Quiz | Quiz as a Form of Literature


Quiz | Quiz as a Form of Literature

Quiz Quiz as a Form of Literature

Quiz as a Form of Literature


Quiz | Quiz as a Form of Literature

Quiz as a Form of Literature: Quiz refers to formal questioning especially in a competition, organized as a form of entertainment, between individuals or teams the answer to which question is generally expected in a word or in a sentence. The word is used both as a noun and a verb. The past and past participle form of the word is ‘quizzed’. The origin of the word is unknown. However, in history, its first use is seen in the late eighteen century and then it was used to mean ‘an odd or eccentric person’. But the use of this word was rare.

There is a legend of how the word ‘quiz’ became popular and how it assumed the present meaning of questioning for testing somebody’s store of knowledge. The legend says that once there was a man in Dublin by the name of Richard Daly. By profession, he was a proprietor of a theatre company. One day he took a bet that he would popularize a nonsense word within twenty-four hours. After his bet, he set some street boys with brush and ink and told them to scribe the word ‘quiz’ on the walls round the city of Dublin, Ireland. The boys, being tempted by some stray coins, set to work all night and decorated the roadside walls of the city with the odd word ‘quiz’. The next day the inhabitants of the city woke up to be aback by the new word and then everyone began to ask each other about the word, ‘What is it?’ Thus within only twenty-four hour the word turned to be a household word and assumed a new meaning and became a popular word. But how far the legend is true is not known for certain.

The word in its present meaning became formal and popular in the field of education in the late nineteenth century and it reached its height of popularity in the twentieth century. Since then ‘Quiz’ has become a part of sports competitions in educational institutes. In the quiz programmes organized by any educational institute, the students are asked to form some teams which comprise generally of two to four students and then they are asked some questions on varied subjects. Besides the quiz programmes held as a part of sports-week programmes in an educational institution, it is also held on some other occasions as the occasion of celebrating Republic Day, Independence Day, on celebrating the birth or death days of some reputed persons and on many other occasions. Radio broadcasting and Television also arrange quiz programmes as a means of entertainment for their audience and spectators. Nowadays some clubs or other social organizations are seen to organize quiz programmes on any social occasion as a part of entertainment.

Quiz competitions may be held on a variety of subjects such as General Knowledge, Science, History, Geography, Religion Quiz, etcetera. The subject of quiz programmes may be more specific as the Indian Freedom Movement Quiz, World War II Quiz, Mahatma Gandhi Quiz etc. In specific Quiz Programmes questions are set only on a limited scope.

Quiz programmes may be held by any authority and the person who conducts the programmes is called Quiz Master. To help the quiz master in conducting the programmes some other persons are taken as assistants who write down the points (marks) scored by the competitors.

In Quiz Programmes held as a competition between individuals or teams, about ten questions (the number of questions may be more or less) are asked to each individual or team. In some quiz programmes, questions are asked in four rounds comprising ten questions in each round. If the number of competing teams or individuals becomes more than expected then a preliminary test may be held to cut down the competitors.  In questioning some audio-visual tools as radio, television, tape recorder, and computer may be used. For each question generally, one mark or point is given. No minus point is given for any wrong answer. As a general rule, a direct question is asked to each team or individual and if the team or individual fails to answer the question correctly then the question passes over to the next team and if the next team also fails to answer the question, then it passes over to the remaining teams. The competitor to whom a question is asked should begin to answer the question within fifteen seconds; otherwise the question passes over to the next competitor or competing team. If all the teams or individual competitors fail to answer the question then the question passes over to the audience and the audience who can answer the question correctly is presented with some sweetmeats or special prizes. When the Quiz programme comes to an end, then from the competitors three individuals or teams are declared as winners as first, second and third on the basis of points achieved by them.

There is great importance and significance of Quiz programs such as-

First, it makes the participants interested to know more matters and resultantly, it increases the store of knowledge of the participants.

Second, it enhances the sense of team spirit.

Third, it enhances the sense of self-respect and self-belief in one’s ability.

Fourth, it becomes a better and more meaningful means of acquiring knowledge through entertainment.

Fifth, it teaches the participant to cope with any situation and environment.

Sixth, participating in any quiz programmes helps the participants overcome the sense of inferiority complex.

Seventhly, through quiz books, one can acquire fundamental knowledge on any subject within a short time.

There is no doubt that the popularity of quiz programmes is on the increase day by day and some books are seen on varied subjects in quiz form in the market. I think quiz books and regular holding of quiz programmes may contribute much to the dissemination of learning and knowledge in modern times. Here to say that if the short story, novel, essay etc. are recognized as individual forms of literature then why quiz not be!

Quiz, to be a fine form of literature, must have some features of its own as a short story or essay has on its own. I think quiz (quiz book) to be a form of literature should have the following features as-

First, quiz books should be objective and accurate in containing data.

Second, quiz books should be compiled subject-wise from the reliable available data. No controversial questions or incomplete data should be included.

Third, the matters or data giving place in a quiz book should be arranged systematically and logically.

Fourthly, every chapter should begin with a brief introduction giving a synopsis or general idea of the subject or topic treated in the chapter.

It is a matter of regret that some quiz books are met with (though not available) in the market on general knowledge but there are very few quiz books written subject-wise. I think, to establish quiz as a popular form of literature we need more and more books in quiz forms. 0 0 0.

Quiz as a Form of Literature

N. B. The article ‘Quiz | Quiz as a Form of Literature’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘The Laws of Literature‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

Quiz as a Form of Literature

Books on Literary Criticism by M. Menonimus:

  1. World Short Story Criticism
  2. World Poetry Criticism
  3. World Drama Criticism
  4. World Novel Criticism
  5. World Essay Criticism
  6. Indian English Poetry Criticism
  7. Indian English Poets and Poetry Chief Features
  8. Emily Dickinson’s Poetry-A Thematic Study
  9. Walt Whitman’s Poetry-A Thematic Study
  10. Critical Essays on English Poetry
  11. Tawfiq al-Hakim’s Novel: Return of the Spirit-An Analytical Study
  12. Tawfiq al-Hakim’s Novel: ‘Yawmiyyat Naib Fil Arayaf’-An Analytical Study
  13. Analytical Studies of Some Arabic Short Stories
  14. A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD)
  15. A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD-661 AD) …

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.



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