The Love of Earnest Hemingway


The Love of Earnest Hemingway

(The Love Story of Earnest Hemingway)

The Love of Earnest Hemingway

The Love of Earnest Hemingway

The Love of Earnest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway (1898-1961) was an American novelist and short story-letter of the twentieth century. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954. He lived, throughout his life on the earth, busy adventurous life full of risks, sorrow and suffering. Moreover, he was the only writer of the twentieth century who participated in both world wars and got wounded several times.

Besides being a great writer, Hemingway was a great lover of women also. Love for a woman for him was physical as well as mental food. The company of a woman was to him as wine is to a drunkard. But his love for women was first a source of entertainment and then a source of pain and suffering. He married four women besides keeping several irregular concubines.

After having finished his schooling in 1917 he took a job as a voluntary ambulance driver to serve with the Italian Army in the First World War. On 8th July 1918 near Fossalta Di Piave, he was hit with exploding fragments of a trench mortar. Two of his companions died instantly. Hemingway, who was also hurt, picked up one of his comrades and carried him to a first-aid chamber. On the way, he was hit by a machine gun fire and his knees and ankle were badly hit. Then he was taken to the hospital where he met an English nurse named Agnes H. Von Kurowski. She waited upon Hemingway very affectionately. Hemingway for the first time in his life fell in love with her very deeply and desired to marry her. She was much older than Hemingway. In turn, Agnes also showed her love to him. They promised to marry each other after his return to the U.S.A. After his recovery, Hemingway was released from his job and then he returned to his motherland, America. One day Hemingway received a letter from Agnes. In that letter, she revealed that she was not willing to go to America and hence she did not want to marry Hemingway. Instead, she was about to marry an Italian major. The news became a thunderclap to Hemingway and his heart broke down. Thus his first love ended in disappointment.

Hemingway in 1920 moved to Chicago with a view to taking up a writing job and accepted the editorship of Co-operative Commonwealth a journal of a Co-operative Society. During his stay in Chicago, he met a charming girl, Hadley Richardson. The meeting developed into love and eventually, they got married in 1921 and thus his married life began. After the marriage, he along with his wife went to Europe as a correspondent for The Star. After doing the job of a correspondent for two years he returned to America. Meanwhile, Mrs. Hadley Hemingway gave birth to his first son.

In 1923, Hemingway moved to Paris and took a job in a news agency. There in Paris, he met one day, a charming girl named Pauline. She was a dark-haired fashion writer in the Paris office of Vague. He came from a very wealthy family. She fascinated Hemingway and allured Hemingway to marry her. After her introduction to Hemingway, she employed every feminine method to win his heart and as a result Hemingway’s interest in her increased. Consequently, Hemingway’s first marriage with Hadley came to an end in 1927 and he married Pauline and settled in Key West, Florida. During his stay there, he wrote immensely and published some novels such as ‘The Sun Also Rises’, ‘The Torrents of Springs’ etc.

In 1936 he went to Spain while the Spanish Civil War broke out. He went there as a war correspondent for the North Atlantic Newspapers Alliance. There in Spain, he met a girl named Miss Martha Gellhorn who had been a correspondent for the Collier’s Magazines. Hemingway and Martha together braved the danger of covering the various battlefronts. Thus for spending some months there with Martha, Hemingway left his second wife Pauline behind in America. The relationship between Hemingway and Martha deepened and they fell in love with each other. Hearing the news of their love affairs, Pauline, the second wife of Hemingway, who had been in America, went to Paris and brought Hemingway back to America. But Hemingway had already lost his heart in Martha’s love and so his relationship with Pauline cold off and eventually, Hemingway went to Spain again and there he took up Martha as his third wife. 

Already in 1939, the Second World War broke out. Hemingway, who liked adventures, took the avail of it and flew with the Royal Air Force to England and was accredited as a correspondent with the Royal Air Force. He ran on several missions with Royal Air Force to the flying bomb launching sites and to destroy them. Suddenly one day, Hemingway was involved in an automobile accident that necessitated 57 stretches on his head. During the war, Hemingway’s relationship with Martha deteriorated. In Paris, Hemingway fell ill. Then he called on Martha to attend to him, but Martha bore certain grudges against Hemingway and so she did not go to wait upon her husband. On the other hand, another young girl by the name of Miss Marry Walsh attended to him very affectionately. Gradually they began to love each other and eventually they were married. Then after the end of the war, Hemingway along with his fourth wife Mary Walsh went to Africa to show her all the enjoyable places he had known. But during the course of their tour to Africa, he met with two air crashes and hence they had to cut off their trip. Mary was hurt badly and Hemingway was also injured. Since then Hemingway’s health began to deteriorate and with it, his mental disturbance and suffering began, yet he continued his writing. Through sufferance, he wrote out his monumental novel, The Old Man and the Sea which brought him the Nobel Prize for literature and he earned international fame as a novelist in 1954. Winning of the Nobel Prize raised his spirit for some time but the gathering gloom seemed to have chased him. He was admitted to Mayo Clinic twice where he received electric shocks for psychological troubles. Throughout his life, he kept always busy with writing and adventures and led an outdoor life. Friends, women and liquor were his company that kept him living. But while he fell seriously ill with mental disturbance he lost all his zest for life and on 2nd July 1961, at night he lost all his hope of life and shot himself with his own gun and thus the life of the Nobel Prize-winning novelist and a lover of women came to a tragic end. 0 0 0

The Love of Earnest Hemingway

N.B.  The article ‘The Love of Earnest Hemingway’ originally belongs to the book ‘Love of Reputed Persons‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

The Love of Earnest Hemingway

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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