Political Science Quiz
Political Science Quiz
Political Science Quiz
Question: What is the full form of NATO?
Answer: North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Question: What is the full form of NIEO?
Answer: New International Economic Order.
Question: What is the full form of CENTO?
Answer: Central Treaty Organization.
Question: What is LOCS?
Answer: Line of Controls. Political Science Quiz
Question: What is the full form of NAM?
Answer: Non-Aligned Movement.
Question: What are LDCs?
Answer: Least Developed Countries.
Question: What is meant by ‘Cold War’?
Answer: After World WarII, the two world powers, the United States of America and Soviet Russia, rivalled for supremacy in world politics. This rivalry is called Cold War.
Question: When did the Cold War begin?
Answer: In 1945. Political Science Quiz
Question: When did the Cold War end?
Answer: In 1991.
Question: What is the Cuba Crisis?
Answer: The Cuba Crisis is a disagreement between the United States and the Soviet Union over the delivery of nuclear missiles to Cuba.
Question: Write the names of two superpowers.
Answer: The United States and Soviet Russia.
Question: In which year did the USa drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan?
Answer: In 1945. Political Science Quiz
Question: Is the purpose of CENTO segregation?
Ans: The purpose of CENTO is not segregation. Its purpose is to pursue an independent foreign policy and to coexist peacefully.
Question: Who was the founder of the Non-Aligned Movement?
Answer: Yachib Bruce Titu.
Question: When and where was the first meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement held?
Answer: In 1961, in Belgrade.
Question: ‘Group neutrality is not neutralism, because neutrality means being away from events.’ – it is true?
Answer: True. Political Science Quiz
Question: Write the name of the place where the bomb went off during World War II.
Answer: Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Japan).
Question: What is meant by Warsaw Pact?
Answer: The Warsaw Pact is a treaty signed by eight Soviet-led countries, including Poland, East Germany, Hungary and Czechoslovakia, to withdraw from NATO.
Question: Write the full form of SEATO.
Answer: South East Asia Treaty Organization.
Question: When did the Berlin Wall fall?
Answer: In 1989. Political Science Quiz
Question: Which of the Soviet republics was the first to declare independence?
Answer: Lithuania.
Question: What is the full form of CIS?
Answer: Commonwealth of Independent States.
Question: In which election did Russia take the seat of the former Soviet Union in the United Nations?
Answer: In 1991.
Question: Which country ended the Cold War?
Answer: Soviet Union.
Question: How many republics were there in the former Soviet Union?
Answer: 15. Political Science Quiz
Question: Who was the founder of the Bolshevik Communist Party?
Answer: Baris Yaltchin.
Question: When was Soviet Russia born?
Answer: In 1917.
Question: When was the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty signed?
Answer: July 1, 1964.
Question: What was the single superpower in the world after the collapse of the Soviet Union?
Answer: The United States of America.
Question: Who was the founder of the Bolshevik Communist Party?
Answer: Lenin. Political Science Quiz
Question: When did Soviet Russia emerge?
Answer: In 1917.
Question: When does bipolarity end?
Answer: In 1991. Political Science Quiz
Question: Who initiated the reforms in Soviet Russia?
Answer: Mikhael Gorbachev.
Question: What was the immediate cause of the collapse of Soviet Russia?
Answer: The Soviet Union came to an end shortly after Gorbachev resigned as President of Soviet Russia on December 25, 1991.
Question: The collapse of which country is called the ‘collapse of the Second World’?
Answer: Soviet Union.
Question: What is meant by a polar nation?
Answer: ‘A polar nation’ means a nation that exerts military, political, economic and cultural influence over other nations of the world.
Question: Who started the political and economic crisis in the Soviet Union?
Answer: Mikhael Gorbachev.
Question: What is meant by a pole system?
Answer: When most of the power and prestige of the world is concentrated in one centre or one country, it is called a centralized system or ‘one pole system’.
Question: What is ‘flexible force’?
Answer: A ‘flexible force’ is the ability of a nation to dominate other nations by the influence of its own ideology and thought.
Question: What is ‘solid energy’?
Answer: The capability of a well-armed and well-organized military force is called ‘Solid Energy’.
Question: What is ‘Operation Desert Storm’?
Answer: The operation against Iraq was called “Operation Desert Storm” by a group of 34 nations consisting of 660,000 troops in 1991 to liberate Kuwait from the clutches of Iraq.
Question: Against whom did you conduct ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’?
Answer: The USA had conducted “Operation Enduring Freedom” against terrorism, particularly against the Taliban in Afghanistan and al-Qaeda.
