Statistics Quiz-3



Statistics Quiz-3

Statistics Quiz-3

Statistics Quiz-3

Question: The bar figure is a —- (choose the correct answer )

(a) one-dimensional figure

(b) two-dimensional figure

(c) non-figure

(d) not one on top.

Answer: (a) One-dimensional figure.

Question: The information displayed in the column can help in writing —- (choosing the correct answer)

(a) Medium

(b) Multiplier

(c) Medium

(d) All of the above.

Answer: (b) Multiplier.

Question: In writing a column, rectangles should be equally wide. (True or False):

Answer: False. Statistics Quiz-3

Question: Columns can be drawn only for continuous classification of information. (Correct or Incorrect)

Answer: Correct.

Question: Histograms and columns are the same way of presenting information. (Correct or Incorrect)

Answer: Correct.

Question: With the help of columns, the frequency of a division can be determined in writing. (True or False)

Answer: True. Statistics Quiz-3

Question: It is not possible to know the mean of a frequency division from the archive. (Correct or Incorrect):

Answer: Incorrect

Question: What is listing?

Answer: Listing is a system of systematic arrangement of information between columns and rows.

Q: Who came up with the idea of ​​standard deviation?

Answer: Carl Pierson.

Question: What is meant by central tendency?

Answer: The number or measure of a group that represents the properties of a class of information in numerical data is called ‘central tendency’.

Question: What do you mean by mass?

Answer: The relative gravity of a number is called ‘mass’.

Question: Mention a significant feature of the mathematical medium.

Answer: A notable feature of mathematical medium is that the sum of the deviations of the values ​​of the variable from the mathematical medium is always zero.

Question: What is a multiplier?

Answer: Multiplicity is the most frequently generated quality of information.

Question: Mention a problem with mathematical means.

Answer: Mathematical mediums are influenced by extremes.

Question: The sum of the deviations of the value of the variable taken from the mean is 0. (Correct or Incorrect)

Answer: Correct.

Question: Average or mean alone is not enough to compare categories. (True or False)

Answer: True.

Question: A mathematical mean is a spatial value. (Ture or False):

Answer: False.

Q: The lowest quotient of the top 25% of any data sum is the upper quadrant. (True or False)

Answer: True.

Question: Medium is strongly influenced by extreme values. (Ture or False):

Answer: False.

Question: What are the types of deviation?

Answer: There are two types of deviations, such as– (a) absolute weight and (b) relative weight.

Question: What is meant by scope or extension?

Answer: The difference between the largest and the smallest value of a data quantity is called scope.

Question: What is meant by free division?

A: A partition in which the lower limit of the lower class division or the upper limit of the upper-class division or both are not certain is called ‘free division’. 0 0 0

Statistics Quiz-3

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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