetch?
Ans: Google Fetch is a tool that enables you to test how Google presents URLs on your site. You can use Google Fetch to see if Googlebot can access a page on your site, how it presents the page and whether any page resources are blocked by Googlebot. This tool can be used effectively for the following purposes:
(a) Troubleshooting web pages to improve performance in SEO.
(b) Submit pages for indexing whenever the content has changed drastically.
(c) Detecting pages affected by any malware attack.
Q. 77. What is the Definition of SEO audit?
Ans: A SEO audit is a health check for your website that involves looking at the technical structure of your website to optimize search engine visibility, usability and conversions. You can identify problematic areas that need improvement to create an action plan while a good SEO audit keeps your website up to date with the latest developments in search marketing.
Q. 78. What are the Popular Keywords Blog to Follow
Ans: Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch, Content Marketing Institute, Moz, KISSmetrics, HubSpot etc are the popular keywords blog to follow.
Q. 79. What is 75 AMP
Ans: AMP is an open-source coding standard for mobile page publishers, which may be able to load their sites quickly on mobile sites due to mobile responsiveness, as it can be heavier and significantly slower than desktop resources is.
Q. 80. Name of some popular SEO tools.
Ans: Some SEO tools are called Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google etc.
Interactive SEO Guide
Q. 81. What is Cloaking?
Ans: Cloaking is a technique used to deliver content on a web page to a search engine, which is different for the user he/she was looking for. The purpose of cloaking is to boost the website’s search engine rank on certain keywords. Cloaking leads a user to other sites than the one he expects to hide the actual content of those sites.
Q. 82. What is Keyword Density?
Ans: Keyword density is the percentage of time a keyword or phrase appears on a web page. Keyword density can be used to determine whether a web page is relevant to a specified keyword or keyword phrase. The percentage is always compared to the total words on the webpage.
Q. 83. How do you create a separate word in a URL?
Ans: We should use hyphens to separate the words in the URL.
Q. 84. What is Google Dance?
Ans: Google Dance is an old slang term used to describe the length of time that Google’s rankings were rewritten. Googlebot revisits each website finding out how many sites link to it, and how many links link are there to it and how valuable those links are.
Q. 85. What is Google’s rich answer box?
Ans: Any rich answer box is attempted by Google to respond to the searcher’s query in search results when a click through to a website is not required.
Rich answers come in many forms that can be recipes, sports scores, stock graphs, calculators, sliders, text-based answers, sorted step-by-step instructions, maps, and more.
Q. 86. What is ccTLD?
Ans: This is a country code of the top-level domain.
Q. 87. What is Black Hat SEO?
Ans: It is the use of aggressive SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that focus only on search engines and generally do not follow search engine guidelines.
Q. 88. Name some Black Hat SEO techniques.
Ans: Some Black Hat SEO techniques are: Link Farming, Hidden Text, Gateway or Doorway Page, Cloaking, Keyword Stuffing
Q. 89. What Does Competitive Analysis Mean?
Ans: A competitive analysis is an important part of your company’s marketing plan. This analysis in marketing and strategic management is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. This analysis provides an aggressive and defensive strategic context to identify opportunities and threats.
90. What is the relevant backlink?
Ans: Relevant backlinks are links to external websites that are placed within the main or primary content of the web page.
Interactive SEO Guide
Q. 91. What does “repeat search with omitted results” mean?
Ans: This means that Google treats the page with low-quality content / duplicate content / algorithmic penalties. Duplication of the same content/page is another reason behind this.
Q. 92. What is duplicate content?
Ans: Duplicate content, as the name suggests, generally refers to substantial portions of content within or around domains that are either identical or appreciably similar.
Q. 93. What is CTR and how to increase it?
Ans: Click-through rate is measured by dividing the number of times a link appears on a search engine result page by the number of clicks a visitor actually has. A high organic CTR in Google or any search engine means that you will get more traffic.
Q. 94. What is the bounce rate?
Ans: Bounce rate is the number of visitors who get a site to leave after viewing only one page. This represents the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave or ‘bounce’ rather than continue to look at other pages within the same site.
Q. 95. What is pogo-stick?
Ans: Pogo-sticking is defined as moving back and forth from a search engine result page (SERP) to a different search result destination. This means that when the searcher clicks on a link on a SERP, it sees that it is not what he is looking for, and immediately quits by pressing the back button. Google does not like pogo-sticking at all. The reason for this is very clear: when users visit your page repeatedly but don’t stick around to read what you’ve written, it becomes clear that the page doesn’t really satisfy users.
Q. 96. Difference between bounce rate and pogo-sticking.
Ans: The difference between bounce rate and pogo-sticking is:
A high bounce rate is not always bad, because it can mean that when a visitor did not travel deep into a site, he or she had taken a page. But spent some time and got answers to his question. He has saved the URL or may come back later, but since he has not given much time to read the content, the activity is considered a boom.
Pogo sticking occurs when a user searches, clicks on the result, clicks back to the search results page very quickly and clicks on a different result. This type of behaviour is a direct result of immediate dissatisfaction in the search result. This is always a downside to it. In simple terms, pogo-sticking has to do with search engine traffic, while the bounce rate is associated with all traffic sources including search.
Q. 97. What is Referral Traffic?
Ans: Referral traffic is the reporting method of Google’s visits that came to your site from sources outside of its search engine. For example, when a person clicks a hyperlink to visit a new page on a different website, Google Analytics tracks the click as a referral visit to another site.
Q. 98: What is Google Trends?
Ans: Google Trends is a public web feature of Google Inc. that describes how often a particular search term is entered or searched relative to the total search volume in different regions and languages in the world. The Google Trends tool periodically uses real-time search data to help you understand consumer search behaviours. Most important, Google Trends shows you high-volume trending search terms in your niche.
Q. 99: What is Content Marketing?
Ans: Content marketing is an approach that focuses on creating and delivering valuable and meaningful content to attract and retain a certain audience and ultimately, to drive profitable customer actions.
Q. 100: What is Crawl Statistics?
Ans: The Crawl Statistics provides information about Googlebot’s activity on your site for the last 90 days. These statistics take into account all content types by Google such as CSS, JavaScript, Flash. Google’s ability to fetch and crawl web pages is incredibly efficient and crawl statistics provide the same information on statistics with complete data.
Interactive SEO Guide
Q. 101: What is RankBrain in SEO?
Ans: Launched on 26 October 2015 by Google, RankBrain accounts for an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that provides support for Google to process its search queries through an algorithm-learning program.
Q. 102. What is Alexa Rank in SEO?
Ans: is a website that ranks websites based on traffic, so in terms of SEO, moving Alexa’s rank up or down is a sign of how effective your SEO campaign has been. Rank is calculated using a combination of the estimated average daily unique visitors to the site and the estimated number of page views on the site over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of unique visitors and pageviews is ranked as # 1.
Q. 103. What is the goal in Google Analytics?
Ans: Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. The goal is to ensure that users can review online campaigns by essentially tracking page quality and conversions to improve lead generation on their website.
Interactive SEO Guide
Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:
- Advertisement Writing
- Amplification Writing
- Note Making
- Paragraph Writing
- Notice Writing
- Passage Comprehension
- The Art of Poster Writing
- The Art of Letter Writing
- Report Writing
- Story Writing
- Substance Writing
- School Essays Part-I
- School Essays Part-II
- School English Grammar Part-I
- School English Grammar Part-II..
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