Ahmad Shah Durrani | Brief Biography


Ahmad Shah Durrani | Brief Biography

Ahmad Shah Durrani  Brief Biography

Ahmad Shah Durrani | Brief Biography

Ahmad Shah Durrani, also known as Ahmad Shah Abdali, was the founder of the Durrani Empire in the 18th century. He was born in 1722 in Multan, Punjab, in present-day Pakistan. His father, Muhammad Zaman Khan, was the chief of the Abdali tribe, and his mother was the daughter of the chief of the Popalzai tribe.

Ahmad Shah began his military career as a young man, fighting alongside his father and other tribal leaders in various battles against the Persian and Mughal empires. In 1747, he was declared the king of the Durrani Empire, which comprised of modern-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, and parts of India, Iran, and Central Asia.

Ahmad Shah was a skilled military leader and strategist, and under his leadership, the Durrani Empire expanded rapidly. He launched multiple campaigns to expand his territory, including the famous Battle of Panipat in 1761, which saw the defeat of the Maratha Empire and cemented the Durrani Empire as the dominant power in northern India.

Despite his military success, Ahmad Shah faced several challenges during his reign. He struggled to maintain control over the various tribes that made up his empire and faced internal dissent from some of his own family members. He also faced external threats from other empires, including the British Empire, which sought to expand its influence in the region.

Ahmad Shah Durrani died in 1772 in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and was succeeded by his son, Timur Shah Durrani. He is remembered as a legendary figure in Afghan and South Asian history, and his legacy continues to influence politics and society in the region to this day. 0 0 0.


Akbar, M. J. (2011). The Shade of Swords: Jihad and the Conflict between Islam and Christianity. Routledge.
Barua, P. (2011). Afghanistan: The Durrani Empire. In The State at War in South Asia (pp. 68-82). University of Nebraska Press.
Dupree, L. (2011). Afghanistan. Princeton University Press.
Habib, I. (2016). Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political History. Princeton University Press.
Vogelsang, W. J. (2002). The Afghans. Wiley-Blackwell. ***

N.B. This article originally belongs to the book entitled ‘Brief Biographies of Eminent Generals and Conquerors’ by Menonim Menonimus.

Books of Biography by M. Menonimus:

  1. The World Writers-Brief Biographies
  2. Introduction to World Writers
  3. Introduction to World Personalities
  4. Love of Reputed Persons
  5. Brief Biographies of Prominent Bengali Writers
  6. Brief Biographies of Eminent Monarchs
  7. Brief Biographies of Ancient Thinkers and Writers
  8. Brief Biographies of Eminent Generals and Conquerors ..

Books of Literary Criticism by M. Menonimus:

  1. World Short Story Criticism
  2. World Poetry Criticism
  3. World Drama Criticism
  4. World Novel Criticism
  5. World Essay Criticism
  6. Indian English Poetry Criticism
  7. Indian English Poets and Poetry Chief Features
  8. Emily Dickinson’s Poetry-A Thematic Study
  9. Walt Whitman’s Poetry-A Thematic Study
  10. Critical Essays on English Poetry
  11. Tawfiq al-Hakim’s Novel: Return of the Spirit-An Analytical Study
  12. Tawfiq al-Hakim’s Novel: ‘Yawmiyyat Naib Fil Arayaf’-An Analytical Study
  13. Analytical Studies of Some Arabic Short Stories
  14. A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD)
  15. A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD-661 AD)
  16. Reviews on William Shakespeare’s Works
  17. Reviews of Charles Dickens’ Works
  18. Reviews of John Milton’s Literary Works
  19. Reviews of Some Iconic Travelogues

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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