Question: Give an example of a global public product.
Answer: Internet. Political Science Quiz
Question: What is a global village?
Answer: The “global village” refers to the current world of shrinking information technology and connectivity.
Question: What was the name of the first commercial school in the United States, founded in 1881?
Answer: Horton School.
Question: When was the first MBA course introduced in the United States?
Answer: In the 1950s.
Question: Who was the President of the United States during the First Gulf War?
Answer: George H. W. Bush.
Question: In which year did the US Military Research Project begin?
Answer: In the 1950s. Political Science Quiz
Question: When did American domination in the international context begin?
Answer: In 1991. Political Science Quiz
Question: How many people died in the 9/11 attacks?
Answer: 3,000. Political Science Quiz
Question: What is Al-Qaeda?
Answer: Al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization based in Afghanistan.
Question: What does ‘one pole’ mean in recent world politics?
Answer: In recent times, the United States has established a monopoly power in the world – this is called ‘one pole’.
Question: What is the full form of NATO?
Answer: North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Question: Who introduced reforms in the Soviet Union in 1985?
Answer: Mikhael Gorbachev. Political Science Quiz
Question: When did Ira invade Kuwait?
Answer: In the 1990s. Political Science Quiz
Question: Who was the leader of the Chinese communist revolution?
Answer: Mao Zedung. Political Science Quiz
Question: What is the ‘Open Door Policy’?
Answer: The ‘open door’ is a policy announced in China in 1978 which aimed at increasing productivity by investing capital and technology imported from abroad.
Question: In which year was the single market created?
Answer: The single market was created in 1993.
Question: In which year did the Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi visit China?
Answer: In 1988.
Question: What is the currency of the European Union?
Answer: Euro. Political Science Quiz
Question: In which year was the European Council established?
Answer: In 1949. Political Science Quiz
Question: When did China become a member of the World Trade Organization?
Answer: In 2001. Political Science Quiz
Question: When was the Treaty of Maastricht signed?
Answer: In 1992. Political Science Quiz
Question: Write in one sentence about the problem faced by China.
Answer: Population growth is one of the salient problems faced by China.
Question: In 1972, China established bilateral relations with which country?
Answer: The United States of America.
Question: Who was China’s political and religious leader in the 1950s?
Answer: Dalai Lama.
Question: In which year was the ASEAN Regional Forum formed?
Answer: In 1994.
Question: In which year was ARF established?
Answer: In 1994.
Question: Is India a member of ASEAN?
Answer:Â No.
Question: What do you mean by four modernizations?
Answer: The ‘Four modernizations’ refers to four areas of development such as agriculture, industry, national defence and science and technology.
Question: When did China invade India?
Answer: In 1962. Political Science Quiz
Question: Write the name of a founding member state of ASEAN.
Answer: Philippines.
Question: What is the full form of SEZ?
Answer: Special Economic Zone.
Question: In which year was ASEAN formed?
Answer: In the year 1967.
Question: The border dispute between India and China in 1962 was originally between …………. and …………..? (Fill in the blanks)
Answer: Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh.
Question: The Agra Summit was held between India and Pakistan. Write the names of the Indian Prime Ministers who attended the summit.
Answer: Atal Bihari Bajpayee.
Question: What is the full form of SAARC?
Answer: South Asian Association of Regional Co-operation.
Question: SAFTA was signed at the 12th SAARC Summit held in Islamabad. is it correct?
Answer: Correct.
Question: Which country is a part of India’s ‘Look East Policy’?
Answer: Bangladesh.
Question: What does South Asia mean?
Answer: South Asia refers to Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka – these seven countries.
Question: Is China a part of South Asia?
Answer: China is not a part of South Asia.
Question: Which was the first country in South Asia to liberalize its economy?
Answer: Sri Lanka.
Question: Who was the leader of the Chinese communist revolution?
Answer: Mao Zedong.
Question: Where did India complete its nuclear test in 1998?
Answer: In Gujarat.
Question: Where was the 14th SAARC Summit held?
Answer: In New Delhi, 2007.
Question: Which Indian Prime Minister made a selective trip to Lahore?
Answer: Atal Bihari Bajpayee. Political Science Quiz
Question: Where was the 15th SAARC Summit held?
Answer:Â Colombo, 2008.
Question: Where was the first SAARC Summit held?
Answer: In Dhaka, 1985.
Question: When was SAARC formed?
Answer: In 1985.
Question: In which year did Sri Lanka become independent?
Answer: In 1948.
