Formation of Compound Words
Formation of Compound Words
Formation of Compound Words
The Words formed by joining two or more simple words are called Compound Words. For Example :
Black + bird = black-bird
Holy + day = holiday
Milk + maid = milkmaid
There are few characteristics of Compound words, usually noticed when we study them, as-Â
(i)There are some compound words between the compound parts of which a hyphen (-) is used, e.g.
Over + coat = over-coat
Page + boy = page-boy.
Man + of + war = man-of-war.
(ii)There are some compound words, the component parts of which are so closely related or connected that they are written as one (single) word without any hyphen (-) between them. Examples:
By + path = bypath.
In + side= inside.
(ii)There are certain compound words, the integration of which have been achieved by modifying one or both of the component parts. Examples:
Holy + day = holiday
Well + come = Welcome.
Formation of Compound Words
In the English language, there are many compound words that have enlarged the vocabulary of the language. By joining two or more simple words, usually, we can form Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Phrases. The ways of forming Compound Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Phrases are shown below.
Formation of Compound Words
(a)Â The ways of Forming Compound Nouns.
The Compound Nouns are formed in the following ways:
1. By joining two Nouns (Noun + Noun)
Air + hostess = air-hostess.
Birth + day = birth-day.
Father + land = fatherland.
Foot + path = foot-path.
Guest + house = guest-house.
Master + piece = master-piece.
Oil + lamp = oil-lamp.
Ring + leader = ring-leader.
Ring + finger = ring-finger.
Rail + ways = railways.
Tax + payer = tax-payer.
Hero + worship = hero-worship.
Horse + power = horse-power.
Maid + servant = maid-servant.
Page + boy = page-boy.
News + paper = newspaper.
Post + man = post-man.
Moon + light = moon-light.
Mother + country = mother-country.
Sign + board = sign-board.
Sun + light = sunlight.
Sign + post = sign-post.
Formation of Compound Words
2. By adding a pronoun to a Noun (Pronoun + Noun)
He + wolf = he-wolf.
He + goat = he-goat.
She + sheep = she-sheep.
She + wolf = she-wolf.
She + devil = she-devil.
Formation of Compound Words
3. By joinig an Adjective to a Noun (Adjective + Noun)
Black + board = blackboard.
Black + bird = black-bird.
Free + trade = free-trade.
Free + thinker = free-thinker.
Free + lance = free-lance.
Noble + man = nobleman.
Quick + sand = quick-sand.
Lay + man = layman.
Mid + night = mid-night.
Mid + day = mid-day.
Sweet + heart = sweet-heart.
Short + hand = short-hand.
Strong + hold = strong-hold.
Formation of Compound Words
4. By joining a Verb to a Noun (Verb + Noun)
Break + fast = break-fast.
Cut + throat = cut-throat.
Dare + devil = dare-devil.
Pick + pocket = pick-pocket.
Pass + port = pass-port.
Make + shift = make-shift.
Stop + gap = stop-gap.
Spend + thrift = spend-thrift.
Formation of Compound Words
5. By joining two Verbs (Verb + verb)
Hear + say = hear-say.
Make + believe = make-believe.
Make + close = make-close.
Formation of Compound Words
6. By joining a gerund and a Noun (gerund+Noun)
Blotting + paper = blotting-paper.
Drinking + water = drinking-water.
Drawing + room =drawing-room.
Looking + glass = looking-glass.
Laughing + stock = laughing-stock.
Walking + stick = walking-stick.
Formation of Compound Words
7. By joining a Possessive and a Noun, (Possessive + Noun)
Bats + man = batsman.
Hunts + man = hunts man.
States + man = statesman.
(Formation of Compound Word)
8. By joining a Verb and an Adverb (Verb + Adverb)
Break + down = break-down.
Draw + back = draw-back.
Fare + well = fare-well.
Look + up = look-up.
Run + away = run-away.
Send + off = send-off.
(Formation of Compound Word)
9. By joining an Adverb and a Verb (Adverb + Verb)
In + come = income.
Off + set = offset.
Out + put = output.
Out + cast = outcast.
Out + look = outlook.
Out + set = outset.
Out + burst = outburst.
Up + keep = upkeep.
Up + start = upstart.
(Formation of Compound Word)
10. By adding a Noun to an Adjective (Noun+Adjective)
Court + martial = court-martial.
Heir + apparent = heir-apparent.
Heaven + born = heaven-born.
Knight + errand = knight-errand.
Penny + wise = penny-wise.
(Formation of Compound Word)
11. By Adding an Adverb to a Noun (Adverb + Noun)
After + sight = after-sight.
