National Integration of India-An Essay


National Integration of India-An Essay

National Integration of India-An Essay

National Integration of India

National Integration of India-An Essay

National integration means bringing together the various units and communities of a nation into a close and homogeneous unity despite the existence of differences in caste, religion and language. Its purpose is to make citizens of different castes and faiths feel that they belong to one nation and they should work unitedly to make the nation stronger and prosperous. India is considered to be the unique model of  ‘unity in diversity’ among world countries. 

Every citizen of different communities, castes, beliefs and groups should be ready to work together for the collective good of the nation, forgetting their individual differences and interests. It develops from a sense of national solidarity and integrity. Every citizen of India irrespective of their caste, creed and community should feel like an Indian and do good for the nation. This spirit and belief help in unifying the various communities and groups of people within the land. They must be integrated into one and only then the sovereignty and welfare of the nation can be upheld. The nation becomes stronger and more prosperous when differences of caste and creed are allowed to sink and a sense of unity develops as a nation. This harmonious amalgamation of all castes and communities is a must for national integration. It is a soul that binds everyone as people of one nation. When we unite as a nation, the nation becomes stronger, but when we think more of our communal interests than our national welfare then the nation weakens.  

There are some opposing forces in our country that stand in the way to achieve this national integration.  Except for countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, religion is no longer an active force. These religions that oppose nature on the surface often act as disruptive forces and leave behind the development of national integrity.  Every Indian should strive to achieve this most essential national integration for our survival as a nation. India is a country where people of different religious faiths live.  The constitution of India guarantees religious rights to all. In India, there are  Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Muslims etc., and all are expected to work for national unity and integrity. But unfortunately, there are few Indians who seem to be communal and think India to be a Hindu country.  As a result, they often strike and sabotage and do all these that prevent concrete action for the larger interests of the nation. This gives rise to political discord. 

An unfortunate trend has developed in India where politics often supports religious sentiments. Some selfish politicians have always tried to exploit religious sentiments to gain political power. They pray for national integrity but treacherously they do their politics on religious forces and as a result, the country disintegrates more and more. 

Our country is multi-religious, multi-racial and multi-lingual and each state of our country has its own regional language. But differences are not a hindrance to the integration of India as most of Indians think each other to be brothers and sisters under one flag.

It should be the endeavour of every Indian to find ways and means to overcome differences so that we can stand as a nation. First and foremost of all problems is the problem of language. It has taken a sharp dimension so far. Hindi-speaking people want to apply Hindi to other Indians, while non-Hindi-speaking people are determined to oppose the move at all costs. This conflict arises from our inability to distinguish between the state language and the medium of education. The medium of instruction should be the state language and to reject this step means disintegration among us. The language of the state should be given to the concerned state. At the national level, a national language which is Hindi should be allowed to function. Within a state, the regional language must be indisputably predetermined. But it is understood from various corners of the country that a state that practices the national language gains more weight and privilege. It becomes a source of jealousy for many people. To counter this fear and jealousy, in competitive examinations, candidates should be given a chance to show their proficiency in two Indian languages. Language should not be allowed to serve as a force to disintegrate Indians.

The inter-state relations of the country can be put to shame if economic imbalances are allowed to prevail. But this will be a passing phenomenon and will disappear with the growth and expansion of the socialist economy. Every effort should be made for equal distribution of national wealth among the states of the country. A sense of national unity and integrity will follow its path when every Indian realizes that no state or part of the country enjoys special benefits and privileges.

National unity and integrity is a very subtle force. It works on emotion. Forces that destroy national integrity must be nipped in the bud. A national spirit should be cultivated by all Indians. We should be tolerant of each other, and respect every religion and language prevalent in the country. Every religion or language should enjoy the freedom to flourish without hurting the others. Thus, the root of achieving national integrity in our country is tolerance. 0 0 0 National Integration of India

National Integration of India

Read More: Tips for Writing Essay

National Integration of India

N. B. The article ‘National Integration of India-An Essay’ originally belongs to the book School Essays Part-Iby Menonim Menonimus.

National Integration of India

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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