Manmohan Ghose | London | A Critical Analysis
Manmohan Ghose’s Poem ‘London’
Manmohan Ghose | London | A Critical Analysis
‘London’ By Manmohan Ghose is a romantic poem. The poem bears an autobiographical background as the poet with his parents, spent his early days in London, one of the sweetest cities in the world. After having his studies finished, he left London for India, and then the poet composed this poem in praise of London and its fascinating nature.
Bidding farewell to London, the poet says that England is one of the sweetest countries in the world. It is rich in beauty. The waysides are full of roses, the scenery of which fascinates the travellers and allures them to enjoy them. The poet spent hours after hours walking alone in the deep meadows of the city. The poet endured (enjoyed) the beauty and the silence of the city. To live in London is a rapture of life. It is full of ‘throngs’ (a great multitude of people), lights and houses seeing which the poet seemed to be awakened from sleep. Sometimes, he was stunned (stupified) by the fresh thunder, with the harsh but delightful noises of the city. He, being fascinated by its beauty, often wandered on the pavement. In enjoying her beauty, the poet’s eyes were gratified by its green trees and by its dusty brick-walled streets. The city of London seemed to be rejoiced being lost among others and bathing in the tones of human voices. He often got startled by the happy tread of the travellers. In sympathy for the city, the poet almost became crazy. As wine gives new spirit to the heart so each fresh face and each figure of London spirited his heart. Various kinds of flowers blossomed beside its streets which enhanced the charm of the city. It was to the poet, really a ravishing divine city on the earth. The poet thought that the murmuring voice of its people was sweeter than all the wood’s caresses. London is the forest of life and its entire people are its trees and leaves and it is sweet to be one of them. The beauty of nature is nothing in front of the beauty of London. The poet wishes to talk with the leaves of the trees of London and more he wants to fall in love with its breezes. The poet lay on its soil and twined himself in the roots of its trees.
Thus the poet has glorified the beauty of the city of London in the poem.
The poem ‘London’ is written in an easy style. Its imageries are also life-like which expresses the poet’s praise for London appropriately. In the poem, the poet has used some alliterative words and phrases as- Each fresh face, each figure etc.
It is a romantic poem no doubt, but it is not a full nature poem as the poet praises the man-made city of London but it has all the charms of a romantic lyric. 0 0 0
Read More:Â The Poetry of Manmohan Ghose-Chief Features
N. B. This article entitled ‘Manmohan Ghose’s Poem ‘London’-A Critical Analysis’ originally belongs to the book ‘Indian English Poetry Criticism‘ by Menonim Menonimus.Â
Books of Literary Criticism by M. Menonimus:
- World Short Story Criticism
- World Poetry Criticism
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- World Novel Criticism
- World Essay Criticism
- Indian English Poetry Criticism
- Indian English Poets and Poetry Chief Features
- Emily Dickinson’s Poetry-A Thematic Study
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- Critical Essays on English Poetry
- Tawfiq al-Hakim’s Novel: Return of the Spirit-An Analytical Study
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- Amplification Writing
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- Passage Comprehension
- The Art of Poster Writing
- The Art of Letter Writing
- Report Writing
- Story Writing
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