An Anthology of Proverbs


An Anthology of Proverbs

An Anthology of Proverbs

An Anthology of Proverbs

An Anthology of Proverbs


Proverbs are common sayings expressing general truths of life learned from real-life experience. They are often expressed in the form of short, simple, advice. Some expression is metaphorical, aphoristic or figurative. Some proverbs are romantic, some are humorous and some are thought-provoking. Proverbs exist in every language of the world. They usually reflect deep lessons of life derived from practical experience. Most proverbs belong to no authorship. But there is no doubt that proverbs are the sayings of wise people with sound observing power of things, events and happening. They may be called the gems of knowledge. The study of proverbs in different languages around the world shows that they convey not only the wisdom but also the culture and beliefs of the people of the respective geographical land.

The Proverbs in this anthology are categorized language-wise.

An Anthology of Proverbs

An Anthology of Proverbs


English Proverbs

  1. The tree which you cannot climb always bears thousands of fruits.
  2. The eyes do not see what the mind does not want.
  3. When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries and you rejoice.
  4. Great anger is more destructive than a sword.
  5. Some things catch the eye, but only follow what pleases the heart.
  6. Life is a bridge, cross it, but don’t build a house on it.
  7. Like the body which is made up of various parts and organs, all moral beings must depend on each other in order to exist.
  8. Great minds discuss ideas, medium minds discuss events, and small minds discuss people.
  9. A hundred divine ages would not be enough to describe all the wonders of the Himalayas.
  10. To control the mind is like controlling a drunken monkey bitten by a scorpion.
  11. Nobody can hurt me without my permission.
  12. The future depends on what we do in the present.
  13. The weak can never forgive; forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
  14. Action expresses priorities.
  15. Hate the sin, love the sinner.
  16. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
  17. Where there is love there is life.
  18. Happiness is what we think, what we say and what we do in harmony.
  19. In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
  20. An eye for an eye means making the whole world blind. 0 0 0.

