Medieval Indian History Quiz


Medieval Indian History Quiz

Medieval Indian History Quiz

Medieval Indian History Quiz

Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: When did the Middle Ages in Indian history begin?

A. In 1206 AD with the ascension of Qutbuddin Aibek to the throne of Delhi. 

Q. Who established the slave dynasty in India?

A. Qutbuddin Aibek.

Q: Why is the dynasty established by Qutbuddin Aibek called the ‘slave’ dynasty?

A. Qutbuddin was a slave of Mohammad Ghori, the Sultan of Ghazni.  So the dynasty he established is known in history as the ‘slave dynasty’.

Q. How many years did Qutbuddin rule?

A. 4 years.

Q. Which Delhi Sultan is called ‘Lakh Box’?

A. Qutbuddin Aibek because he donated lakhs of rupees.

Q. Who is the next ruler of Delhi after Qutubuddin?

A. Aram Shah, son of Qutubuddin.

Q. What is the name of the third Sultan of the Slave dynasty?

A. Iltutmich.

Q: Who was the first to introduce silver and copper coins in India?

A. Iltutmich.   Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: Who started the construction of the famous Qutub Minar and who completed it?

A. The construction of the Qutub Minar was started by Qutbuddin and was completed by Iltutmich.

Q: What was the relationship between Qutbuddin and Iltutmis?

A. Iltutmis was the son-in-law of Qutubuddin.

Q. Who was the best Sultan (king) of the Slave dynasty?

A. Iltutmich.

Q. During whose reign did Senghis Khan invade India?

A. During the reign of Chultan Iltutmish of Delhi.

Q. In which year did Senghis Khan invade India?

A. In 1221 AD.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q. Who was the first woman to ascend the throne of Delhi?

A. Chultana Razia.

Q. Which Sultan of the slave dynasty copied the Qur’an with his own hands and earned his livelihood?

A. Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud.

Q: Who established the ‘Khilji Dynasty in India?

A. Jalaluddin Khilji.

Q: When did Jalaluddin Khilji establish the ‘Khilji’ dynasty?

A. In 1299 AD.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: Who was Amir Khasru?

A.  A Poet Laureate of Alauddin Khilji.

Q: Who built ‘Alai Darwaza’?

A. Alauddin Khilji, Sultan of Delhi.

Q. Who conquered the famous ‘Ranthambore Fort’?

A. Alauddin Khiljiye in 1299.

Q. Which Sultan of Delhi introduced the tradition of paying the soldiers with money instead of giving them landlordhsip?

A. Alauddin Khilji.

Q: Who is the founder of the Toghlak dynasty?

A. Giasuddin Toghlak.

Q: When did Giasuddin Toghlak ascend to the throne of Delhi?

A. 1320.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: Who built the ‘Toghloghbad city’?

A. Giachuddin Toghlak.

Q. Which Delhi Sultan is known as ‘Ghazi Malik’?

A. Giasuddin Toghlok

Q. After the death of Giasuddin Toghlak, who ascended the throne of Delhi?

A. Muhammad bin Toghlok, son of Giasuddin.

Q: Which Delhi Chultan who said to be the ‘Strange Man of History’ and the ‘Wonder of Creation’?

A. Muhammad bin Toghlak.

Q. Which Delhi Sultan shifted his capital from Delhi to Devanagari?

A.  Muhammad bin Toghlak.

Q: Who introduced the copper coin in Delhi?

A. Muhammad bin Toghlak

Q: Who was the first Indian emperor to plan an invasion of Iraq?

A. To Muhammad bin Toghlak.

Q. Which Delhi Sultan is called a ‘wise-fool Sultan?

A. Muhammad bin Toghlak.

Q: Who wrote the book ‘Safar Nama’?

A. Ibn Batuta.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: Which foreign invader’s invasion of India is said to be a ‘curse of God’ for Indians?

A. Amir Timur of Chamarkhand.

Q: Which emperor of Delhi set up an ‘Employment Agency’ to solve the unemployment problems of the country?

A. Feroz Shah Toghlok.

Q: In which year did Amir Timur of Chamarkhand invade India?

A. 1398 Chanat.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: Why is the Khizir Khan dynasty called the ‘Sayed dynasty’?

A. This is because Khizir Khan introduced himself as the descendant of Hazrat Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

Q. Who established the Sayed dynasty in Delhi?

A. Khizir Khan (1414 AD).

Q. Who established the ‘Lodi Dynasty’ in India?

A. Bahlul Lodiye (1451 AD), ruler of the Punjab.

Q: Who established the kingdom of Vijay Nagar?

