Haris bin Hillija | His Life and Poetic Career


Haris bin Hillija | His Life and Poetic Career

Haris bin Hillija | His Life and Poetic Career

Haris bin Hillija | His Life and Poetic Career

Haris bin Hillija | His Life and Poetic Career

Brief Life Sketch: Haris ben Hillija (or Harith Ibn Hillija) was one of the foremost poets of the pre-Islamic era. He is believed to have been born in the Banu Bakar tribe in the early 6th century AD. His full name was Abu Jalim al-Harith bin Hillija. From his childhood, he witnessed the occasional battle between the Banu Bakar tribe and the Taghlib tribe and made himself mentally strong and courageous. He was diagnosed with leprosy at an early age. But even with this illness, his mental state could not be weakened. Despite his leprosy, he fought in a number of battles, and in his old age, he took charge of the battles of his tribe. The war between the Banu Bakar and Taghlib tribes at that time resulted in considerable casualties on both sides. Harish bin Hilliza, a member of the Banu Bakar tribe, and Amar bin Kulshum, a representative of the Taghlib tribe, composed poems as the spokesmen of their respective tribes. Harish, like Amar Bin Kulthum, was a self-respecting person and never bowed down to anyone. He also had extensive experience and was adept in royal affairs. Therefore, at the end of his life, he got a seat in the royal court of the King of Heera.

Harish bin Hilliza was a poet of the pre-Islamic era and his poetry was influenced by his predecessors and contemporaries. The number of poems he wrote is unknown. Only his muwallaka poem has survived the ruins of time. This poem is a qasida and ends in 72 lines.

The poem is written in the traditional qasida style. The poet begins the poem with the theme of the farewell of his beloved Asma. He is in pain at the loss of his beloved. He reminds the past happy days with his beloved and says that he can not bear the pain of this loss. His tears are flowing from his eyes. Then he thinks that perhaps his beloved has set fire to wood on the top of a hill and her limbs are gleaming with the light of that fire. The poet, being desperate, rides on the back of a fast-moving camel and goes ahead in search of his beloved.

In this way, the poet gives an account of his pain of separation from his beloved and then recounts the battle of his tribe with his opponents. The narrative tells the story of a battle between the Banu Bakar tribe and the Taghlib tribe. In the middle of this description, he mentions the pride of his tribe and the friendship of the Bakar tribe with the king of Heera. The poet concludes the poem with a condemnation of the opposition Taghlib tribe by establishing the superiority of his own tribe.

Although the poem is written in the traditional qasida style, it is weak in poetic power. There is a lack of ingenuity and excellence in narration. His imageries are humdrum and unconventional. His language is simple but rhythmic. 0 0 0.

Haris bin Hillija

Read More: A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD-661 AD)

Haris bin Hillija

N.B. This article ‘Haris bin Hillija: His Life and Poetic Career’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD) by Menonim Menonimus. Haris bin Hillija

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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