Inspirational Quotes About Memory


Inspirational Quotes About Memory

Inspirational Quotes About Memory

Inspirational Quotes About Memory

Inspirational Quotes About Memory

1. Your memory is the glue that binds your life together, whatever you are today is because of your wonderful memory. -Kevin Horsley
2. Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, throw it away. Fear is terrible, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish them.” -Anon
3. What I love about photographs is that they capture a moment that is gone forever, which is impossible to reproduce. – Karl Lagerfeld
4. The worst part of holding onto memories is not the pain. This is its loneliness. Memories need to be shared. — Lois Lowry
5. I knew looking back on tears would make me laugh but I never knew that looking back on laughter would bring tears. -Anon
6. You may have lost things or persons in your life. But you can capture them in your memories forever.
7. We don’t realize the value of something in our life until it becomes a memory.
A moment lasts for seconds but memories last forever.
8. The most beautiful discovery that true friends make is that they can grow apart without falling apart. -Elizabeth Foley
9. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched – they must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller
10. It’s sad when someone can walk right next to you and pretend you were never a big part of their life. — Jessica Butilla

Inspirational Quotes About Memory
11. Those sweet memories of my life with you are the best. He makes me smile no matter what is happening in my present life. -anonymous
12. At some point in life, we all become memories for others. So make sure you are a good person.
13. A picture is worth a thousand words, but memory is priceless.—Anon
14. Memory is a way to hold onto the things you love, the things that you are, the things you never want to lose.-Anon
15. Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal, love leaves a memory that no one can steal. -Anon
16. Live your life so that when you are dying, you are smiling, even though everyone else is crying. —Anon
17. Smriti is the diary we all keep with us. – Oscar Wilde
18. Memories play a very confusing role, when we remember the times we cried they make us laugh but when we remember the laughed times they make us cry!-Anon
19. Create memories in people’s hearts because your memories will be the ones that are left with you after you are gone. —Anon
20. A truly loving heart never forgets. – Proverb

Inspirational Quotes About Memory
21. You don’t just take a picture with the camera, you take it with your heart.-Anon
22. Never forget the memories of your life that made you cry and laugh.—Anon
23. Make sure your life is filled with happy memories at the end. —Anon
24. It was an opportunity to honor our memories and make room for new ones. – Geely Pretzels
25. Memories may fade as the years pass, but they do not grow for a single day.—Anon
26. Memories are always invisible to the eye but can be felt by the heart.—Anon
27. The best memories of our life can never be captured in pictures, they are always captured by the heart. —Anon
28. Never spend your fortune on the tangible but on experiences and intangible moments that will someday become memories. -Jeremiah Say
29. Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened. – Doctor Seuss
30. You may be out of my sight but you have never been out of my heart.—Anon

Inspirational Quotes About Memory
31. -Annon how lucky you are to have something that makes it so hard to say goodbye.
32. When a loved one becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. —Anon
33. The real moment has disappeared but you will always have memories to remind you. —Anon
34. As long as the memory of a few dear friends lives on in my heart, I will say that life is good. – Helen Keller
35. Our paths may change along with life but the bond between friends is always strong. – Helen Keller
36. A good friend knows all your best stories. You have had a best friend to be with.- Helen Keller
37. The most memorable people in life will be the friends who loved you when you weren’t so cute. —Anon
38. If you have two friends in your life, you are lucky. If you have a good friend, you are more than lucky. —Anon
39. The worst feeling in the world is when you can’t love someone else because your heart still belongs to the one who broke it. —Anon
40. Sad memories are bad, but good memories are the worst. —Anon
41. When you lose someone you love, they never really go away, they are in your heart forever. —Anon
42. Some things are meant to be remembered, which is why God gave us memories. —Anon
43. Memory is the foundation of all knowledge known to man.0 0 0.

Inspirational Quotes About Memory

Read More: Motivational Quotes for Success

Inspirational Quotes About Memory

Note: The article ‘Inspirational Quotes About Memory’ originally belongs to the book ‘Motivational Quotes: An Anthology‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

Inspirational Quotes About Memory

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  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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