An Anthology of Proverbs

Arabic proverbs

  1. A house divided cannot stand.
  2. A known mistake is better than an unknown truth.
  3. Heaven without people is not worth setting foot on.
  4. A pebble can support a barrel.
  5. A secret is like a dove: it flies away when it leaves my hand.
  6. A sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to our steps as we walk the trials of life.
  7. The beginning of the tree is from the seed.
  8. Actions speak louder than words.
  9. A jealous person is the most unhappy.
  10. Anger begins with madness, but ends with remorse.
  11. The ego weakens the intellect.
  12. Ego is a weed that grows mostly on dung heaps.
  13. Ask the experienced rather than the learned.
  14. Ask your purse what you should buy.
  15. Avoid that which requires an apology.
  16. Avoid the company of liars, but if you can’t do that, don’t trust them.
  17. Be patient and you will get what you want.
  18. Beware once of your enemy and a thousand times of your friend.
  19. Believe what you see and put aside what you hear.
  20. Beware of the one with whom you have been doing charity.
  21. Beware of a levelheaded person if they are angry.
  22. Blood does not become water.
  23. Close the ventilation door and relax.
  24. Days are like countries.
  25. Determination is the key to everything.
  26. Discipline your son when he is young and be his friend when he is old.
  27. The distance equals resentment.
  28. Don’t buy the moon or the news, because they’ll both run out in the end.
  29. Don’t put off today’s work for tomorrow.
  30. Do not eat your bread at someone else’s table.
  31. Say no to beans unless they’re on a measuring scale.
  32. Eat less to sleep more.
  33. Even if the friend is honey, don’t lick them completely.
  34. Each rooster crows on its own dung heap.
  35. Every sun has to set.
  36. Everyone criticizes others’ flaws but is blind to his own.
  37. Experimentation is the biggest science.
  38. A lie lasts for an hour, a truth lasts till the end of time.
  39. Out of sight, out of mind.
  40. Turn the jar on its face, and the daughter turns out to be like her mother.
  41. Forgetting is the pain of knowledge.
  42. Give your money and your blood to your friends, but don’t justify yourself. Your enemies won’t believe it and your friends won’t need it.
  43. Go with the lesser of two evils.
  44. Good health is a crown worn by healthy people which only the sick can see.”
  45. He makes a dome of food.
  46. One who desires the peak has to stay awake for many nights.
  47. He who digs a pit for his brother falls into it.
  48. One who sees the misery of others finds the light of his own misery.
  49. One whose house is made of glass should not throw stones at people.
  50. I curse my own child but I hate the one who says Amen.
  51. The speech is silvern and silence is of golden.
  52. If the wind blows, ride.
  53. If you are charitable, you are wealthy.
  54. If you have an opinion, you better be firm.
  55. If you are unable to reward them, be sure to thank them.
  56. Ignorance is the worst introduction.
  57. There is regret in haste, but there is peace and security in patience and care.
  58. It’s better to avoid mistakes altogether than to do something you’ll have to apologize for later.
  59. Better to fix what you have than wait to get what you don’t have.
  60. Keeping a secret is a commitment.
  61. A thief thinks that everyone steals.
  62. There is no hand to hold the time.
  63. When the elephant is in trouble, the frog will also kick it.
  64. Where the needle goes, there goes the thread.
  65. When you have ass for a friend, don’t expect anything but kicking.
  66. Don’t poison the one you can kill with sweets.
  67. I’ve had many boils, but none have been as painful as mine.
  68. Slowly walking donkey will also reach Lhasa.
  69. When the camel is at the foot of the mountain then only guess its height.
  70. Those who dream too long become like their shadow.
  71. Pull someone by the ear and their head will follow.
  72. Guest on the first day, guest on the second day, calamity on the third day.
  73. The one who does not climb, will not fall either.
  74. The thief who is not caught is the king.
