Buthsarana-A Review


Buthsarana-A Review
Buthsarana-A ReviewButhsarana-A Review

Buthsarana-A Review


“Buthsarana” is an epic that transports readers back to the 14th century, a tumultuous period marked by foreign invasions and the remarkable valor of King Buwanekabahu IV. The epic paints a vivid portrait of historical events and the challenges faced by the king as he fiercely defended his kingdom. It’s a captivating tale that celebrates courage, resilience, and patriotism, while shedding light on a crucial era in history.

Plot and Setting:

Set in the 14th century, “Buthsarana” immerses readers in the world of ancient Sri Lanka, where King Buwanekabahu IV stands as a symbol of resistance against foreign forces seeking to conquer his kingdom. The plot follows the king’s struggles, both on the battlefield and within his own court, as he navigates the complexities of leadership during a time of crisis. The setting is richly detailed, capturing the cultural and social nuances of the period, and providing readers with a window into the lives of the people who lived through those turbulent times.


The character of King Buwanekabahu IV takes center stage, and rightfully so. He is portrayed as a charismatic and valiant leader who embodies the virtues of duty, honor, and sacrifice. His internal conflicts, as well as his interactions with his advisors, generals, and the common folk, reveal his multifaceted personality. Secondary characters, such as loyal allies, cunning adversaries, and commoners affected by the war, add depth to the narrative and provide a well-rounded view of the world.


Valor and Courage: The epic is a tribute to the bravery and determination displayed by King Buwanekabahu IV in the face of overwhelming odds. His unwavering resolve to defend his kingdom against foreign invaders serves as a testament to the power of courage.

Patriotism and Nationalism: The epic underscores the importance of love for one’s homeland. The king’s dedication to protecting his people and preserving their way of life reinforces the themes of patriotism and nationalism.

Leadership and Sacrifice: Through the challenges the king faces, the epic delves into the burdens of leadership and the sacrifices required to ensure the welfare of a nation. It explores the tough decisions that leaders must make and the personal toll these decisions can take.

Cultural Identity: The story also reflects the cultural identity of the time, highlighting traditions, customs, and societal structures that shaped the lives of the characters. It provides an opportunity for readers to explore the rich historical tapestry of the era.

Narrative Style:

The narrative style of “Buthsarana” is epic in nature, with a grand scope that encompasses both the grandeur of battles and the intimate moments of characters’ lives. The language is often poetic, drawing on traditional storytelling techniques to evoke a sense of timelessness. The pacing is well-balanced, alternating between moments of intense action and periods of reflection, which allows readers to fully engage with the characters and their journey.


“Buthsarana” not only offers an entertaining and captivating narrative but also serves as a window into the history and culture of 14th-century Sri Lanka. Its depiction of King Buwanekabahu IV’s struggles and triumphs is likely to inspire readers and foster a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices made by historical figures to protect their nations.


In “Buthsarana,” readers are treated to a vivid and immersive epic that encapsulates the valor, patriotism, and leadership of King Buwanekabahu IV during a pivotal period in Sri Lanka’s history. With its well-developed characters, rich setting, and exploration of timeless themes, the epic stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling to bring history to life. It’s a remarkable journey that leaves a lasting impression on anyone who embarks upon it. 0 0 0.

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N.B. The article originally belongs to the book entitled ‘The Reviews of Epic Literature Around the World‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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