Hatim Tai | Life and Literary Career


Hatim Tai | Life and Literary Career

Hatim Tai | Life and Literary Career

Hatim Tai | Life and Literary Career

Hatim Tai was one of the most prolific writers of the pre-Islamic era. He was a poet and orator. He wrote poems and gave lectures on great human qualities. He was born in Najd, northeast of Medina. History is silent about his date of birth. He is thought to have been born in the first half of the sixth century. His father’s name was Abdullah Ibn Sa’d. He was probably born into a Christian family. His mother’s name was Inaba. She was a religious, compassionate, and generous woman. Hatim Tai inherited great human qualities from his mother. There is a legend about his birth that when his mother was pregnant, someone in her dream said to him, “What do you wish to have – a generous child, or a warrior like a lion, or ten strong sons?” His mother said, “A generous child.” After some months a child was born to her and she named the child ‘Hatim’ meaning a benevolent child.

Hatim Tai was religious, philanthropic, and very generous from an early age and he took food with guests every day. There is another story about him that his grandfather, one day,  sent him to graze a herd of camels. Hatim donated a total of thirty-three camels. After this event, his grandfather left Hatim and moved away and begin to live in another place. It is said that Hatim Tai slaughtered ten camels every year during the month of Rajab and fed the people. He married a woman named Nawara and had three children. Two of them converted to Islam. Hatim Tai spent his entire life in the service of others and died in 603 AD.

He wrote poems and gave lectures on humanitarian issues. Hospitality, benevolence, generosity, courage, kindness to neighbors, etc. were the topics of his speech. In other words, his poetry and prose were completely humanistic. It is noted that there is no place for love, description of the female body, alcohol, pleasure, etc. in his writings.

The influence of monotheistic religion is evident in both his poetry and prose. He was a believer and believed in heaven, and hell.

In the age of ignorance, his writings were like a beacon of light. It was as if he wanted to eradicate the darkness of the human mind and wished to establish a beautiful humanitarian society through his writings.

His language was simple, elegant, and pleasant. He was inclined to preach the simple truth of life to the masses. Therefore, as a poet and orator of the pre-Islamic era, he was unique and original.

In this way, Hatim Tai contributed a lot to the development of Arabic poetry and prose literature. 0 0 0.

Hatim Tai | Life and Literary Career

Read More: A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD-661 AD)

Hatim Tai | Life and Literary Career

N.B. This article ‘Hatim Tai | Life and Literary Career’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD) by Menonim Menonimus. Hatim Tai | Life and Literary Career

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.



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