Question: In which year did India send peacekeepers to Sri Lanka?
Answer: In 1987.
Question: Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan from …….. to …….. . (Fill in the blanks):
Answer: From 1947 to 1971.
Question: What is the full form of WTO?
Answer: World Trade Organization.
Question: What is the main purpose of the United Nations?
Answer: To maintain world peace.
Question: Write down a weakness of NGOs.
Ans: NGOs cannot take any decision on their own.
Question: ‘Better a poor horse than no horse at all’ – who said that?
Answer: Winston Churchill.
Question: When was the United Nations founded?
Answer: On October 24, 1945.
Question: How many countries signed the UNO Charter at the time of its inception?
Answer: 51 member states.
Question: What is the full form of IAEA?
Answer: International Atomic Energy Agency.
Question: How many member states are there in the UNO now?
Answer: 192. Political Science Quiz
Question: Who was the first Secretary-General of the United Nations?
Answer:Â Norway’s Trigger V Lai.
Question: On which day is United Nations Day observed?
Answer: October 24.
Question: What is the name of the largest donor to the United Nations?
Answer: United States of America.
Question: Who was the first female chairperson of the UNO General Assembly?
Answer:Â Vijayalakshmi Pandit.
Question: What does ‘Big Three’ mean?
Answer: Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin.
Question: What is the name of the highest executive of the United Nations?
Answer: General Council. Political Science Quiz
Question: When was the Peace Commission formed?
Answer: In the year 2005.
Question: What is the relevance of the United Nations Organization in a centralized world?
Answer. The United Nations can play an important role in establishing peace and security.
Question: When did India become a member of the United Nations?
Answer: In 1945.
Question: When was Amnesty International founded?
Answer: In 1961, in London.
Question: When was the Human Rights Watch formed?
Answer: In 1978.
Question: Where is the head office of Human Rights Watch?
Answer: In New York City.
Question: When was the International Atomic Energy Agency formed?
Answer: July 29, 1957.
Question: In 2011, a number of people lost their lives in an explosion at a nuclear power plant in which country?
Answer: In Japan.
Question: Write the name of the saddest country that has received the most loans from the World Bank.
Answer: India and China. Political Science Quiz
Question: Where is the WTO headquarters?
Answer: Geneva, Switzerland.
Question: What is the full form of UNO?
Answer: United Nations Organization.
Question: What is the full form of UNESCO?
Answer: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Question: How many member states signed the UNO Charter?
Answer: 51.
Question: When was the World Bank established?
Answer: In 1945.
Question: How many permanent member states and temporary member states are there in the UN Security Council?
Answer: 5 permanent member states and 5 temporary member states.
Question: Where was the first SAARC Summit held?
Answer: In Dhaka. Political Science Quiz
Question: When did the terrorists attack the Parliament House of India?
Answer: In 2001.
Question: Mention a source of fear in the modern world.
Answer: Terrorism.
Question: What is meant by ‘Safety’?
Answer: ‘Safety’ usually refers to the security measures taken to prevent a threat or catastrophe.
Question: Mention an element of traditional security strategy.
Answer: Balance of power.
Question: Mention the names of two countries with nuclear power.
Answer: China and India.
Question: Mention a cause of migration.
Answer: Poverty.
Question: When was the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty signed?
Answer: In 1972. Political Science Quiz
Question: What is meant by ‘arms control’?
Answer: The control of the invention and proliferation of weapons is called ‘arms control’.
Question: What is meant by ‘security establishment system’?
Answer: The process of regular exchange of information between countries on security issues is called ‘Security Establishment System’.
Question: What does human security mean?
Answer: The system of providing human beings with the right environment to live in with dignity protecting them from fear, terror, deprivation etc. is called ‘Human Security’.
Question: What is the purpose of completing the nuclear tests in India?
Answer: The main purpose of completing nuclear tests in India is to ensure national security.
Question: What makes a rich nation richer?
Answer: Population decline and higher population incomes make rich nations richer.
Question: Why do people migrate?
Answer: In search of a better and safer life.
Question: When was the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty signed?
Answer: 1968.
Question: What is pollution?
Answer: Degradation of the natural environment is called ‘pollution’.
Question: Which United Nations body looks after the safe and peaceful use of nuclear technology?
Answer: International AtomicAgency.
Question: What are natural resources?
Answer: Natural resources are resources that can be extracted from the environment.
Question: On what date is World Environment Day celebrated?
Answer: June 5. Political Science Quiz
Question: Mention one of the causes of environmental pollution.
