Anti-climax | Anti-Climax Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration
Anti-climax, Anti-Climax Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration
Anti-climax | Anti-Climax Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration
Anti-climax or Bathos is a figure of speech that is just opposite to climax. Anticlimax is a  figure of speech where a series of ideas or thoughts are arranged from higher to lower ones for producing a ludicrous effect. Example:
A man
Who in course of one revolving moon
Was a lawyer, statesman,  fiddler and buffoon.
In this statement, the ideas are arranged in a descending manner-from lofty to commonplace ones for producing a ludicrous effect.
More examples:
- Here, thou great Anna!
When three realms obey
Dost sometimes counsel take and sometimes tea.
- He lost his wife, his child, his goods, his dog at one full sweep.
- He won the war, the kitchen and the widow.
- Honour to you as you are promoted from a teacher to clerk and then to ward boy.
- If you want I can put my hand into the hole of a snake
If you want I can spend the night in the cage with a tiger
If you want I can jump down the sea in the trembling cold
Only I can not go to the airport because it is drizzling. –Nakul Kumar Biswas. 0 0 0
Anti-Climax Meaning
Read More: Simile Meaning, Definition, Illustration
Anti-Climax Meaning
N. B. The article ‘Anti-climax | Anti-Climax Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration‘ originally belongs to the book ‘The Rhetoric‘ by Menonim Menonimus.
Anti-Climax Meaning
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