  75. We cannot change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust the sails.
  76. Three great mysteries: air for the bird, water for the fish, and mankind for itself.
  77. Austerity is an ornament, and humility is honorable.
  78. Givers have everything; those who have restrictions have nothing.
  79. Tomorrow is but a dream, tomorrow is but a vision.
  80. Don’t bargain for the fish that are still in the water.
  81. Vigilance and courage are the shields of life.
  82. There is no greatness in being superior to another person. True nobility lies in being better than your past self.
  83. What was hard to bear is sweet to remember.
  84. It is better to quarrel with a well-spoken person than to talk to a bad-spoken person.
  85. The man who misses the opportunity and the monkey who misses its branch cannot be saved.
  86. You sometimes forget the harm done to you, but never the harm you did to others.
  87. I had no shoes and I kept complaining until I saw a man who had no feet.
  88. Life is not a continuum of pleasant choices, but rather inescapable problems that demand strength, determination, and hard work.
  89. Lack of intelligence is the biggest poverty.
  90. Laugh and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone.
  91. Laughing for no reason is rude.
  92. Be a fish in water.
  93. Lie is a disease and truth is a medicine.
  94. Put distance between yourself and every mess.
  95. Movement is a blessing.
  96. Necessity is the mother of invention.
  97. No crowd ever waited at the door of patience.
  98. Oh, bald man, we’re at a loss as to where to kiss you.
  99. One will not be able to get everything that one wishes for.
  100. The winds blow opposite to what the ships want.
  101. The opinion comes before the bravery of the heroes.
  102. A person of two minds is a liar, and a person of three minds is a hypocrite.
  103. Planning is half the life.
  104. Getting a stick isn’t the same as counting them.
  105. The chicken’s eye still rests on the dung heap and it dies.
  106. The cobbler is barefooted and the weaver is naked.
  107. Silence is a sign of acceptance.
  108. Speaking is not the same as seeing.
  109. The best answer will be given by the one who is not angry.
  110. The carpenter’s door is open.
  111. Crooked pimples are caused by the big bull.
  112. The end result of a good deed is a slap of the palms.
  113. Jealous people were just made to be angry.
  114. The fruit of silence is peace.
  115. The result of cowardice is neither profit nor loss.
  116. The house of the oppressor gets ruined.
  117. The key to everything is determination.
  118. The monkey is a gazelle in the eyes of its mother.
  119. The string of lies is short.
  120. The wiser you are, the less you speak.
  121. Misers have big porches and little morals.
  122. The straw that broke the camel’s back.
  123. Fools want to help you, but in the end, they hurt you.
  124. The wisest is the one who can forgive.
  125. The world is like a belly dancer: it dances for everyone for a while.
  126. There is always something to be learned from experimentation.
  127. There’s always tomorrow.
  128. Think about going out before you enter.
  129. Time is valuable.
  130. Time is made of gold.
  131. Tomorrow is another day.
  132. Be patient, tomorrow is near.
  133. Unity is strength.
  134. Visit rarely, and you will be loved more.
  135. Walk in the funeral procession, not in the wedding.
  136. Riches come like a tortoise and run away like a gazelle.
  137. What is learned in youth is carved in stone.
  138. What is forbidden is desired.
  139. When the brain was finished, everyone was pleased with his brain; But when fate was given, no one was satisfied with his fate.
  140. When it comes to the stomach, the mind itself becomes giddy.
  141. The one who burns with soup blows on the curd.
  142. The one who has a wound on his head keeps on feeling it.
  143. Whoever plays with a cat will get its claws.
  144. A poor man does not become rich by wanting.
  145. Carefully you realize your opportunities.
  146. If you are striking with cold iron it means you’re trying to change something you can’t.
  147. You can’t clap with one hand.
  148. You reap what you sow.
  149. You will know your friend in time of need. 0 0 0.

