The Characteristics of Arabic Prose


The Characteristics of Arabic Prose

The Characteristics of Arabic Prose

The Characteristics of Arabic Prose

The Characteristics of Arabic Prose

During the Pre-Islamic period, Arabic prose literature was in its infancy compared to the unprecedented development of Arabic poetry. The reason for this was that Arabic prose did not get as much importance as Arabic poetry. One of the main causes for this was that at that time all sorts of literature were composed orally and they were presented orally. The prose composition could not appeal to the feelings and sentiments of the general masses as Arabic poetry could during the Pre-Islamic period. However, prose literature began to take shape during the Pre-Islamic era. It is a pity that the prose composition that was born during that era was lost due to lack of preservation. In later times, with the efforts of some literary lovers, very few samples of pre-Islamic prose literature were collected and their study reveal the following characteristics:

(a) The scope of prose literature in the pre-Islamic period was narrow. These were limited to some war stories, proverbs, and narratives.

(b) The prose of the pre-Islamic period was composed of short sentences and rhythm was also used to some extent.

(c) In addition to mentioning the author’s name, identity, etc., the information about who got it from whom and who told whom, etc. were clearly mentioned in their prose compositions.

(d) Proverbs were predominant in pre-Islamic prose. The authors enriched their works with enlightening proverbs and drew the attention of the audience.

(e) The language of prose writings was simple and straightforward, but the prose of the Kahens was complex and obscure.

(f) Oral language was predominant in the prose of the pre-Islamic period even though it was grammatical.

(g) Prose-Islamic prose was free from rhetoric.

(h) The prose of the pre-Islamic era was composed of its own Arabic words. They were not influenced by any foreign language. The following is an excerpt from the prose of the pre-Islamic period:

”The Almighty God has placed you in a very high and honorable position. You were born into a noble family and given an aristocratic home. He has made you the king of the Arabs and made them loyal to you. You are the right child of the rightful heir, in whose memory your greatness will always be alive and your heirs will be equally worthy and famous. “

It can be concluded that although the prose literature of the Pre-Islamic period could not go hand in hand with Arabic poetry, yet Arabic prose literature grew in that era, and later standing on them Arabic prose grew into a huge tree and helped Arabic to attain the status of one of the major languages of the world. 0 0 0.

The Characteristics of Arabic Prose

Read More: A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD-661 AD)

The Characteristics of Arabic Prose

N.B. This article ‘The Characteristics of Arabic Prose’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD) by Menonim Menonimus. The Characteristics of Arabic Prose, The Characteristics of Arabic Prose

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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