Answer: Industrialization.
Question: When was the ‘Stockholm Summit on Environment’ held?
Answer: 1972.
Question: When did India sign the Key Protocol?
Answer: In the month of August 2002.
Question: When was the Rio Summit held?
Answer: 1992.
Question: Mention the name of a movement associated with the environmental movement.
Answer: Chipak Movement.
Question: Which article of the Indian Constitution directs the government to protect the environment, forests and wildlife?
Answer: Article 48 (a).
Question: When United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate were held?
Answer: 1992. Political Science Quiz
Question: Which commission introduced the definition of sustainable development in 1987?
Answer: Brand Land Commission.
Question: What is Kyoto Protocol? What environmental problems is involved?
Answer: The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty that sets out the goal of stopping greenhouse gas emissions from industrialized nations. This is related to the problem of environmental pollution.
Question: What is ‘Earth Summit’?
Answer: The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is called the “Earth Summit”.
Question: What is the full form of UNEP?
Answer: United Nations Environment Program.
Question: What is the full name of UNFCCC?
Answer: United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change.
Question: What is the first world-known?
Answer: ‘Global North. Political Science Quiz
Question: How many countries participated in the 1992 Bashundhara Conference?
Answer:Â 170 countries.
Question: 21 What is the Dafia program?
Answer: A total of 21 proposals on climate change, biodiversity, deforestation, etc. were adopted at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. This is called ’21 Dafiya Program ‘.
Question: In which year was the Khilangiya People’s Council formed?
Answer: 1975.
Question: What is meant by greenhouse gas emissions?
Answer. Carbon dioxide, methane, hydrofluorocarbons, etc., emitted from industries set up by countries around the world increase the temperature of the atmosphere. These gases are called ‘greenhouse gas emissions’.
Question: What do you mean by ‘globalization’?
Answer: ‘Globalization’ refers to the interconnectedness of the people of different nations and regions in various fields such as social, economic and cultural.
Question: ‘Technology is one of the most important factors in globalization.’ Is the statement correct?
Answer: Correct.
Question: Mention a positive aspect of globalization.
Answer: Easy communication.
Question: What is meant by economic globalization?
Answer: Economic globalization refers to the exchange of economic commodities such as capital, technical strategies, commodities, etc. from one region of the world to another.
Question: When was the new economic policy adopted in India?
Answer: 1991.
Question: Cultural integration is a form of ————. (Fill in the gap)
Answer: Globalization.
Question: When did India start economic reforms?
Answer: 1991. Political Science Quiz
Question: Mentioning the positive consequences of globalization in support of the state.
Answer: Using technology, the state can provide various information to the citizens.
Question: What is the World Social Forum?
Answer: The World Social Forum is a platform where human rights activists, workers, youth and women workers come together to oppose the new liberal globalization.
Question: In which case, globalization is not beneficial?
Answer: In the social and cultural spheres.
Question: When and where was the first meeting of the World Social Forum held?
Answer: Porto Elgar, Brazil, 2001.
Question: Mention a feature of globalization.
Answer: Free market economy.
Question: What is ‘protectionism’?
Answer: The efforts made by the nationalist leaders of different countries of the world to protect the national heritage from globalization are termed as ‘protectionism’.
Question: When did the globalization process begin?
Answer: In the 1990s.
Question: In which year was the first general election held in India?
Answer: In 1952.
Question: Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India?
Answer: Sukumar Sen.
Question: Who served as the Chief Electoral Commissioner of India and the Chief Electoral Commissioner of Nepal and Sudan?
Answer: Sukumar Sen.
Question: How many parties contested in India’s first general election?
Answer: 14 national parties and more than 50 state-level parties.
Question: When was the National Congress founded?
Answer: 1885. Political Science Quiz
Question: Who formed the National Congress party?
Answer: An Englishman named Alan Octavian Hume.
Question: Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly of India?
Answer: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.
Question: Since when is the Constitution of India enforced?
Answer: January From26, 1950.
Question: In the first general election in India, how many Lok Sabha seats were held?
Answer: 489.
Question: How many seats did Congress win in India’s first general election?
Answer: 364.
Question: Which party came second in the first general election in India?
Answer: Communist Party of India, 16 seats.
Question: What percentage of votes did the Congress party get in the first general election in India?
Answer: 45 percent. Political Science Quiz
Question: Which Indian general election is considered as a milestone in the history of democracy in the world?
Answer: India ‘s first (1952) general election.
Question: Which Indian general election was commented on by the editor of a paper as ‘the biggest gamble in history’?