An Anthology of Proverbs

Chinese proverbs

  1. A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
  2. A bad word worshiped will echo for a hundred miles.
  3. A bird can perch but a mouse on a branch cannot drink more than what a river can fill.
  4. The bird sings because it has a song.
  5. A candle lights others and burns itself.
  6. A clear conscience is never afraid of the knock of midnight.
  7. The shrewd man minimizes the greatest trouble and not the smallest one at all.
  8. A closed mind is like a closed book.
  9. A crisis is an opportunity to ride the dangerous wind.
  10. Falling into an abyss makes you wiser.
  11. A good book is like a good friend.
  12. A good memory can’t beat a bad pen.
  13. A good name is better than a good face.
  14. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
  15. A little impatience will spoil big plans.
  16. A man gets most tired when he is standing still.
  17. A person who cannot tolerate small misfortunes can never do great things.
  18. A person without a smiling face should not open a shop.
  19. A needle is not sharp at both ends.
  20. A man of high principles is one who can watch an entire chess game without comment.
  21. One conversation with a wise man is worth a month’s study of books.
  22. A smile dispels many worries.
  23. A smile will give you ten more years of life.
  24. A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant person follows public opinion.
  25. A book keeps a house of gold.
  26. All things are difficult before they become easy.
  27. Everything changes, and we change with them.
  28. An inch of time is worth an inch of gold.
  29. An inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time.
  30. An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet.
  31. As distance tests the strength of a horse so time reveals a person’s character.
  32. Don’t be afraid to grow slowly, be afraid to just stand still.
  33. Before setting out to make the world a better place, first take a quick look around your house.
  34. Treat everyone like someone is welcoming a guest.
  35. A flawless diamond is better than a flawless pebble.
  36. A hut where one is happy is better than a palace where one weeps.
  37. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
  38. Blessings come in disguise.
  39. By falling we learn to walk safely.
  40. Control your emotions or they will control you.
  41. Dig a well before you get thirsty.
  42. Distant water does not extinguish a nearby fire.
  43. Don’t believe that you will reach your destination without leaving the shore.
  44. How does a man rise above while suffering deepening pain?
  45. Even a dragon struggles to control a snake in its home.
  46. Even a rabbit will bite when cornered.
  47. Even an honest officer finds it difficult to settle family disputes.
  48. There is an innate goodness in every child born.
  49. Every step creates a footprint.
  50. Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.
  51. Experience is the comb that nature gives us when we are bald.
  52. Failure is the mother of success.
  53. Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
  54. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
  55. Rule a family like you cook a small fish – very gently.
  56. Guessing is cheap, but guessing wrong can be costly.
  57. Habits are first a cobweb; Cable at the end.
  58. Happiness is the best cosmetic.
  59. He who asks questions is a fool for five minutes; He who does not question remains a fool forever.
  60. He who cheats the earth will be cheated by the earth.
  61. One who returns from a journey is not the same as he had gone.
  62. He who sacrifices his conscience for ambition burns the portrait to obtain the ashes.
  63. He who thinks too much about his every move always stands on one leg.
  64. If small potholes are not repaired, there will be trouble with big potholes.
  65. If you always give, you will always have.
  66. If you have patience in a moment of anger, you will be saved from the sorrow of hundred days.
  67. If you have to bow down, then bow down.
  68. If you don’t do stupid things, you won’t end up in tragedy.
  69. If you plan for one year, plant rice. If you plan for ten years, plant a tree. If you plan for 100 years, educate the human race.
  70. If you want to know the way forward, ask those who have returned.
  71. If you want your children to live a peaceful life, let them suffer a little hunger and a little cold.
  72. You can’t blame the mirror if your face is ugly.
  73. If your mind is strong, then every difficult task becomes easy; If your mind is weak then all easy things will become difficult.
  74. In hardship, we see true friendship.
  75. It is easy to find a thousand soldiers, but difficult to find a good general.
  76. It’s easy to open a store – it’s hard to keep it open.
  77. It is not hard to know, but hard to do.
  78. It takes more than one cold day for a river to freeze one meter deep.
  79. It is better to live without a book than to believe completely in a book.
  80. It is better to walk a thousand miles than to read a thousand books.
  81. Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
  82. Learning without thinking is deceptive; Thought without learning is dangerous.
  83. Learning is a weightless treasure that you can always carry with you easily.
  84. Listening well is just as powerful as speaking well, and is just as essential to genuine conversation.
  85. Live till old age, and study till old age.
  86. Deep love, deep chastisement.
  87. Love is not about getting, it is about enjoying what you have.
  88. Man cannot be judged by appearance
  89. The ocean cannot be measured with a cup.
  90. The plans of man are inferior to the plans of heaven.
  91. Married couples say thousands of things to each other without speaking.
  92. Men stumble not on mountains, but on the ground.
  93. No matter how high a mountain is, it cannot block the sun.
  94. Having many friends do not mean deep friendship.
  95. Often a person finds his destiny where he hides to avoid it.
  96. One beam, no matter how big, cannot support an entire house by itself.
  97. The one who stands straight is not afraid of a crooked shadow.
  98. Opportunity knocks at the door only once.
  99. Chaos outside, desolation inside.
  100. Patience is a bitter plant, but its fruit is sweet.
  101. Pearls do not live by the sea. If you want one, you’ll have to dive for it.
  102. Radishes and greens, each has those who love them.
  103. Ripe fruit falls on itself – but it doesn’t fall into your mouth.
  104. Small men think they are small; Great men never that know they are great.
  105. Solve one problem, and you keep a hundred others away.
  106. The thing doesn’t cook rice.
  107. The teacher opens the door, enter yourself.
  108. Tell me I forgot, show me I remember, involve me I understand.
  109. Tenacity and adversity are old enemies.
  110. Stress is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are.
  111. The best time to plant trees was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.
  112. The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle.
  113. The people who talk best are not the only ones who can tell you the most interesting things.
  114. A man attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere.
  115. A person who is his own boss cannot tolerate another boss.
  116. There are two kinds of perfect people: those who have died, and those who have not yet been born.
  117. Think about your faults in the first half of the night and others’ faults in the second half.
  118. Those who only want speed do not succeed.
  119. Timely repayment of the loan makes it easier to borrow for the second time.
  120. To be completely at ease for a day is to be immortal for a day.
  121. Knowing another is not knowing someone’s face, but knowing the heart of that person.
  122. Talking too much and getting nowhere is like climbing a tree to catch a fish.
  123. You have to raise children yourself to understand the love of your parents.
  124. True knowledge is when one knows the limits of one’s knowledge.
  125. Two good speakers do not make one good listener.
  126. Water flows only to flow out.
  127. We count our sorrows carefully and accept our blessings without much thought.
  128. What you don’t want for yourself, don’t do for others.
  129. Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
  130. Water with love is enough; food without love does not satisfy.
  131. With truth, you can go anywhere; without the truth, you cannot take even a small step.
  132. You can’t get fat from one mouthful of food. 0 0 0.