After + life = after-life.
By + word = byword.
Down + fall =downfall.
Fore + sight = fore-sight.
Out + patient = out-patient.
Over + dose = over-dose.
12. By joining a present participle and Noun (Present Participle + Noun)
Sliding + scale = sliding scale.
Swimming + bird = swimming-bird.
(Formation of Compound Word)
(b)The ways of Forming Compound Adjectives
The Compound Adjectives may be formed in the following ways, as:
1. By joining a Noun and an Adjective (Noun + Adjective), as –
Blood + red = blood-red.
Home + sick = home-sick.
Head + strong = head-strong.
Knee + deep = knee-deep.
Life + long = life-long.
Note + worthy = note-worthy.
Purse + proud = purse-proud.
Snow + white = snow-white.
Water + proof = water-proof.
World + wide = world-wide.
(Formation of Compound Word)
2. By joining a Noun and a Present or Past Participle (Noun + Present or Past Participle) as:
Bed + ridden = bed-ridden.
Good + looking = good-looking.
Hen + pecked = hen-pecked.
Heart + broken = heart-broken.
Hand + made = hand-made.
Heart + rending = heart-rending.
Hight + sounding = high-sounding.
Frost + bitten = frost-bitten.
Moth + eaten = moth-eaten.
Money + making = money-making.
Self + sacrificing = self-sacrificing.
Time + serving = time-serving.
Thunder + struck = thunder-struck.
Weather + beaten = weather-beaten.
(Formation of Compound Word)
3. By adding an Adjective to an Adjective (Adjective + Adjectives), as:
Dark + brown = dark-brown.
dark + green = dark-green.
Half + blind = half-blind.
high + born = high-born.
Luke + worm = luke-worm.
Red + hot = red-hot.
(Formation of Compound Word)
4. By adding an Adverb to a Participle (Adverb + Participle), as:
Broad + based = broad-based.
Ever + lasting = ever-lasting.
Far + fetched = far-fetched.
Long + suffering = long-suffering.
Never + ending = never-ending.
Never + failing = never-failing.
Out + spoken = out-spoken.
Well + behaved = well-behaved.
Well + bred = well-bred.
Well + deserved = well-deserved.
(Formation of Compound Word)
5. By adding a Preposition to a Noun (Preposition+Noun), as:
Over + night = over-night.
Over + time = over-time.
Out + door = out-door.
Post + graduate = post-graduate.
Under + graduate = under-graduate.
Up + hill = up-hill.
(Formation of Compound Word)
(c) The ways of Forming compound Verbs.
Compound Verbs are formed in the following ways :
1. By joining a Noun with a Verb (Noun + Verbs), as:
Brow + beat = brow-beat.
Back + bite = back-bite.
Ear + mark = ear-mark.
Hood + wink = hood-wink.
Star + gaze = star-gaze.
Type + write = type-write.
Way + lay = way-lay.
(Formation of Compound Word)
2. By joining an Adjective and a Verb (Adjective + Verb), as:
Dry + clean = dry-clean.
Safe + guard = safe-guard.
White + wash = white-wash.
(Formation of Compound Word)
3. By adding an Adverb to a Verb (Adverb+Verb), as:
Cross + examine = cross-examine.
Fore + tell = fore-tell.
Over + take = over-take.
Over + hear = overhear.
Over + come = overcome.
Out + do = out-do.
Out + number = out-number.
Under + take = undertake.
Under + go = undergo.Â
(Formation of Compound Word)
(d) Formation of Phrase Compounds.
Usually, Phrase Compounds are formed by joining more than two simple words connected by hyphens, as-
Commander + in + chief = commander-in-chief.
Coat + of + war = coat-of-war.
Good + for + nothing = good-for-nothing.
Man + of + war = man-of-war.
Well + to + do = well-to-do.   0 0 0
(Formation of Compound Word)
N.B. Â The article ‘Formation of Compound Words’ originally belongs to the book ‘School English Grammar Part- II‘ by Menonim Menonimus.
Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:
- Advertisement Writing
- Amplification Writing
- Note Making
- Paragraph Writing
- Notice Writing
- Passage Comprehension
- The Art of Poster Writing
- The Art of Letter Writing
- Report Writing
- Story Writing
- Substance Writing
- School Essays Part-I
- School Essays Part-II
- School English Grammar Part-I
- School English Grammar Part-II..
Books on Linguistics by M. Menonimus:
- A Brief History of the English Language
- Essays on Linguistics
- My Imageries
- Felicitous Expression: Some Examples
- Learners’ English Dictionary
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