Answer: The first general election held in 1952.
Question: In which year was the second general election of India held?
Answer: 1957.
Question: India is the largest——–nation in the world. (Fill in the blanks).
Answer:Â Democratic.
Question: In which Indian state did the Congress party first face the bitterness of defeat?
Answer: In the state of Kerala, in the 1957 elections.
Question: Which Indian election is called a ‘political earthquake’?
Answer: The 1967 general election.
Question: When did the Janata Dal form the government for the first time in Assam?
Answer: In 1977.
Question: In which year did the Assam Gana Parishad form the government in Assam with an absolute majority?
Answer: In 1985.
Question: In which year was the ‘Socialist Party’ formed?
Answer: 1948.
Question: When was the Communist Party of India (CPI) formed?
Answer: 1924.
Question: In what year was the ‘Bharatiya Jana Sangh’ established?
Answer: 1951.
Question: In which country did the Bolshevik Revolution take place?
Answer: In Soviet Russia.
Question: Who was the founding president of Bharatiya Jana Sangh?
Answer:Â Shyama Prasad Mukherjee.
Question: ‘The 1967 general election marked a turning point in India’s electoral and political history’. (Is it true?)
Answer: True. Political Science Quiz
Question: From which year did the era of Marcha government at the Center begin?
Answer: Since 1977.
Question: What is the full form of UPA?
Answer: United Progressive Alliance.
Question: Write the name of a sad metropolis that may have been divided into communal zones during the partition of the country.
Answer: Lahore and Calcutta.
Question: Who was the first Home Minister (Deputy Prime Minister) of Independent India?
Answer: Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel.
Question: Who was the king of Manipur when India gained independence?
Answer: Maharaja Bodhchandra Singh.
Question: Which state was most affected by the partition of the country?
Answer: Punjab and Kashmir.
Question: In which year was ‘Struggle for Survival’ published?
Answer: In 1952. Political Science Quiz
Question: Who was the first Prime Minister of independent India?
Answer:Â Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
Question: The two nations were born on August 14-15, 1947. One was Pakistan and what else?
Answer: India.
Question: Who was the second Prime Minister of independent India?
Answer: Lal Bahadur Shastri.
Question: Mentionthe concept of ‘bi-national formula’.
Answer: The British ruled India, based on Hinduism and Islam and eventually granted independence to India and Pakistan as two countries, known as the ‘Bi-national Formula’.
Question: Why did the people of Hyderabad oppose the Nizam?
Answer: The Nizam of Hyderabad exploited and oppressed by the peasants and so the people opposed the Nizam.
Question: Which state has created some problems on the basis of universal adult suffrage?
Answer: Manipur.
Question: On what date did the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir sign the ‘Chamilkaran Document’ of India?
Answer: October 26, 1947.
Question: When was the Muslim League founded?
Answer: 1906.
Question: Why was the State Reconstruction Commission constituted?
Answer: To redefine the boundaries of the Indian States.
Question: Who is called ‘Border Gandhi’?
Answer: Khan Abdul Gafur Khan.
Question: Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly of India?
Answer: Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
Question: What percentage of the total population of India was Muslim at the time of Partition?
Answer: 12 percent. Political Science Quiz
Question: Who was in charge of Goa before it merged with India?
Answer: The Portuguese.
Question: Which Indian state has a separate constitution?
Answer: Jammu and Kashmir.
Question: What are the three newly created states in 2000?
Answer: Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand.
Question: Which was the first state of India to be created on the basis of language?
Answer: Andhra Pradesh.
Question: On what basis was India divided?
Answer: religion.
Question: Which was the largest state of India at the time of independence?
Answer: Hyderabad.
Question: ‘Pakistan will be created on my corpse’ – who said this?
Answer:Â Mahatma Gandhi.
Question: Write the name of a state formed on the basis of the State Reconstruction Act, 1956.
Answer: Bihar.
Question: When was the State Reorganization Act passed?
Answer: 1956.
Question: The state of Telangana is the ——– state of India. (Fill in the blank.)
Answer: 29th. Political Science Quiz
Question: In which article of the Constitution, Jammu and Kashmir was accorded special status?
Answer: 370.
Question: Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly?
Answer: Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar.
Question: When was the Election Commission of India formed? Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India?
Answer: The Election Commission of India was constituted on January 25, 1950. Its chief commissioner was Sukumar Sen.
Question: Which Union Territories was given the status of a full-fledged state in 1972?
Answer: Manipur and Tripura.
Question: What was called ‘Goval of India’?