An Anthology of Proverbs

French Proverbs

  1. Paris was not built in a day!
  2. It is better to prevent than to cure.
  3. All’s well that ends well.
  4. The future will tell.
  5. One who takes it slow and steady travels far.
  6. All things come to those who wait.
  7. The one who has land has quarrels.
  8. There is no substitute for experience.
  9. All that glitters is not gold.
  10. Like for like.
  11. Beggars cannot be choosers.
  12. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  13. He also drinks the burnt buttermilk of milk by blowing it.
  14. Give some and keep the rest.
  15. Nobody changes the winning team.
  16. One who does not move forward moves backward.
  17. When one does not have what he loves, he must love what he has.
  18. No one is so deaf as does not want to hear.
  19. The bird slowly builds its nest.
  20. Once you have taken the first step, there is no turning back.
  21. You pay for your mistakes.
  22. Like father like son.
  23. Silence means consent.
  24. He who laughs last laughs best.
  25. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
  26. Other times, other customs.
  27. Time is money.
  28. Everyone sees things in their own way.
  29. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  30. Small streams from big rivers.
  31. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.
  32. Better late than never.
  33. Slow and steady wins the race.
  34. Walls have ears.
  35. Impossible is not French.
  36. Nothing should be left to chance.
  37. There is no smoke without fire.
  38. Better safe than sorry.
  39. He who steals an egg will steal an ox.
  40. Birds of a feather flock together.
  41. Don’t wake up the sleeping cat.
  42. Man always goes back to his roots.
  43. Don’t jump to conclusions in haste.
  44. Don’t try to do two things at once.
  45. The big fish eats the small fish.
  46. To kill two birds with one stone. 0 0 0.

An Anthology of Proverbs

Japanese Proverbs

  1. The frog in the well does not know the vast ocean.
  2. A kite is feeding an eagle.
  3. A samurai, even if he hasn’t eaten anything, uses his toothpick.
  4. The earth becomes hard after rain.
  5. An apprentice near a temple would recite the scriptures without reading.
  6. Big similarities, small differences.
  7. A frog’s child is a frog.
  8. Clear sky farming, rain reading.
  9. The country is in ruins, and there are still mountains and rivers.
  10. Don’t let your daughter-in-law eat your autumn eggplants.
  11. Wise men stand up because of the presence of fools.
  12. Dumplings on top of flowers.
  13. Entering the village, obeying the village.
  14. Even a fool has a genius.
  15. Even monkeys fall from trees.
  16. Fall down seven times stand up eight times.
  17. Giving birth to a child is easier than worrying about it.
  18. Gold coins to the cat.
  19. Half an hour on a spring evening is worth a thousand pieces of gold.
  20. If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you won’t be able to catch its cub.
  21. If you make a mistake, don’t hesitate to mend it.
  22. To behave with a fool is foolishness.
  23. Life is the same whether we spend it crying or laughing.
  24. Luck exists in the leftovers.
  25. Not speaking is a flower.
  26. No one can fight without an opponent.
  27. One who chases after two rabbits will not catch either one.
  28. People want to avoid dew before they get wet.
  29. If you pluck a tree, a snake comes out.
  30. Spilt water will not return to the tray.
  31. The eyes are the mirror of the soul.
  32. A brilliant eagle hides its claws.
  33. The more silly the child, the more adorable.
  34. The lawn in the neighborhood is green.
  35. The soul of three years old up to a hundred.
  36. The stake that sticks up goes down.
  37. There are even insects that eat knotweed grass.
  38. Time flies like an arrow. 0 0 0.

