Al-Nabigha | Life and Poetic Career


Al-Nabigha | Life and Poetic Career

Al-Nabigha | Life and Poetic Career

Al-Nabigha | Life and Poetic Career

Al-Nabigha | Life and Poetic Career

Brief Life Sketch: Al-Nabigha was a famous poet of the pre-Islamic era. His real name was Ziad bin Muawiyah and his nickname was Abu Omamah. The date of his birth is unknown, although he is thought to have been born in the first half of the sixth century. He was born in the famous Banu Zubian tribe of Arabia. He was known as ‘Al-Nabigha’ because of his great personality and his greatness as a poet. The tribe in which he was born lived in the province of Najd, north of Medina. He was acquainted with many pre-Islamic poets and was inspired to pursue poetry by them. He later went to the royal court of the King of Heera and developed an intimacy with the royal family. It is known from his poems that he appealed to the King of Heera not to persecute his own tribe in the northern part of the state. He spent about 50 years in the royal court of the king and he became the poet laureate of consecutive three Heera kings.

Al-Nabigha lived a dignified life in the royal court of the king of Heera. At that time, Munakhkhan, another young poet in the royal court of the king of Heera, became jealous of Nabigha’s royal patronage and tried to discredit him. It is said that once the king of Heera ordered Al-Nabigha to compose a poem describing the beauty of his queen. Accordingly, Al-Nabighai composed a fine poem depicting the beauty of the queen. In the poem, he described the beauty of the queen in a lively and vivid way, and even the secret parts of the queen were not left out from that description. The envious poet Munakhkhan, after reading the poem, complained to the king against Al-Nabigha that the queen had illicit relations with Al-Nabigha. As a result, his relationship with the king of Heera deteriorated and he left the royal court of the king of Heera and went to the royal court of Syria.

He spent several years in the royal court of Syria and wrote poems praising the princess. It is known that later on the king of Heera called in Al-Nabighak back to his court and he died there in 604 AD.

Al-Nabigha was one of the most prolific poets of his time. His poems do not contain any descriptions of adventures, landscapes, wine, amusements, etc. as contained in the poems of his predecessors. Instead, his poems contain praises for human qualities such as generosity, greatness, courage, and so on. Some of his lines were sarcastic, though they were simple and gentle. Some of the local events also found a place in his poems. His language was simple, rhythmic, and rich in knowledge.

After studying his poetry, Caliph Abdul Malik of the Umayyad dynasty praised him as one of the greatest poets of that era. Al-Duwali, the founder of Arabic grammar, called Al-Nabigha the best poet of the pre-Islamic period.

It can be summed up by saying that Al-Nabigha was a man of great and admirable qualities, and as a poet, he was moral and temperate. 0 0 0.

Read More: A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD-661 AD)

N.B. This article ‘Al-Nabigha: His Life and Poetic Career’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD) by Menonim Menonimus.

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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