A. Harihar and Bukk, two brothers of the Sangam dynasty, established the kingdom of Vijay Nagar on the south bank of the Tungabhadra river in 1336 AD.

Q: Who is the founder of the Bahmani kingdom?

A. Alauddin Bahman Shah.

Q. Who established the Mughal Empire in India?

A. Zahiruddin Mohammad Babar, Afghan leader.

Q: The Mughals are said to be the descendants of which Mongol leader? 

A. Senghis Khan.

Q: What is the meaning of the word ‘Babar’?

A. In Turkish, the word ‘Babar’ means ‘tiger’.

Q: When was the first battle of Panipat fought?

A. In 1526 AD.

Q: Who fought the first battle of Panipat?

A. Delhi’s Sultan Ibrahim Lodi and Afghan leader Zahiruddin Babar.

Q: What is the name of the autobiography written by Zahiruddin Mohammad Babar?

A. ‘Tuzuk-i-Babri’.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q.Who rose to the throne of Delhi after Babar?

A. Babar’s son Humayun.

Q: What is the meaning of the word ‘Humayun’?

A. Lucky.

Q. Which Mughal emperor adopted a very liberal policy towards all Hindus?

A. Emperor Akbar.

Q. Which fort was known as the ‘Gate of East India’?

A. Agra Fort.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: Where was the Mughal emperor Akbar born?

A. In a place called ‘Amar Kot’ (in 1542).

Q: Who was the guardian of Mughal Emperor Akbar after Humayun’s death?

A. Bairam Khan.

Q: When did the Second Battle of Panipat take place?

A. 1556.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: Who introduced the practice of ‘Manchabadari’ in India?

A. Mughal Emperor Akbar.

Q: Who introduced the ‘Din-Ilahi’ religion?

A. Mughal Emperor Akbar.

Q: Who wrote the book ‘Humayun Nama’?

A. Gulbadan   Begum (Humayun’s sister).

Q: Who mocked the Mughal emperor Akbar as an ‘unclean foreigner’?

A. Rana of Mewar.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q. After the death of Akbar, who ascended the throne of the Mughal Empire?

A. Akbar’s son Selim ascended the throne taking up the name ‘Jahangir’.

Q: What is the meaning of ‘Jahangir?

A. Conqueror of the World.

Q: Whom did Jahangir marry?

A. Meherunicha (Nurjahan).

Q: Which British envoy sought permission from Mughal Emperor Jahangir to trade in India?

A. Tomas Rowe.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: What is the name of Jahangir’s autobiography?

A. Tuzuk-i Jahangiri.

Q. Who ascended the throne of Delhi after Jahangir?

A. Shahjahan.

Q: What is the meaning of the word ‘Nurjahan’?

A. Light of the World.

Q: What was Nurjahan’s previous name?

A. Meherunicha.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: What is the meaning of the word ‘Sahjahan’?

A. World Emperor.

Q. Whom did Shah Jahan marry?

A. Arjumand Bhanu. She was given the name ‘Mumtaz Mahal’.

Q: What is the meaning of the word ‘Mumtaz Mahal’?

A. Ornament of the Palace.

Q: Who built the ‘Taj Mahal’, the seventh wonder of the world?

A. Mugal Emperor Shah Jahan.

Q: What was Shahjahan’s previous name?

A. Khurram.

Q. Who designed the Taj Mahal?

A. Ustad Icha Khan.

Q. Which artist created the world-famous ‘Peacock Throne’?

A. Artist Bebadal Khan (after seven years of hard work).

Q: Who built the Dewan-i-Khach and Dewan-i-Am?

A. Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan.

Q. Who ascended the throne after Shah Jahan?

A. Aurangzeb.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q.  Who built the Jama Masjid, Jumma Masjid and Moti Masjid?

A. Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan.

Q. Aurangzeb ascended the throne taking up what name?

A.  Alamgir Padshah Gazi.

Q.Which Mughal emperor imposed the ‘Jiziya tax’ on Hindus?

A. Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.

Q. Which Mughal emperor is called ‘Zindapir’?

A. Emperor Aurangzeb was called  ‘Zindapir’ because of his absolute faith in the Qur’an.

Q: What is the meaning of the Alamgir Padshah Ghazi’?

A. The world conquered pious emperor.

Q: In the days of which Mughal emperor did Mir Jumla invade Assam?

A. During the reign of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.

Q: What was Shivaji’s cabinet called?

A. Ashtha Pradhan.

Q: During which Mughal emperor was the Mughal Empire extended most?

