Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms


Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms


Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms
(Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms)

Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms

1. Able (it is a general term and does not mention any special quality or merit): Pandit Jawaharlal was an able politician.

Capable (it denotes proficiency in doing a particular thing): Hari is capable of riding a horse.

2. About (more or less than): Radha is about thirty-one.

Nearly (a little less than): He is nearly fifty.

Almost (very nearly but not quite): Kabin Phukan is almost to win the race.

3. Aid (to help a person by adding our effort to his own): We aided Rama to set up the business.

Help (to give somebody something that he requires): We helped Rakesh to accomplish the feat.

4. Admit (to acknowledge an ordinary thing or mistake): We should admit our fault.

Confess (to admit guilt or crime): Radha confessed that he had stolen the bicycle.

5. Alone (by oneself, without taking any assistance from others): Ram alone solved the problem.

Only (solely): Srimati Geeta Devi was the only child of her parents who stood first in the field of fine arts.

6.Ancient (not modern, belonging to long past): ancient India was full of glory.

Old (not new or young): That was an old car.

7. Artist (one who is skilled in arts like music, painting, drawing etc.): Pabita is a good artist.

Artiste (a professional singer, dancer etc.): Dr Bhupen Hazarika was a reputed artiste of India.

Artisan (one who is skilled in handy work like carpentry, weaving etc.): Rubul is a good artisan.

8. Avenge (to pay back a wrong done to the others): Rajesh avenged his father’s murderer.

Revenge (to pay back a wrong done to oneself ): Tara Prashad revenged his opponent by sending him to prison.

9. Authentic (true or trustworthy): It is an authentic biography.

Genuine (correctness of the source): His demand was genuine.

10. Absurd (unreasonable): Your demand for a kilo of gold is absurd.

Impossible (what is against natural law): It is impossible to make a sea of milk.

Impracticable (what is impossible to practise): His plans to turn the desert into a fertile land is impracticable.

Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms

11. Amazed (struck with overwhelming wonder): We are amazed at Radha’s successful debut as a singer.

Astonished (that which is great and striking): We were astonished to see him do the work of a mason.

Surprised (that which is new or unexpected ): His sudden appearance surprised us.

12. Among (referring to more than two): Distribute the marbles among the girls.

Between (referring to two): Babul entered between the two boys and worsened the matter.

13. Answer (to response in speech or writing to a question ): The boys answered all the questions.

Reply (to reply to a formal enquiry): She replied why she was absent from the class.

Retort (a short and pointed reply): Geetali retorted his parents face to face that she would not do the work.

14. Allude (to touch indirectly): The book alluded the folk-tale of ancient India.

Refer to (to mention distinctly ): Rana referred to Sonnet no. 52 by William Shakespeare.

15. Avarice (excessive desire for wealth): The politicians have avarice for money.

Greed (excessive desire for food): Ram’s greed for sweet-meats made him sick.

(Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms)

16. Aware (of) (conscious to one’s surrounding): We should be aware of the degradation of our environment.

Conscious (of) (alive to one’s thoughts and feelings): I am conscious of my ability.

17. Ambiguous (having a double meaning): Geeta made an ambiguous comment on the case.

Equivocal (having a double meaning made often to cheat the person involved): At last it became clear that his comment on the theme was equivocal.

18. Assent (it is a general term and it implies understanding): He gave his assent and we did it without any hesitation.

Consent (refers to the will or feeling of a person): He consented that he is ever ready to help us.

19. Banish (the term is used when a person – a native or a foreigner is forced by the government to leave the country): The  English ambassador was banished from Iraq.

Exile (it is used when a person leaves his country): The Pancha Pandavas were exiled from their land for thirteen years.

20. Beautiful (it is used to mean pretty, the term is feminine in sense): Geetika was a beautiful girl.

Handsome (it is used to refer to fair look, the term is masculine in sense.): Raman is a handsome boy.

21. Bring (to come with): Raja brought a new coat.

Fetch (to go and come back with): Ganesh went to the fair and fetched a pretty leather bag.

Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms

22. Bill (draft of a proposed Act): The Loka Sabha passed a Bill pertaining the Juvenile crime.

Act (A Bill which is passed by the legislature): The Act pertaining to the rights to vote came into force in most countries in the twentieth century.

23.Beat (to strike again and again with something): The boy was beating the drum.

Strike (to make a blow): He boy struck his friend on the head.

24. Compulsion (refers to physical force): We are under the compulsion to attend the meeting.

Obligation (refers to moral consideration): We have an obligation to help the poor.

25. Command (it is a stronger term and refers to the order from a superior authority like King, Queen, General to an inferior officer): The King commanded his ministers to wage a war against the infidels.

Order (it is a mild term and more informal): The Principal ordered the students to maintain strict discipline.

26. Compare (to show both likeness and difference): Compare Saddam with Muammar Gaddafi.

Contrast (to show differences only): Contrast Akbar with Aurangzeb.

27. Cool (it is a general term and implies less cold): I do not take cool tea.

Cold (chilly): We went there on a cold evening.

28. Corpse (the dead body of a man): The corpse of the missing soldier was found there.

Carcass (dead body f a beast): The vulture is very fond of carcasses.

29. Contagious (a disease spread through physical contact): Small-pox is a contagious disease.

Infectious (a disease spread through air and water): Cholera is an infectious disease.

30. Continuous (that goes on without any break): It had been continuously raining for four hours.

Continual (that goes on with occasional break): There was continual hail storm last month.

(Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms)

31. Courageous (it denotes a spirit that is inward and above fear): Our students are courageous enough to face any competition.

Brave (it indicates the lack of fear in a difficult situation): Rina is a brave girl to overcome the adverse situation.

32. Contented (a man is said to be contented when he does not hanker after more): I live a contented life.

Satisfied (a man is said to be satisfied when he meets all of his desires): A man can hardly be satisfied.

33. Canal (it implies an artificial or man-made passage of water): In ancient India, some monarchs made some canals to supply water to corn-field.

Channel (natural passage for water): It is not easy to swim across the Pak Channel.

34. Crime (it is used with reference to the breaking of the law of a country): Exploitation is a crime in India.

Vice (it is used to refer to breaking a moral law): Telling lies is a vice.

Sin (breaking the command of religion): Adultery is a sin.

35. Custom (a traditional act of doing things): To bury the dead is an Islamic custom.

Habit (an individual action formed after practice): Having a cool bath in the morning is my habit.

36. Cheat (to defraud a person of a thing): They cheated the labourers of their wages.

Deceive (to give one false information,  to make a person believe what is not true): Raja often deceives his friends.

Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms

37. Caution (to put a person on guard against doing something): He cautioned us not to do things in haste.

Warn (make aware of something coming): The Government warned us to take safe shelter in the flood.

38. Certainly (surely, without a doubt): It seems that the boy will certainly shine in life.

Of course (naturally, admittedly): Of course Rama is capable of doing this.

39. Cause (what produces an effect): Every action has a cause behind it.

Reason (that which justifies a result): Explain the reason for your negligence in doing it.

40. Common (which is shared alike by all): Feeling of love is common to all.

Mutual (done something by each to the other): We help mutually during our hard times.

Reciprocal (common to each other): Kindness is generally reciprocal

41. Cure (to remedy): There is a cure for all diseases.

Heal (to restore something to soundness): This balm may heal you of your back pain.

42. Conquer (to conquer a territory, an enemy): Ashoka conquered Kalinga.

Subdue (it refers to curbing down one’s passion): We should subdue our passions.

43. Deny (to deny a statement): He denied that he did the work.

Refuse (to refuse to do things): Rekha refused to go there.

44. Drown (refers to animate objects): The baby drowned in the pond.

Sink (refers to inanimate things): The ship sank in the sea.

45. Delusion (a false belief): He works here under the delusion that he will be upgraded to a higher post.

Illusion (a false appearance): Water in the desert is an illusion.

(Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms)

46. Eternal (that which has neither a beginning nor an end): The existence of God is eternal.

Everlasting (that which has a beginning but no end): Gold is an everlasting metal.

47. Epidemic (that suddenly and rapidly spreads in a particular area): Cholera is an epidemic disease.

Endemic (that which is regularly found among a specified people or area): Plague was an endemic disease in France during the middle ages.

48. Famous (noted — used in good sense): Rabindranath Tagore is a famous Bengali Poet.

Notorious (noted–used in a bad sense): Charles Shuvaraj was a notorious robber.

49. Freedom (it refers to the absence of restraint to the present moment,): India got freedom in 1947.

Liberty (it refers to natural right): We are at liberty to take up any job.

50. Forgive (forgive a wrong done to ourselves): I am in the wrong; please forgive me.

Excuse (excuse a fault that is not grave): Please excuse me for my absence.

Pardon (the term refers to great fault or crime): The murderer of the leader begged pardon of his family.

Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms

51. Fancy (a mental faculty of forming images of things not present at the moment): It is his fancy to see a bird here.

Imagination (it refers to the creative power of the mind): Every great art is the product of fertile imagination.

52. Incident (a minor event): Let the incident of losing Raja’s pen be passed. 

Event (an important occurrence or happening): The assassination of Mahatma Gandhi is a big event in the history of Free India.

53. Illusive (deceptive): Your promise is illusive.

Illusory (unreal): Our dreams are illusory.

54. Oral (spoken, by way of the mouth): We have to face an oral test tomorrow.

Verbal (of words): He made a verbal promise that he would not pursue the task.

55. Part (it is a general term referring to some whole of things): The first and last part of the wood is donated to the temple.

Portion (it refers to the detached part of a thing): Let us have our portions and use them as we like.

(Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms)

56. Protect (it refers to the evil of danger in future): We should protect our freedom ourselves.

Defend (it refers to the evil of danger at the present time.): We must defend our property from being theft.

57. Replace (to take the place of ): Replace the chair with a new one.

Substitute (to fill a place instead of another): Substitute the proper noun with a common noun in the sentence.

58. Pride (a high opinion about oneself ): Rani takes pride in her beauty.

Vanity (the desire of being admired by others): We do not like Diana because of her vanity for beauty.

59. Scarce (not available at a particular place or time): Pure water is scarce to find in the city.

Rare (fewer to find): The Royal Bengal tiger is rare to find in West Bengal nowadays.

60. Snow (it implies to natural freezing of water): In winter huge snowfalls in Kashmir.

Ice (it implies artificial freezing of water): We use a refrigerator to turn water into ice.

61. Truth (being true to fact): Always speak the truth.

Veracity (being truthful in doing a thing): The veracity of the minister in matters of doing the welfare job is beyond doubt.

62. Financial (it relates to money in general): We are financially weak.

Monetary (pertaining to money directly): Wahid-Ullah works in Dubai for monetary benefit.

Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms

63. Kidnap (to take away a person for demanding a ransom): The son of the Home Minister was kidnapped by the terrorists who demanded some lakhs of money as his ransom.

Abduct (to take away a person unlawfully through fraud): Hiren abducted her uncle’s daughter.

64. Hear (it perceives a sound with the ear): I heard him say so.

Listen (to hear with attention): Listen to what the teacher says.

65. Lovely (beautiful): Lalita is a lovely girl.

Loveable (worthy of love): Geetika is a girl of loveable nature.

66. Need (it refers to the general feeling of lacking something ): I need better-bound copy of the book.

Necessity ( feeling of lacking a thing which is indispensable or urgent to have): Here we feel the necessity of having hot water. 0 0 0

Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms

N.B.  The article ‘Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms’ originally belongs to the book ‘School English Grammar Part- II‘ by Menonim Menonimus. Distinction Between Groups of Synonyms

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

Books on Linguistics by M. Menonimus:

  1. A Brief History of the English Language
  2. Essays on Linguistics
  3. My Imageries
  4. Felicitous Expression: Some Examples
  5. Learners’ English Dictionary

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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