Answer:Â Varghese Kurienak.
Question: What is the full form of AMUL?
Answer: Anand Milk Union Limited.
Question: What is the full form of POSCO?
Answer: Pohang Iron and Steel Company.
Question: When was the Planning Commission of India formed?
Answer: March 15, 1950.
Question: There are two ideals of development= one is the liberal capitalist ideology and the other is what?
Answer: Socialist ideology.
Question: When did the first five-year plan start in India?
Answer: 1951.
Question: What does FYP mean?
Answer: Five Year Plan. Political Science Quiz
Question: Write the name of a large project included in the first five-year plan.
Answer: Vakranangal Dam.
Question: Where did the idea of ​​Five-Year Plan come from in India?
Answer: From Soviet Russia.
Question: What was the main objective of the first five-year plan?
Answer: To promote agriculture.
Question: Why has India adopted a five-year plan?
Answer: To accelerate the overall development of the country.
Question: Who is the Chairman of the Planning Commission of India?
Answer: The Prime Minister of India.
Question: What was the focus of the second five-year plan of India?
Answer: On the heavy industry.
Question: Who prepares the Five Year Plan of India?
Answer: Planning Commission.
Question: Can the Planning Commission be called a constitutional body?
Answer: No. Political Science Quiz
Question: What is ‘Kerala Model’ or ‘Kerala Arhi’?
Answer: The Kerala model is one of the strategies adopted by the Government of Kerala for the development of the state.
Question: What do you mean by right-wing and left-wing?
Answer: In the case of India’s economic planning, those who support the liberal economic model is called the ‘Right Wing’ and those who support the communist-style is called the ‘Left Wing’.
Question: The government budget is divided into two parts, what are those two?
Answer: (a) Planned Budget and (b) Non-Planned Budget.
Question: Which institution is currently being set up in India instead of the Planning Commission?
Answer: NITI Commission
Question: What is the name of the father of the green revolution in India?
Answer: Dr Norman Barlaug.
Question: What is the ‘white revolution’?
Answer: The revolution that took place with the focus on milk and milk products is called the White Revolution. The White Revolution took place in Gujarat in the 1970s.
Question: In which year did the Election Commission start using EVM?
Answer: In the 1990s.
Question: In which year was the Mandal Commission appointed by the Government of India?
Answer: In 1979.
Question: When was the Indian People’s Union formed? Who was the founding president of the Indian People’s Union?
Answer: In 1951. Its founding president was Shyama Prasad Mukherjee.
Question: What does NEFA indicate?
Answer: North-East Frontier Agency.
Question: What is the name of the agreement signed in 1966 between the Prime Minister of India Lal Bahadur Shastri and the President of Pakistan General Ayub Khan?
Answer: Tashkhand Agreement.
Question: When was the Simla Agreement signed?
Answer: In 1972.
Question: In which year was the war between Bangladesh and Pakistan fought?
Answer: In 1971.
Question: In which year was the McMahon Line drawn as the boundary between China and India?
Answer: In 1914.
Question: Which article of the Indian Constitution mentions foreign policy?
Answer: Article 51. Political Science Quiz
Question: In which year did China annex Tibet?
Answer: In the 1950s.
Question: When did China invade India?
Answer: In 1962.
Question: Who proposed the partition of Kashmir?
Answer: The United Nations.
Question: What are the principles of India’s foreign policy?
Answer: Neutrality.
Question: ‘The Panchsheel Policy’ was signed between India and ——–. (Fill in the gap)
Answer: China.
Question: In which year did the Bharatiya Janata Party come to power?
Answer:1977. Political Science Quiz
Question: What are the elements of foreign policy?
Answer: National security and national interest.
Question: Who is the chief architect of India’s foreign policy?
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru.
Question: In 1971, India signed a ‘Friendly Treaty’ with which country?
Answer: With the Soviet Union.
Question: What is the full form of CTBT?
Answer: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
Question: When was the first nuclear detonation in India?
Answer: 1974. Political Science Quiz
Question: What is the name of the agreement signed between Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1972?
Answer: Shimla Agreement.
Question: Who was the first Home Minister of Independent India?
Answer: Sarder Vallabhbhai Patel.
Question: When was the fourth general election held in India?
Answer: In the year 1967.
Question: How many seats did the Indian National Congress win in the Lok Sabha in the 1967 general elections?
Answer: 283. Political Science Quiz
Question: Which decade in India has been termed as ‘Dangerous Decade’?
Answer: 1960s.
Question: Lal Bahadur Shastri was a native of which state?