An Anthology of Proverbs

African Proverbs

  1. A bird that flies off the earth and falls on Bambi is still on the ground.
  2. Only a fool tests the depth of a river without feet.
  3. If you want to know the end, look at the beginning.
  4. Knowledge is a garden. If it is not cultivated, you cannot harvest it.
  5. A roaring lion does not kill any game.
  6. Don’t look where you feel. Look where you tripped.
  7. Restless feet can lead you down a snake pit.
  8. No shortcut exists on the top of the palm tree.
  9. When two elephants fight, the grass gets hurt.
  10. Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
  11. There is no medicine that can eliminate hatred.
  12. Not all monkeys can hang from the same tree.
  13. He who digs a grave for his enemy can also dig a grave for himself.
  14. Even a lion protects itself from flies.
  15. No matter how long the night is, the dawn will break.
  16. If you heal a person’s leg, don’t be surprised if they use it to escape.
  17. Once you carry your water, you’ll remember every drop.
  18. Don’t sail on someone else’s star.
  19. Trying and failing is not laziness.
  20. Seeing is different from telling.
  21. No matter how beautiful and well-crafted a coffin is, it will not make anyone wish for death.
  22. It is not difficult to kindle wood that has already been touched by the fire.
  23. Telling a secret to an unworthy person is like carrying grain in a bag with a hole in it.
  24. A weak effort will not fulfill itself.
  25. Having good buzz is like having wealth.
  26. Don’t think that there are no crocodiles just because the water is calm.
  27. One who refuses to obey cannot command.
  28. Do not call the dog with a whip in hand.
  29. One lie destroys a thousand truths.
  30. Earth is a tavern, we all enter through the same door.
  31. The rain does not fall on one roof alone.
  32. No matter how far the stream flows, it does not forget its origin.
  33. If you think you are too young to make a difference, try spending the night with a mosquito.
  34. If there is no enemy within, then the enemy outside cannot harm you.
  35. The eye never forgets what the heart saw.
  36. No one is great by birth. Great people become great when others are sleeping.
  37. When an old man dies, a library is burnt with him.
  38. There should be truth in love and love in truth.
  39. When you marry a monkey for his wealth, the money is gone but the monkey remains.
  40. Where there is love, there is no darkness.
  41. It is better to be loved than to be feared.
  42. When one is in love, the rock becomes a meadow.
  43. What he loves, he loves you with your mess.
  44. If love is a disease then patience is the cure.
  45. Loving someone who doesn’t love you is like shaking a tree to make dewdrops fall.
  46. If the whole moon loves you, why worry about the stars?
  47. Don’t love so much that you don’t know when it is raining.
  48. As the archer loves the arrow in flight, so he loves the bow which is steady in his hands.
  49. Love, like rain, does not choose the grass it falls on.
  50. Don’t treat your loved one like a swinging door: you’re fond of him but you push him back and forth.
  51. Love doesn’t listen to rumours.
  52. One who loves the vase, also loves the inside.
  53. One who marries for love alone will have bad days but good nights.
  54. Love for something makes a person blind and deaf.
  55. Let your love be like a rain of mist, which comes slowly but floods the river.
  56. The quarrel of lovers is a renewal of love.
  57. Try not to hate the person he loves. Because he will continue to love, but he will hate you.
  58. If a woman doesn’t love you, she calls you ‘brother’.
  59. Love is such a dictator that spares no one.
  60. Love does not depend on physical features.
  61. If someone makes you laugh, it’s not always because they love you.
  62. You know whom you love but you cannot know who loves you.
  63. Love is a pain reliever.
  64. A happy man marries the girl he loves; A happy man loves the girl he has married.
  65. He who plants grapes by the side of the road, and he who marries a beautiful woman, share the same problem.
  66. If money were planted in trees, most people would be married to monkeys.
  67. All kinds of love are love, but among them self-love is paramount.
  68. True love means what is mine is yours.
  69. It is better to fall from a tree and break your back than to break your heart by falling in love.
  70. He may say he loves you, wait and see what he does for you.
  71. Kissing is difficult for two long-nosed lovers.
