Abu Juwayeb Al-Huzli | His Life and Poetry


Abu Juwayeb Al-Huzli | His Life and Poetry

Abu Juwayeb Al-Huzli | His Life and Poetry

Abu Juwayeb Al-Huzli | His Life and Poetry

Abu Juwayeb Al-Huzli | His Life and Poetry

Brief Life Sketch: Abu Juwayeb al-Huzli was one of the greatest Arabic poets. He is famous in the history of Arabic poetry as the author of tragedy. He was born in the seventh decade of the sixth century to the tribe of Huzail in the province of Hejaz in Arabia. There is no detail in history about the personal life of this poet. He believed in the traditional pagan religion of Arabia. It is known that in his youth he fell in love with a young woman of his clan but was unsuccessful in love and began to write love poems. In the last years of his life, he converted to Islam and went to Medina from the province of Hejaz with the intention of accepting Islam at the hands of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Sadly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) passed away early in the morning on the day he reached Medina. At the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), he embraced Islam at the hand of Abu Bakr (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). After converting to Islam, he became an ideal Muslim and devoted himself to the service of Islam. He joined the army with his five sons during the African campaign of Islam. Sadly, however, after arriving in Egypt, his five sons died of the plague epidemic. Despite the grief of the death of his sons, he did not return from the battlefield and won the Battle of Carthage, part of the Roman Empire.

After the victory, the commander Abdullah bin Sa’d bin Abi Sarah sent him to Medina as a messenger of the victory. However, after reaching Egypt, he suddenly fell ill and died in 649 AD. He was buried in the same graveyard with his five sons. He had a son named Mayen bin Khawayled who also became a poet.

Poetic Career: Abu Zawaib al-Huzli began writing poetry at an early age. His early poems were love poems and those poems depict his suffering from failed love.

Most of his poems are tragedic. He composed tragedic (elegiac) poems mourning the death of his five sons. In one of his mourning poems, he wrote:

“My sons have said goodbye

And left me with anxiety and tears

That is flowing continuously.


My eyes are in such a state

As if  someone has pricked

And I am always in pain.”

His mourning poems also reflect his psychological and philosophical views on death. He says about death:

“When death stretches out its hands

Then no amulet works

To cry on death is mere foolishness

It would come to everybody’s life

I would come to my life also

Everyone would cry mourning my death

You, all would hear this

Only I shall not hear.”

His poems also describe the beauty of nature. In one poem he gives a wonderful poetic description of the clouds. Another poem describes the collection of honey by bees.

Abu Zawaib al-Hujli was a poet by nature. Therefore, some of the weaknesses of the nature poet are evident in his poems. His choice of words is sometimes weak and emotionally overwhelming. But he was a master at describing the subject matter of his poetry. His condolences were very deep and heartbreaking. His imageires had a taste of innovation.

In conclusion, Abu Zawayb al-Hujli is undoubtedly one of the most exceptional Mukhadrim poets who played a strong role in enriching the treasury of Arabic poetry by giving a new dimension to Arabic elegiac poetry. 0 0 0.

Abu Juwayeb Al-Huzli | His Life and Poetry

Read More: A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD)

Note: The article ‘Abu Juwayeb Al-Huzli | His Life and Poetry’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘A Brief History of the Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD -661 AD)’ by Menonim Menonimus. Abu Juwayeb Al-Huzli | His Life and Poetry

The Qur’an: Source of Arabic Language and Literature

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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