Answer: Uttar Pradesh.
Question: Who was the next Prime Minister of India after Lal Bahadur Shastri?
Answer: Mrs Indira Gandhi.
Question: What is the full form of DMK?
Answer: Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam.
Question: What does SVD indicate?
Answer: Sanyukt Vidhayak Dal.
Question: Which year is considered as the most memorable year in the history of Indian politics and elections?
Answer: 1967. Political Science Quiz
Question: What is meant by ‘syndicate’?
Answer: ‘Syndicate’ refers to a group of powerful and influential political leaders.
Question: Lal Bahadur Shastri was the————–Prime Minister of India. (Fill in the balnk)
Answer: Second.
Question: Which party had the slogan ‘Eliminate Poverty’?
Answer:Â Congress party.
Question: ‘Joy Jovan, Joy Kisan’ – Who was the creator of the slogan?
Answer: Lal Bahadur Shastri.
Question: Who led the Congress Syndicate?
Answer:Â K. Kamaraj.
Question: Dravida Munnetra Kazagam is a regional party of which state?
Answer: Tamil Nadu. Political Science Quiz
Question: In which year was the anti-secession law enacted?
Answer: In 1985.
Question: Who was the first woman Prime Minister of India?
Answer: Mrs Indira Gandhi.
Question: Who led the student movement in Gujarat and Bihar?
Answer: Jayaprakash Narayan.
Question: Mention any of the issues included in the Kuri Dafiya program initiated by Indira Gandhi.
Answer: Poverty alleviation.
Question: On which government day was the Mandal Commission appointed?
Answer: Janata Dal. Political Science Quiz
Question: Jayaprakash Narayan was a man from which state?
Answer: Bihar.
Question: Who was the founder of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)?
Answer: Charu Majumdar.
Question: When was the state of emergency declared for the first time in India?
Answer: In 1975.
Question: Who led the Shah Commission?
Answer: J. C. Shah. Political Science Quiz
Question: Who came up with the idea of ​​responsible bureaucracy and judiciary in India?
Answer: Indira Gandhi.
Question: What was the name of the President of India who declared a state of emergency in 1975?
Answer: Fakruddin Ali Ahmed.
Question: What was considered as a symbol of the resurgence of democracy?
Answer: Jayaprakash Narayan.
Question: Who was Charu Majumdar?
Answer: Charu Majumdar was a prominent socialist leader, revolutionary and staunch supporter of the Naxalite movement.
Question: Who was the leader of the Congress for Democracy?
Answer: Jagjivan Ram.
Question: In which part of India was the Marxist-Leninist group strong?
North: West Bengal.
Question: Who led the Railways strike in 1974?
Answer: George Fernandez.
Question: When was the Shah Commission appointed?
Answer: In 1971. Political Science Quiz
Question: ‘Indira is India, India is Indira’ – who gave the slogan?
Answer: Debkant Barua.
Question: Who called for a ‘total revolution’?
Answer:Â Jayaprakash Narayan.
Question: When was the Great Depression made?
Answer: In 1971.
Question: When was the Janata Party formed?
Answer: 1977.
Question: Who was the first president of Janata Party?
Answer: Jayaprakash Narayan.
Question: When did the ‘Assam Movement’ start?
Answer: In 1979. Political Science Quiz
Question: In which year did Goa become a part of India?
Answer: 1987.
Question: Who was the hero of Naga National Council?
Answer: A.Fizo.
Question: When was the ‘Anandapur Sahib Proposal’ adopted?
Answer: In 1973.
Question: Who was Hari Singh?
Answer: The king of Jammu and Kashmir at the time of independence.
Question: Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with Jammu and Kashmir?
Answer: 370. Political Science Quiz
Question: In which year was the Akali Dal formed in Punjab?
Answer: 1920.
Question: When did the Government of India launch ‘Operation Bluestar’?
Answer: In 1984.
Question: When was the first assembly election held in Sikim?
Answer: In 1974.
Question: What is the full form of AASU?
Answer: All Assam Students Union.
Question: When was the National Conference formed?
Answer: 1948.
Question: Who was the founding president of ‘Telugu Desam’?
Answer: N. T. Ramarao. Political Science Quiz
Question: In which year was the state of Nagaland formed?
Answer: In the 1960s.
Question: Mention any one factor that created regionalism.
Answer: Economic inequality.
Question: In what manner was the restructuring of the North-East completed?
Answer: In 1987.
Question: Sikim is the ——-nd state of India. (Fill in the blanks).
Answer:Â 22nd.
