British Indian History-Quiz


British Indian History-Quiz

British Indian History  Quiz

British Indian History  Quiz

British Indian History-Quiz

Q: In which year did the East India Company get permission from the Queen of England to trade in India?

A. 1600.

Q. Which company was formed to compete with the East India Company in doing business in India?

A. New India. British Indian History-Quiz

Q. In 1709, the East India Company of England and the New India Company merged to form a new organization. What is the name of that new commercial organization?

A. The Honorable East-India Company (briefly ‘East-India Company’)

Q. After the English which foreign nation came to India for trade?

A. The French.

Q: In which year did the Parliament of England issue a resolution to allow all English people to do business in India?

A. 1698 AD.

Q: What was the name of the French trading company that came to India?

A. The French East India Company.

Q. In which year was the French East India Company formed?

A. 1664.

Q: In which year did the Palachi Battle tae place?

A. 1757. British Indian History-Quiz

Q. Who betrayed Chiraj-ud-Daulah, the Nawab of Bengal in the battle of Pollachi?

A. General Mir Jafar.

Q: Where was the last war between the British and the French in India?

A.  Wandivasha, 1760.

Q: In which year did Waren Hastings become the Governor-General of Bengal?

A. 1772.

Q: When did the Parliament of England pass a law called the ‘Regulating Act’?

A. 1773.

Q. Was the British East India Company a government organization?

A. No, it was a non-government organization.

Q: Was the French East India Company a government organization?

A. Yes. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: In which year did the Peter India Act come into force?

A. 1784.

Q: In which year did the ‘Rohila War’ take place?

A. 1774.

Q: In what year did the Treaty of Srirangapatna take place?

A. 1792.

Q. Which British Governor General adopted the ‘Policy of Subsidiary Alliance’ in India?

A. Lord Wellesley. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: After which war did the kingdom of Mysore fall?

A. After the Battle of Mysore IV.

Q: Which British Governors in India was a supporter of political neutrality?

A. Sir John Sur.

Q: In which year did Marquis Dupleix become the ruler of Pondicherry?

A. 1742.

Q: What year did the fourth battle of Mysore take place?

A. 1799.

Q: Which English governor suppressed the Pindari looting group in Central India?

A. Lord Hastings. British Indian History-Quiz

Q. Who wrote the book ‘Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan’?

A. James Todd.

Q. Who made ‘Permanent Settlement’ in British India?

A. Lord Cornwallis.

Q. In which year did Lord Cornwallis make a ‘Permanent Settlement?

A. 1789.

Q: Who levied ‘Chauth’ and ‘Sardeshmukhi Kar’ from neighbouring states?

A. The Marathas.

Q. Which English Governor General established a Medical College in Calcutta?

A. Lord  William Benting.

Q. In which year did the ‘Treaty of Amritswar’ take place?

A. 1809. British Indian History-Quiz

Q. Which British Governor General is  famous for his various reforms in British India?

A. Lord William Bentinck.

Q. Who banned the  ‘Satidah Protha’ in India?

A. Lord William Benting.

Q.Who suppressed the ‘thugs’ in India?

A. Lord William Benting.

Q: Which foreign tourist called the Sikh leader Ranjit Singh to be the ‘Little Napoleon Bonaparte’?

A. French tourist Jaquemont.

Q: Who is the first British Governor General to set up Postal Department in India?

A. Lord Dalhousie.

Q: Who was the first to introduce electronic mail in India?

A. Lord Dalhousie.

Q. In which year did Dalhousie introduce electronic mail in India?

A. 1854.

Q. Which British Governor General  gave  ‘freedom to media’?

A.  Lord Charles Metcaff

Q. Who first built Rail Road in India?

A. Lord Delhousie.

Q: Who introduced the ‘Abolition of Rights’ policy in India?

A. Lord Dalhousie.

Q. In which Indian state did Lord Dalhousie first apply the ‘Abolition of Rights’ policy?

A. Chatara State. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: In what year was the first railway built in India?

A. 1853.

Q: What was the first revolt against British rule in India?

