Fifty Years of Indian Independence
Fifty Years of Indian Independence
Fifty Years of Indian Independence
Golden Jubilee of Indian Independence
After being governed for about two hundred years, India got freedom from the imperial yoke of the British on 15th August 1947. On that day, all the Indians jumped up with jubilant hearts full of self-belief and with a glaring face of hope for a bright and prosperous future of an independent India. One by one free India has trodden on its fifty years on 15th August 1997 and has celebrated its Golden Jubilee in the nook and corner of the country. During these fifty years of independence, it has progressed and developed considerably on the one hand, but on the other hand, it has fallen back considerably.
When India got freedom it dreamt of a prosperous India and laid emphasis on science and technology and imported many foreign aids and implements with which many industries were founded. There is no doubt that India has many industries but the standard of the produced goods is comparatively lower than that of other countries such as China, Japan, Sweden, America, German etc.Â
In the field of agriculture, though many modern technologies are introduced, yet agricultural production have not increased considerably. It is because of the lamentable ignorance of the average peasants and farmers.
To compare the communication system of free India with that of British India, it must be admitted that free India has developed praise-worthily; but the matter of sorrow is that the communication system of the rural area is yet underdeveloped. The transport media such as- motor car, train, ship, the aeroplane has increased considerably no doubt but on the other hand, the number of accidents has increased beyond imagination which has been taking away thousands and thousands of lives every year.
In the field of education, free India, during these fifty years, has done much progress and established many schools, colleges, universities and many technological institutions but the standard of education is still in the bud. The present education system is more theoretical and less technical for which the education system of free India has increased the unemployment problems and due to this problem, the social and economic condition is lamentable.
During these fifty years, literature as a branch of fine arts has made unparalleled progress in poetry, novels, drama, and short stories but the standard of poetry has fallen down beyond imagination.
In the Constitution, India has firmly declared that it would be a secular country, which would patronize no religion, but put emphasis to keep unity, and brotherhood among all religions. The fifty years of free India have proved that the creed of secularism is futile.
The last but the most striking affair of independent India is its politics. With independence, India declared that India would be governed by no king but by the people themselves. It is no doubt that India has got freedom from the English but its freedom is limited only to some political brokers. It is white truth that the law and principles of administration are unique but its proper application, in reality, is the lowest. In the history of Indian Democracy, such leaders like- Narashinha Rao, Laluprasad Yadav, Deve Gowda, Harshad Mehta, Joy Lalita etc. are stains of corruption forever. Almost all the political leaders that India got after its freedom are corrupted persons either personally or politically or traditionally for which the condition of free India is lamentable in every field.
To conclude it is to say that, during these fifty years, India has failed lamentably to keep up the aim that it took at the time of its freedom. Now if it wishes to fulfill its aim of making a prosperous India all the Indians must raise a revolt strongly and unanimously against all corruption. 0 0 0 Fifty Years of Indian Independence
Fifty Years of Indian Independence
N. B. This article ‘Fifty Years of Indian Independence’ originally belongs to the book ‘School Essays Part-I‘ by Menonim Menonimus. Fifty Years of Indian Independence
Fifty Years of Indian Independence
Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:
- Advertisement Writing
- Amplification Writing
- Note Making
- Paragraph Writing
- Notice Writing
- Passage Comprehension
- The Art of Poster Writing
- The Art of Letter Writing
- Report Writing
- Story Writing
- Substance Writing
- School Essays Part-I
- School Essays Part-II
- School English Grammar Part-I
- School English Grammar Part-II..
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