Question: What is the full form of MNF?
Answer: Mizo Nationalist Front.
Question: What is the full form of MGP?
Answer: Maharastrabadi Gomntok Party.
Question: When was the Punjab Accord signed?
Answer: 1985. Political Science Quiz
Question: When was Indira Gandhi assassinated?
Answer: On October 31, 1984.
Question: Before 1961, the state of Goa was under whose rule?
Answer: Portuguese.
Question: When was the ‘Assam Agreement’ signed?
Answer: 1985.
Question: Write the name of the first regional party formed in one of the states of India.
Answer: D. MK. (Dravida Munnetra Kazagam)
Question: The Simla Agreement was signed between India and ———-. (Fill in the blank.)
Answer: Pakistan Political Science Quiz
Question: Write the full form of ‘NEDA’.
Answer: North East Democratic Alliance.
Question: Write the name of any organization of farmers.
North: Indian Kisan Union.
Question: What is the full form of NFF?
Answer: National Fish Workers’ Forum.
Question: In which Indian state was the anti-Arak (anti-alcohol) movement started?
Answer: Andhra Pradesh.
Question: What is the name of the leader of ‘Save Narmada’ movement?
Answer: Medha Patekar.
Question: What is the full form of MKSS?
Answer: Mazdoor Kishan Sakti Sangathan.
Question: In which state did the Sipko movement start?
Answer: Uttarakhand. Political Science Quiz
Question: When did the right to information movement start?
Answer: In the year 2005.
Question: Who was the main leader of the Chipko movement?
Answer: Sundarlal Bahuguna.
Question: What was the ideal of the Dalit approach?
Answer: Removal of caste system from society.
Question: Who was the leader of Indian Kisan Union?
Answer: Mahendra Singh Ticket.
Question: What is the full form of POW?
Answer: Prisoner of War.
Question: Which organization started the right to information movement?
Ans: Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan.
Question: In which year was the ‘All India Kisan Sabha’ established?
Answer: 1936.
Question: ‘Peasant movement is a party based movement’ . Is it true?
Answer:Â No. Political Science Quiz
Question: Who was the leader of the Indian Kisan Union?
Answer: Chaudhary Charan Singh.
Question: Who is the father of the women’s movement in India?
Answer: Pandit Rama Bai.
Question: In which Indian state was the ‘Nav Nirman Andolan’ started?
Answer: In Gujarat.
Question: Which party led the National Democratic Front government?
Answer: Bharatiya Janata Dal.
Question: Who was the President of Bharatiya Janata Party after Advani?
Answer: Rajnath Singh. Political Science Quiz
Question: What is ‘Mandal Commission’?
Answer: The Commission set up by the Central Government under the leadership of BP Mandal in 1978 to identify the backward classes and provide suggestions for their conservation is called ‘Mandal Commission’.
Question: What is meant by UPA?
Answer: United Progressive Alliance.
Question: What does ‘Hinduism’ mean?
Answer: It means Hindu religion and culture.
Question: Which BJP leader called Muhammad Ali Jinnah a secular leader?
Answer: Atal Bihari Bajpayee.
Question: Who was the Prime Minister of India after the 2004 elections?
Answer: Dr Manmohan Singh.
Question: What is the percentage of conservation recommendations made by the Mandal Commission for OBC?
Answer: 27 per cent.
Question: In what year was the new economic policy adopted in India?
Answer: 1991. Political Science Quiz
Question: Who was the Finance Minister of India at the time of implementation of the new economic policy?
Answer: Dr Manmohan Singh.
Question: Who was the Prime Minister of the People’s Government in the 1977 election?
Answer: Morarji Desai.
Question: Write the full form of NDA.
Answer: National Democratic Alliance.
Question: India has a multi-party system. (True or False)
Answer: True. Political Science Quiz
Question: Write a feature of India’s new economic policy.
Answer: Economic liberalization.
Question: When did the Godhra incident take place?
Answer: February 27, 2002.
Question: What does ‘Vaishara’ mean?
Answer: Social harmony or brotherhood.
Question: Who is the founder of Bahujan Samajwadi Party?
Answer: Kashiram.
Question: Who was the Chairman of the Mandal Commission?
Answer: Bindeshwari Prasad Mandal.
Question: Who adopted the new economic policy of India?
Answer: PV Narsingh Rao Government.
Question: What is a ‘silent revolution’?
Christopher Jafel Tewe called the rise of other backward communities and the lower classes in Indian politics a ‘silent revolution’. 0 0 0.
Political Science Quiz
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