Henry Derozio Poetry-A Critical Analysis
Henry Derozio Poetry-A Critical Analysis
The poem entitled ‘Poetry’ is a sonnet on adolescent life by Henry Louis Vivian Derozio, the first Indo-Anglian poet. Through this poem, he portrays the working of the brain of the young girl or boy during his or her adolescent period, when he becomes emotional or highly imaginative and desires to do those things which are not possible in real life.
During the period of adolescence, every girl or boy’s mind is occupied by a poetic feeling which is hyperbolic and full of adventurous and colorful imagination. His adventurous imagination is nothing but the eccentricity of the young hood. The poet calls this madness of younghood as ‘sweet madness’. During this period, the youthful brain becomes full of pleasing images and it revolves around those whimsical hopes and desires that it likes. In doing so, he feels excessive joy in his mind. During this period, he becomes so daring and adventurous that he desires to roam about all over the world. In one leap of imagination, he can go to the deep recesses of the sea. And in another leap, he climbs up the Himalayas. Then he wishes to go to the fragrant shores of Araby or Classic Greece or wishes to test the fragrant sweetness of Italian fount. He does not think even once that in chasing those imaginations he may ruin. During this period, he becomes an eager lover also. He becomes amorous and gazes at the beautiful lips of beautiful girls. He looks at everything with an ardent look. During this period, he becomes mad at love and song. He sings songs rivaling the nightingale and dove. In youth, he becomes so much bold that he does not hesitate to go through the gale or fire. He also practises playing on a lyre as an angel.
The above analysis of the poem shows that the poet has portrayed the inner working of an adult mind. In the whole range of Indian English poetry not a second piece of poetry is seen except it where the working of the adolescent brain is portrayed so vividly, skilfully and successfully within so narrow limit of a sonnet.
The words employed in this sonnet are simple but the imageries are concrete pictures that symbolize the complexity of youthhood. From the very beginning to the very end, this sonnet is made up of imageries that suit best the matter of the poem.
If poetry is an object of emotion and imagination rounding a thing or feeling, then this is the best piece of poetry in adolescent life. 0 0 0
Henry Derozio Poetry
Read More: The Poetry of Henry Derozio-Chief Features
N. B. This article entitled ‘Henry Derozio’s ‘Poetry’- A Critical Analysis’ originally belongs to the book ‘Indian English Poetry Criticism‘ by Menonim Menonimus. Henry Derozio Poetry
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