Nabigha Al-Judi | Nabigha Al-Judi Life and Poetic Career

Nabigha Al-Judi Life and Poetic Career


Nabigha Al-Judi | Nabigha Al-Judi Life and Poetic Career

Nabigha Al-Judi Nabigha Al-Judi Life and Poetic Career

Nabigha Al-Judi Nabigha Al-Judi Life and Poetic Career

Nabigha Al-Judi

Brief Life Sketch

Nabigha al-Judi  (Al-Nabigha) was a famous and popular poet of the early Islamic period. His real name was Abu Layla Hassan ibn Qais. He is believed to have been born in the last decade of the fifth century. He was born in the Joda tribe of Arabia. He hated idolatry and abstained from drinking wine. He did not believe in the traditional pagan religion of Arabia and followed the creed preached by Prophet Abraham (AS). Later, he went to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and converted to Islam. He composed a poem in praise of the Prophet and recited it before him. The Prophet was fascinated by his recitation and prayed to Allah for him. He traveled to many countries.

It is said that in his middle age he lost his poetic talent but later he regained the talent. He is called ‘Nabigha’ (flowing) because he lost his poetic power and regained it.

This poet went to Ispahan during the reign of Abdul Malik, the last Caliph of the Umayyad dynasty, and died there at the age of 180.

Poetic Career

Nabigha Al-Ju’di was a born poet. He had a special characteristic that what came out of his mouth naturally was his poetry. Nabigha Al-Ju’di could compose poetry on any theme easily and recited poetry on various occasions. He never revised or refined a poem he wrote. As a result, his poetry was a combination of good and bad. Commenting on his poetry, al-Ashmayi said, “Nabigha al-Ju’di mixed expensive shawls of thousands of ‘dirhams’ (Arabic currency) with cheap veils. He was the first to use words in Arabic poetry with meanings other than their lexical meanings. He wrote many eulogies, satires and elegies. There is no obscene description in his poetry. Nabigha al-Ju’di’s poetry was elegant, and moral as he was deeply influenced by Islamic philosophy. He contributed significantly to the development of Arabic poetry in the early Islamic period. Unfortunately, most of his poems have been lost due to a lack of preservation. 0 0 0.

Read More: A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD)

Note: The article ‘Nabigha Al-Judi | Nabigha Al-Judi Life and Poetic Career’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘A Brief History of the Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD -661 AD)’ by Menonim Menonimus. Nabigha Al-Judi Nabigha Al-Judi Life and Poetic Career

The Qur’an: Source of Arabic Language and Literature

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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