  72. A fish and a bird can be in love but both cannot make a home together.
  73. Lovers do not hide their nakedness.
  74. When one is in love, the top of the mountain becomes a flat plain.
  75. Wisdom is wealth.
  76. Proverbs
  77. Wisdom is like the Baobab tree; No person can receive it.
  78. A fool speaks and a wise man listens.
  79. Wisdom does not come overnight.
  80. The heart of the wise remains calm like pure water.
  81. Wisdom is like fire. People take it from others.
  82. Only an intelligent person can solve the most difficult problem.
  83. Knowledge without intelligence is like water in the sand.
  84. In times of crisis, the wise build bridges, and fools build dams.
  85. If you are full of ego, you will have no place for wisdom.
  86. A wise man will always find a way.
  87. No one is intelligent by birth.
  88. The person who uses force is afraid to argue.
  89. Wisdom is not like money which can be tied up and hidden.
  90. The one who causes misfortune to others also teaches them wisdom.
  91. A fool cannot untie a knot tied by a wise man.
  92. One day in the life of a wise man is equal to the whole life of a fool.
  93. To get lost is to learn the way.
  94. The wisdom of other people prevents the king from being called a fool.
  95. By the time the fool learns the game, the players have dispersed.
  96. If you turn a blind eye to facts, you’ll learn from accidents.
  97. The wise composes proverbs for fools to learn, not to repeat.
  98. Just because the lizard nods its head, doesn’t mean it’s in agreement.
  99. A wise man fills his head before emptying his mouth.
  100. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
  101. Your body is the temple of knowledge.
  102. A wise man never takes a step too long for his feet.
  103. Give advice, if people don’t listen let calamity teach them.
  104. The destruction of a man is in his tongue.
  105. No person can beat his ancestors.
  106. Better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.
  107. When action speaks, words remain silent.
  108. One who does not know one thing knows another.
  109. A wise man never falls from the same hill twice.
  110. A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense, but when you are inside you see that each tree has its place.
  111. The joint family eats from the same plate.
  112. The bond of a family is like a tree, it can bend but cannot break.
  113. If I keep pace with my family, it’s a success.
  114. Where there are many, there is nothing wrong.
  115. A child is what you put into it.
  116. When you show the moon to a child, he only sees your finger.
  117. A real family eats from only one maize flour.
  118. The maidservant also has a family.
  119. Don’t get into family disputes.
  120. In a family, if you have someone who is upset, it is the family members who are more worried than the member who is in trouble.
  121. If you educate a man, you educate a person. If you educate a woman, you educate a whole family.
  122. A husband with a good wife will never be on the road without supplies.
  123. A house without a woman is like a barn without animals.
  124. Parents give birth to the bodies of their children, but not always their characters.
  125. Every beetle is a gazelle in the eyes of its mother.
  126. A mother cannot give birth to anything greater than herself.
  127. It takes a village to raise a child.
  128. A hundred friends can fit in a small house.
  129. A woman is a flower in a garden; Her husband is the fence around her.
  130. The mother hen herself does not break her eggs.
  131. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, then come together.
  132. Sticks glued in a bundle are unbreakable.
  133. Brothers love each other when they are equally rich.
  134. Dine with a stranger but save your love for your family.
  135. There is no fool who is alienated from his family.
  136. If relatives help each other, what evil can harm them?
  137. The one who earns disaster, he eats it along with his family.
  138. The old woman takes care of her baby as it grows teeth and the young man takes turns caring for the old woman when her teeth fall out.
  139. When the brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their father’s property.
  140. Children are the reward of life.
  141. Home affairs are not talked about in the public square.
  142. A child does not laugh at the ugliness of its mother.
  143. A family should look out for the family.
  144. The insanity that runs in the family is difficult to treat.
  145. When a bitter woman takes over the house, the family she rules over is in ruins. 0 0 0.