A. During the reign of Emperor Aurangzeb.

Q. After Aurangzeb’s death who became the emperor of the Mughal Empire?

A. Aurangzeb’s eldest son, Muazzam, ascended the Mughal throne under the name ‘Bahadur Shah-I’. He is also known as ‘Pratham Sah Alam’.

Q: In which year did the Persian Emperor Nadir Shah invade India?

A. 1739.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: I don’t know who I am or why I came to this world. I could not do anything for my country and my people. My life is fruitless. ‘ – The last words of which Mughal emperor?

A. Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.

Q: Which foreign invader took the ‘Peacock Throne’ built by Emperor Shah Jahan?

A. Nadir Sha, the emperor of Persia.

Q: When was the third battle of Panipat held?

A. 1761 Chanat.

Q. Who wrote the book ‘Ain-e-Akbari’?

A. Abul Fazal

Q. Which French tourist comes to India during the day of Aurangzeb?

A. Bernier.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q.Which Sultan of Delhi had shifted Ashoka’s pillar to Delhi?

A. Feroz shah Toghlak.

Q: What is the name of the Portuguese tourist who came to India during the reign of Jahangir?

A. Francisco Pelsaert.

Q: When did the Mughals invade the Koch kingdom?

A. 1615 .

Q. Which French merchant and tourist came to India during the reign of Shah Jahan?

A. Tavernier.

Q.  What is the names of the African tourist who visited the Mughal Empire during the reign of Alauddin Khilji?

A. Ibn Batuta.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: Who was the first Afghan Sultan of Delhi?

A. Bahalul Lodi.

Q.  Which city was built by Emperor Shah Jahan?

A. Sahajahanbad.

Q: In which year did Shah Jahan shift his capital from Agra to Delhi?

A. In 1648 AD.

Q: Who helped Shivaji to get free from Aurangzeb’s captivity?

A. Joy Singh.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q. When did Vasque-da-Gama discover the sea route to India?

A. In 1498 AD.

Q. Which Mughal emperor’s reign is known as the ‘Golden Age’ of the Mughal Empire?

A. Shahjahan.

Q: Which medieval Indian writer mentioned the discovery of America in his writings?

A. Abul Fazl.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q. Which place near Agra is named after Sikandar Lodi?

A. Sikandarbad.

Q: Where in India did the British-East India Company first establish their trading post?

A. In a place called ‘Surat’.

Q: What was the name of the Rajput king who gave his daughter in marriage to the Mughal emperor Akbar?

A. Biharimal, the king of Amber.

Q: Who first introduced copper coins in India?

A. Muhammad bin Togalak.

Q: Who was the Sultan of Delhi when Babar invaded India first?

A. Ibrahim Lodi.

Q Who is the author of the book ‘Ramcharit Manas’?

A. Tulsi Das.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q: What was the name of the last Mughal emperor to ascend the Peacock throne?

A. Mohammad Shah.

Q. During the reign of which Mughal emperor did Tulsi Das write the book ‘Ramcharit Manas’?

A. Mughal Emperor Akbar.

Q. Which Indian ruler built the historic ‘Grand Trunk Road’?

A: Sher Shah

Q: Which Mughal emperor allowed the British to trade in India?

A. Jahangir.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q. Which Mughal emperor was illiterate?

A. Emperor Akbar.

Q: What was the name of the Finance Minister of the Mughal Emperor Akbar?

A. Todermal.

Q: What was the name of the last Mughal Empire?

A. Bahadur Shah Zafar.

Q: What does ‘Dag Protha’ mean?

A. During the period of Delhi Sultanates there was a custom of keeping excellent and trained horses for war. This practice was called ‘Dag Protha.

Q: Who first introduced the the ’Dag Protha’ in India?

A. Alauddin Khilji.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q. The Taj Mahal is located on the banks of which river in India?

A. On the banks of the river Jamuna.

Q. In which Indian port did Vasco-da-Gama landed?

A. In the port of Calicut on the southwest coast of India.

Q. Which Indian king received Vasco-da-Gama?

A. Zamorin, King of Calicut.

Q: Who was the first Portuguese to be appointed as a ruler of India?

A. Francisco-de Almaida.

Q: When did the Portuguese first come to India?

A. 1498.  Medieval Indian History Quiz

Q. In which year did the Portuguese sailor Vasco-da-Gama come to India?

A. 1498.

Q: Which Portuguese ruler was the real founder of Portuguese power in India?

A. Alfonso Albuquerque. *0 0 0*

Medieval Indian History Quiz

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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