A. Sepoy Mutiny (1857).

Q. What was the immediate cause of Sepoy Mutiny?

A. Use of Enfield rifle.

Q. Who led the Sepoy Mutiny in Kanpur?

A. Nana Sahib.

Q: Who led the Sepoy Mutiny in Central India?

A. Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi.

Q: Since when did the administration of India pass into the hands of the Parliament of England?

A. Since 1858 onwards.

Q: During the Sepoy Mutiny who was declared as the Emperor of India?

A. The Mughal emperor Bahadur Bahadur II.

Q: Who was the first martyr of the Sepoy Mutiny?

A. Mangal Pandey. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: In which year was Trikendrajit, the commander of Manipur hanged by the British?

A. 189.

Q. What is the title given to the Governor General of India in accordance with the Government of India Act, 1858?

A. ‘Viceroy’ (Representative of the British King).

Q. Which city was used as the summer capital of India during British rule?

A. Simla.

Q: In which year was the capital of India shifted from Calcutta to Delhi?

A. 1911.

Q. In which year was the ‘Council of India Act’ enacted?

A. In 1861 (during the reign of Lord Kenning).

Q.Who introduced the Vernacular Press Act in India?

A. Viceroy Lord Lytton.

Q: In which year did Queen Victoria of England take the title of ‘Kaiser-i-Hind’ (Empress of India)?

A. 1876. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: In which year was the ‘Wood’s Despass’ prepared?

A. 1858.

Q. In which year was the Hunter Commission formed?

A. 1882.

Q. Which Governor General adopted the policy of ‘Divide and Rule’ in India?

A. Lord Curzon.

Q: In which year did the ‘Rule of India Act’ come into force in British India?

A. 1858 Chanat.

Q. Which  Governor General in India was most generous towards the interests of Indians?

A. Lord Ripon.

Q. In which year was the ‘Factory Act’ enacted in India?

A. In 1881 (Lord Ripon’s day).

Q: In what year did Queen Victoria die?

A. 1901. British Indian History-Quiz

Q. Qhich Viceroy enforced the ‘University Act’ in India?

A. Lord Curzon (born 1904).

Q. In which year was Bengal divided?

A. In 1905 (in the days of Lord Curzon).

Q: Who is known as the ‘Father of Political Movement’ in India?

A. Raja Rammohun Roy.

Q: What is the name of the first political organization in India?

A. Zamindar Sabha (founded by Dwarkanath Tagore and Prasanna kumar Tagore of Bengal).

Q: In which year was the ‘Indian Association’ formed?

A. 1875 Chanat.

Q. Which English Viceroy built the Victoria Memorial Hall in Calcutta?

A. Lord Curzon. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: In which year was the ‘Indian National Congress’ formed?

A. 1885.

Q. Who’ set up Brahma Sabha’ (after ‘Brahma Samaj’)?

A. Raja Rammohun Roy.

Q: Who founded the Arya Samaj?

A. Dayananda Swaraswati.

Q: Who founded the ‘Ramakrishna Mission’?

A. Swami Vivekanandai (in 1897).

Q: Who established the ‘Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College’ (later ‘Aligarh Muslim University)?

A. Sayed Ahmed Khan in 1875.

Q: Where was the first session of the Indian National Congress held?

A. Bombay (1885).

Q. Who presided over the first session of the Indian National Congress?

A. Umeshchandra Banerjee.

Q: When did the First Great War (World War I) begin?

A. 1914. British Indian History-Quiz

Q. In which year was the ‘Home Rule League’ formed?

A. 1916.

Q. Who said,  ‘We can’t achieve success by croaking like a frog once a year.’

A. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

Q: In which year was the All India Muslim League formed?

A. 1906. British Indian History-Quiz

Q. Who said, ‘Swaraj is my birth right’

A. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

Q: When was the Rowlat  Act enforced?

A. 1919.

Q. In which year did the ‘Jallianwala Bagh massacre’ take place?

A. 1919 Chanat.

Q. Who was responsible for the Jallianwalabagh massacre?

A. British General Dyer.

Q: What was the name of the medal given to Mahatma Gandhi by the British?