An Anthology of Proverbs

Greek Proverbs

  1. Know thyself!
  2. Madness doesn’t go to mountains, it goes to people.
  3. Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to spot your faults.
  4. Well begun is half done.
  5. The camel cannot see its hump.
  6. Wine and children tell the truth.
  7. As you make your bed, so will you sleep.
  8. Well-being is achieved little by little, and yet it is no small thing.
  9. Where there are seeds of anger, there one has to repent.
  10. Knock on the deaf man’s door as much as you like.
  11. The apple will fall under the apple tree.
  12. Everything that is good to know is difficult to learn.
  13. If you do everything in your life as if it were your last, you will get rest from vain fantasies.
  14. Proverbs
  15. A drowning man grabs hold of his own hair.
  16. Small opportunities are often the beginning of larger enterprises.
  17. A speaker without judgment is a horse without a bridle.
  18. Lucky is the one who sows pebbles and reaps potatoes.
  19. Wisdom arises only in awareness.
  20. The art of being a slave is to rule over your master.
  21. In the matter of self-preservation, a person needs either good friends or arch-enemies, for the former instruct him and the latter reprimand him.
  22. One who cannot bear misfortune is truly unfortunate.
  23. The miser and the liar make quick deals.
  24. The wisest men do not follow the ways of others.
  25. The unexamined life is not worth living.
  26. Dance well or leave the ballroom.
  27. I send you myrrh, not because you are fragrant with it, but because it is fragrant with you.
  28. He who does not laugh in the morning does not laugh in the afternoon.
  29. Wise people speak because they have something to say; Stupid because they have something to say.
  30. Be careful that you leave your sons well-educated rather than rich, for the hope of the educated is better than the wealth of the ignorant.
  31. Those who aim at great things also have to suffer a lot.
  32. In our rush to please others, we lose our grip on our life’s purpose.
  33. Written laws are like a spider’s web; they will take hold of the weak and poor, it is true but will be torn to pieces by the rich and powerful.
  34. The one who becomes a sheep is eaten by the wolf.
  35. Famous men have the whole earth as their monument.
  36. Protect your right to think, because even thinking wrong is better than not thinking.
  37. Wild calves make the best horses.
  38. An open enemy is better than a false friend.
  39. Man is the measure of all things.
  40. Life is short, art is long. 0 0 0.

An Anthology of Proverbs

Bengali Proverbs

  1. A spartan meets a spartan.
  2. A beggar cannot be bankrupt.
  3. A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
  4. While there is life, there is hope.
  5. As you sow, so you reap.
  6. Where angels fear to tread, fools tread.
  7. Use a fork to remove a fork.
  8. To add insult to injury.
  9. The fool strays from the safe way.
  10. One’s month of harvest is another’s a complete ruin.
  11. Adversity never comes alone.
  12. Don’t live above your means.
  13. Habit is second nature.
  14. It’s hard to strike with the Pope sitting in Rome.
  15. Practice makes the man perfect.
  16. A burnt child dreads the fire.
  17. The prophet is not respected in his own country.
  18. Death is better than bondage.
  19. You shouldn’t see things with half an eye.
  20. Good wine doesn’t need a bush.
  21. Out of sight, out of mind.
  22. Lock the stables when the mare is stolen.
  23. The devil won’t listen to the scriptures.
  24. Birds of a feather flock together.
  25. Money makes money.
  26. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
  27. Only the ruins of greatness are great.
  28. A swallow doesn’t make the heat.
  29. It takes two to fight.
  30. Out of debt, out of danger.
  31. What’s game to a cat is death to a mouse
  32. Look before you leap.
  33. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  34. Too many manners, too much craft.
  35. Necessity knows no law.
  36. Pride goes before it falls.
  37. Proverbs
  38. Self-defense is the first law of nature.
  39. Nonviolence is the ultimate virtue.
  40. Empty vessels make more noise.
  41. Cut your coat according to your cloth.
  42. interest is sweeter than the capital.
  43. Honesty is the best policy.
  44. All’s well that ends well.
  45. Adversity never comes alone.
  46. Something is better than nothing.
  47. it is human nature to err.
  48. A stitch in time saves nine.
  49. A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
  50. Tit for tat. Proverbs
  51. Do or die.
  52. Many men, many minds.
  53. Barking dogs seldom bite.
  54. A swallow doesn’t make the heat.
  55. Money becomes money.
  56. The one who has power is always right.
  57. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
  58. A tree is known by its fruits.
  59. Cut your coat according to your cloth.
  60. knowledge is power.
  61. There is strength in unity.
  62. A little learning is a dangerous thing.
  63. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  64. United we stand, divided we fail.
  65. Waste not want not.
  66. An empty vessel sounds much.
  67. Oil your own machine.
  68. Black won’t take any other color.
  69. For the pure all things are pure.
  70. Example is better than precept.
  71. It takes two to make a quarrel.
  72. Some scold, some despise.
  73. Constant dropping wears away the stone.
  74. Every dog ​​in the house is a lion
  75. If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again! 0 0 0.

An Anthology of Proverbs

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

Books Edited by M. Menonimus:

  1. The Last Words Uttered by Famous Persons Just Before Their Death
  2. Motivational Quotes An Anthology
  3. An Anthology of Proverbs

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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