The Origin and History of Submarine


The Origin and History of Submarine

The Origin and History of Submarine

The Origin and History of Subarine

The Origin and History of Submarine

Submarines are underwater vessels that have played a crucial role in naval warfare and exploration. The history of submarines dates back several centuries and has been marked by significant technological advancements. This essay will discuss the origin and history of submarines, including the development of early submersibles, the evolution of modern submarines, and their use in warfare and exploration.

Early Submersibles:
The idea of underwater travel can be traced back to ancient times, with Greek philosopher Aristotle writing about the use of submersibles in the fourth century BCE. However, the first practical submersible was built in the 17th century by Dutch inventor Cornelis Drebbel. This submersible was powered by oars and used a primitive form of compressed air to stay underwater for extended periods.

During the American Revolutionary War, American inventor David Bushnell built a submersible named Turtle, which was used to attempt an attack on a British warship. However, the attack failed due to technical difficulties, and the submarine was eventually abandoned. Despite this failure, Turtle is considered the first military submarine in history.

In the early 19th century, inventors began to experiment with steam-powered submersibles. In 1800, French inventor Robert Fulton built the Nautilus, which was powered by a steam engine and used a periscope to see above the water. This submersible was the first to demonstrate that steam power could be used underwater, which was a significant technological breakthrough.

The Evolution of Modern Submarines:
In the late 19th century, significant advancements were made in submarine technology. The first modern submarine, the USS Holland, was built in 1898 by John Philip Holland, an Irish immigrant living in the United States. This submarine used a gasoline engine for surface propulsion and an electric motor for underwater propulsion. The USS Holland was purchased by the US Navy in 1900 and marked the beginning of modern submarine development.

During World War I, submarines played a significant role in naval warfare, with Germany’s U-boats attacking Allied ships in the Atlantic. The development of the diesel engine, which was more efficient than previous propulsion systems, led to the creation of larger and more advanced submarines.

In the years following World War I, submarines continued to be developed and improved. The development of the snorkel, a device that allowed diesel-electric submarines to run their engines while submerged, greatly increased their underwater endurance. In the years leading up to World War II, Germany developed some of the most advanced submarines in the world, including the Type VII U-boat, which was used to devastating effect in the Battle of the Atlantic.

During World War II, submarines played a critical role in naval warfare. Allied submarines, such as the US Navy’s Gato-class and Balao-class submarines, were used to attack Axis shipping and disrupt supply lines. The German U-boats continued to be a significant threat, with some submarines equipped with advanced torpedoes that could be fired from long range.

After World War II, submarines continued to be developed and improved, with the focus shifting to nuclear power. The first nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Nautilus, was launched in 1954 and marked a significant advancement in submarine technology. Nuclear-powered submarines could stay submerged for longer periods and were faster and more maneuverable than their diesel-electric counterparts.

The Use of Submarines in Exploration:
In addition to their use in warfare, submarines have also been used for scientific exploration. In 1960, the bathyscaphe Trieste, piloted by Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh, reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean. Submarines have also been used to study marine biology, geology, and other scientific fields.

The history of submarines is marked by significant technological advancements that have revolutionized the naval warfare. Hope that in future its uses would be more cheap and more comfortable for people. 0 0 0.


“Submarine History: From Drebbel to Today” by U.S. Naval Institute.

“Submarine” by Encyclopaedia Britannica.

“The History of Submarines” by National Geographic.

“Submarines” by

“Submarine Technology Through the Ages” by The Maritime Executive.

“The Development of the Modern Submarine” by Naval History and Heritage Command.

“Nuclear-Powered Submarines” by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

“Exploration with Submersibles” by Oceanography Society. ***

The Origin and History of Submarine

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N.B.  The article ‘The Origin and History of Submarine’ originally belongs to the book ‘Essays on Science And Technology‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

The Origin and History of Submarine

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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