A. ‘Kaiser-i-Hind’. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: In which year Mahatma Gandhi came to Assam?

A. 1921.

Q. In which year the Prince of Wales came to India?

A. 1921.

Q: In which year did some Congress leaders break away from the Congress and form a new party called ‘Swaraj Dal’?

A. 1923. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: In response to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, which Bengali writer rejected the title of ‘Knight’ conferred on him by the British?

A. Rabindranath Tagore.

Q: When did Gandhiji start the famous ‘Dandi Yatra’?

A. March 12, 1930.

Q. During the Dandi Yatra how many followers of Mahatma Gandhi were with him?

A. 78.

Q. In which session of Congress did Mahatma Gandhi preside?

A. 1924, Belgaum session.

Q. Which  Indian leader was called by Sarojini Naidu the ‘Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity?

A. Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Q: When did the event of Chaurichouri take place?

A. 1921. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: Which British Governor General introduced the ‘Indian Civil Service’?

A. Lord Cornwallis.

Q. Where did Gandhiji start his ‘Dandi Yatra’ from?

A. From Sabarmati Ashram.

Q: In which year was the First Round table Conference held?

A. 1931. British Indian History-Quiz

Q. Who is known as ‘Simanta Gandhi’?

A. Khan Abdul Gafur Khan.

Q. Who was the first Indian to preside over the United Nations General Assembly?

A. Vijay Lakshmi Pandit.

Q. During whose tenure of office the Congress demanded complete independence?

A. Lord Irwin. British Indian History-Quiz

Q. Margaret Elizabeth Noble was called ‘Nivedita’ bt whom?

A. Swami Vivekananda.

Q. Where was the famous meeting of world religions in which Swami Vivekananda participated?

A. In Chicago, USA.

Q: Which Indian king sought the help of French hero, Napoleon, to drive the British out of India?

A. Tipu Sultan.

Q: Who was the last viceroy in British India?

A. Lord Mountbatten.

Q. When was the Gandhi-Irwin Pact signed?

A. 1931. British Indian History-Quiz

Q. Name the person who was present in all three Round Table Conferences?

A. Bhimrao  Ambedkar.

Q: Who formed the party called ‘Forward Block’?

A. Subash Chandra Bose (1939).

Q: Who formed ‘Azad Hind Fauj’ (Indian National Army)?

A. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

Q. What was the slogan of ‘Azad Hind Fauj’?

A. ‘Joy Hind’. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: Who said, ‘Give me blood, I will give you freedom’?

A. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

Q: When did Gandhiji start the first Satyagraha movement?

A. 1917.

Q: In which year was India’s first women university established?

A. 1916 (Pune).

Q. Whose slogan was ‘Let’s go to Delhi’?

A. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

Q. Who promoted English as the medium of higher education in India?

A. Lord Maclay. British Indian History-Quiz

Q. In which year was Jawaharlal Nehru elected as the President of the Indian National Congress?

A. 1936.

Q: When did India gain independence from the British?

A. On August 15, 1947.

Q: When was the first election held in independent India?

A. 1952. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?

A. Dr Rajendra Prasad.

Q. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly?

A. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar.

Q: Who was the Prime Minister of England when India got independence?

A. Clement Atlee. British Indian History-Quiz

Q: Who was the first Education Minister of independent India?

A. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.

Q: Who was the first Vice President of Independent India?

A. Sarbapalli Radhakrishnan.

Q. Who became the Prime Minister of India first from the Janata Dal?

A. Morarji Desai (1977).

Q: Who was the first  Prime Minister of independent India?

A. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

Q: Who was the fifth President of Independent India?

A. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed.  

Q. What was the population of India in 1951?

A. 36 crores 10 lakhs.

Q: When Sikkim became part of federal India?

A. 1975.

Q: Who was the first Indian Governor General of Independent India?

A. Chakravarti Raja Gopalachari. *0 0 0*.

British Indian History-Quiz

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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