Innuendo | Innuendo Meaning, Definition, Example & Illustration


Innuendo | Innuendo Meaning, Definition, Example & Illustration

Innuendo Meaning

Innuendo | Innuendo Meaning, Definition, Example & Illustration

Innuendo | Innuendo Meaning, Definition, Example & Illustration

The word ‘innuendo’ means an oblique hint.  In this figure of speech, a thing is hinted or insinuated instead of plainly stated. In this figure of speech, the main purpose of the speaker or writer is kept out of view and is left to be inferred by the listeners or readers. Examples:

  1. He was born rich but honest parents.

Here the use of ‘but’ instead of ‘and’ obliquely suggests that the rich are generally dishonest.

  1. I want to die a natural death.

This was a statement of a patient and he made this when he was asked to consult a physician. It indirectly means that the doctors instead of curing a patient hastens death.

  1. My friends are poor but honest.
  2. Nitish is pious, he spent only some days with Alisa. 0 0 0.

Innuendo Meaning

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Innuendo Meaning

N. B. The article ‘Innuendo | Innuendo Meaning, Definition, Example & Illustration originally belongs to the book ‘The Rhetoricby Menonim Menonimus.

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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