The Confession


The Confession

(A Short Story by M. Menonimus)


The Confession

The Confession

The Confession

It is almost midnight. The Rosy House is replete with kith and kin, friends, and neighbours. All are in a busy and jubilant mood. The electric bulbs are shining brightly giving rise to a poetic environment. Subash has arrived with his bride followed by his attendants. After observing ritual formalities, the newly married couple i.e. Subash and his wife Arunima entered the specially decorated room. It is the first night of their marriage, a night of poetry, emotion, and romance. The bride, entering the room, becomes much charmed that she forgets everything and falls in a dilemma about what to do. The multi-coloured electric bulbs are glimmering. In such a state Subash holds Arunima tenderly and takes her to the bed of roses. Arunima seems to be coy and hesitant. It was a spring night- neither cool nor hot. Subash looks at the Swing Clock. It was half-past one a. m. Then he, lifting the curtain, goes in and says to his wife, “Come in, Arunima. It is our first bed of roses. Let us enjoy it as we like.”

Arunima, with a little hesitation, goes to the bed and sits in a corner. Subash takes her by the arms and hugs her and says, “Arunima, we wish our married life to be a happier one and to be happier in conjugal life there are two conditions: first we must remain frank with each other and second we must maintain honesty in all our life.”

Saying so, he looks at her shy eyes and begins to kiss her, and then addressing her he resumes to say, “I wish to remind you that our human life is composed of some instincts: some of which are strong and some of which are weak – some are worth praised and some are worth condemned. I am also a man. I have also some weak points with some strong points. I hope that we would acknowledge our weak points without any hesitation. But among my weak points, I have the worst one. Would you like to hear? I think that you should hear it so that if you, in future happen to know them by way, you would not be sorry for all that.”

Arunima remains silent but seemed to be eager to know. Then he again coddles her, takes in a heavy breath and resumes, “Arunima, you know that I am a something successful businessman. But before I got to business I was a newspaper hawker. I did it at the Calcutta Railway Stations. Then I was an agile and shrewd youth and my hobby was to seduce smart girls. I confess to you that I seduced as many as twelve girls in my life. But for about a year I have given up all my wickedness and adultery and since I have been expatiating for all that sins and crimes. Now I would remain only yours and yours. Hope that you would excuse my past sins.”

Saying so, he looked at his wife and asked, “If you have any such or any love affairs, as it seems to be common to almost all the girls and boys, I wish to hear this very night from you to get rid of any future anxiety.”

Arunima, leaning towards her husband begins to tell, “Yes I have one. If you don’t mind, I would like to confess that I am a seduced bride.”

Saying so, she pauses and gives out a long sigh. Subash with eagerness, asks her to continue how she happened to be seduced.

Then she resumes, “You know that I was an employee in a multinational company for five years. One day three members of our staff-two females and a male had to go to Delhi for special training. For that, we had to reach the station at 4 o’clock in the morning. After proper arrangement, I took an auto-rickshaw that picked me up from home at 3. 30 a. m. and within thirty minutes it dropped me at the station. Then it was still night and dark. Reaching the platform, I felt safe but going there I found none except some railway officials at their office. The electric bulbs were shining well. I felt somewhat cold. My ticket was booked previously. I was waiting for the train to come. Going there, I came to know that the train was fifty minutes late and it would arrive at the station at about 5 a.m. I thought to spend minutes sitting on the stone bench near the ticket counter.  Then all of a sudden, the electric bulbs got off. All became dark. I began to be afraid of the darkness. Then I felt someone approaching me. He, all of a sudden, grabbed a hold of me and wrapped up my nose with a piece of cloth. I began to lose my conscience. I tried to cry out, but I could not. Then what happened to me I did not. When I got my sense, I found myself lying in the corner of a toilet. I was bleeding. I lost my chastity. I cried much.”

Saying so, Arunima becomes silent. Subash asks her, “Did you recognize who the seducer was?”

Arunima replied, “No.”

Then Subash says, “If I tell you who he was, how would you feel?”

She seems to be askance and said, “How is it possible? How can you know him?”

Subash looked at her eyes and drawing her towards him begins to say, “Don’t think badly of me from onwards as I have confessed my sins. I make you know that the youth who seduced you were none but I myself.”

Arunima seems to be surprised. Subash resumes telling, “Arunima, you were my last victim. Though I seduced about twelve girls in life it was you in whom I got full satisfaction and since then the sense of repentance came in me and I began to dream of you. I wanted to be expiated by marrying you.”

Then Subash casting some warm kisses asks her, “Would not you forgive me?”

Arunima replied, “If you were my seducer then I will like to be seduced by you all my life.”   0 0 0

The Confession

N.B.  The short story ‘The Confession’ originally belongs to the book ‘The Fugitive Father and Other Stories‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

The Confession

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

Books of S. Story by M. Menonimus:

  1. The Fugitive Father and Other Stories
  2. The Prostitute and Other Stories
  3. Neha’s Confession

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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