Pizza-It Evolution and Popularity


Pizza-It Evolution and Popularity

Pizza-It Evolution and Popularity

Pizza-It Evolution and Popularity

Pizza-It Evolution and Popularity

It took nearly 3,000 years of food evolution for pizza pie to reach its current delicious state of today. Although flatbreads have been around for 6,000 years, the word “pizzare” began to appear in Italian writings around 1000 BCE. The word ‘pizza’ is believed to have originated from an old Italian word meaning ‘a point’, which in turn became the Italian word “pizzare”, meaning to pinch or break.

Tomatoes were first brought to Italy from South America in 1522. Earlier tomatoes were considered poisonous. Luckily, the poor farmers of the region eventually got over their skepticism about the tomato in the 17th century and began adding it to bread dough, and the first pizzas were made.

Before the arrival of the tomato in the 1500s, the first pizzas in Naples were white, made with garlic, olive oil, salt, anchovies, and probably lard. Neapolitans were the first to embrace the tomato because it was considered poisonous in Europe as a member of the nightshade family. As the popularity of tomatoes grew, people started using them more and more. Mozzarella cheese was also slowly gaining ground. Mozzarella became available in Italy only when buffaloes were imported from India in the 7th century (mozzarella was first made from buffalo milk). Its popularity grew very slowly until the end of the 18th century. In fact, until 1889, cheese and tomatoes were not available on pizza.

The most widely regarded pizza (tomato, mozzarella, basil) was created on June 11, 1889, by a pizza maker named Rafael Esposito. This pizzaolo (pizza-maker in Italian and pizzaolo in Neapolitan) made a special pizza for a visit by Queen Margherita of Savoia. They made three different pizzas, but the Queen fell in love with one in particular, in which the three ingredients represented the three colors of the Italian flag. The Italian flag was represented by tomatoes (red), mozzarella (white), and basil (green). Esposito named the pizza “Pizza Alia Margherita” in honor of the Queen. Whether Esposito was the first to use those ingredients, it is known as a classic Neapolitan pizza or a modern tomato and cheese pizza.

In the late 19th century, pizza migrated to America with the Italians. By the turn of the century, Italian immigrants began opening their own bakeries and selling groceries as well as pizza. Gennaro Lombardi opened the first true American pizzeria in New York City in 1905 at 531/3, Spring Street, a part of the city known as “Little Italy”.

In India, pizza has become a popular food recently. It has become a fashion and also a way to show that a famous person is a part of western culture. In fact, it is much more than a fashion statement. The popularity of the food is on the rise. This thing has become clear from a report in Fortune magazine. Pizza Hut and Domino’s, the two giants of the pizza industry, are in fierce competition with each other in India. There are 134 Pizza Hut and 149 Domino’s locations in India, with each chain opening 50 stores a year.

Fortune claims that the popularity of pizza in India is due to its similarity to the indigenous cuisine of India. Unlike the Chinese and Japanese, Indians eat sourdough bread (roti/naan), and a popular traditional version marinates it in butter and garlic – not unlike garlic bread, which is often ordered at both Domino’s and Pizza Hut franchises in India.

Paneer (cheese) is ubiquitous in the northern cuisine of India. Tomatoes and all kinds of chutneys are in vogue everywhere. Combine these ingredients into a gooey, oily, savory dish that you can eat with your hands — as Indians traditionally do — and you’ve got a hit. Compare it to other popular food or noodles. Sometimes, it falls off our fork and off the plate, and here we are in a complete mess. Also, the embarrassment would have been that the place must have been a famous restaurant or a boss’s party. One thing that sparks love among everyone for pizza is that we all can eat it with our hands. 0 0 0.

Pizza-It Evolution and Popularity

N. B. This article ‘Pizza-It Evolution and Popularity’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘Gleaned Essays‘ by Menonimus.

Pizza-It Evolution and Popularity

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
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  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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