Shakespeare | King Lear | A Review


Shakespeare | King Lear | A Review

Shakespeare  King Lear  A Review

Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’-A Review

“King Lear” is one of William Shakespeare’s most well-known and highly regarded plays. It is a tragedy that explores themes of love, betrayal, madness, and the consequences of pride and power. The play is set in medieval England and follows the story of the aging King Lear, who decides to divide his kingdom among his three daughters. The play is a profound exploration of human nature, and the characters are complex, deeply flawed, and ultimately tragic.

The play begins with King Lear, who has decided to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia. In order to decide which daughter will receive the largest portion of the kingdom, Lear asks each of his daughters to express their love for him. Goneril and Regan, who are both selfish and cunning, express their love in exaggerated terms, while Cordelia, who is honest and sincere, refuses to flatter her father with insincere expressions of love. Lear, enraged by Cordelia’s response, banishes her and divides the kingdom between Goneril and Regan.

As the play progresses, Lear discovers the true nature of his daughters and their husbands. Goneril and Regan, who have become intoxicated with their newfound power, mistreat Lear and eventually turn on each other. Lear is left destitute, wandering the countryside with his loyal Fool and a disguised nobleman named Kent. As Lear descends into madness, he begins to see the world in a new light, and he realizes the true nature of his actions.

The play also features a subplot involving Gloucester, a nobleman who has two sons, Edgar and Edmund. Edmund, who is illegitimate, is jealous of his brother’s status and convinces his father that Edgar is plotting against him. Gloucester disowns Edgar, who is forced to flee and disguise himself as a beggar. As Edmund’s plans to seize power unravel, Gloucester is blinded by Goneril and Regan, and Edgar returns to save his father.

“King Lear” is a masterful exploration of human nature, and the characters are some of Shakespeare’s most complex and memorable. Lear is a tragic figure, whose pride and stubbornness lead to his downfall. Goneril and Regan are villainous, but their actions are also shaped by their desire for power and their fear of losing it. Cordelia, who is perhaps the most sympathetic character in the play, is punished for her honesty and her loyalty to her father. The play also features a number of other memorable characters, including the Fool, who serves as Lear’s conscience, and Edmund, who is a Machiavellian schemer.

In addition to its complex characters, “King Lear” is also notable for its themes. The play explores the consequences of pride and power, the nature of love and loyalty, and the fragility of human existence. It is a deeply philosophical work, and it is not always easy to interpret its meaning. However, its insights into the human condition are timeless, and the play remains a powerful meditation on the nature of life and death.

Overall, “King Lear” is a powerful and profound work of literature. It is a tragic masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences and inspire new generations of writers and artists. The play’s themes, characters, and language are among the most profound and enduring in the English language, and it remains a must-read for anyone interested in the study of literature or human nature. 0 0 0.

Shakespeare King Lear A Review

N. B. This article originally belongs to the book ‘Reviews on William Shakespeare’s Works‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

Books of Literary Criticism by M. Menonimus:

  1. World Short Story Criticism
  2. World Poetry Criticism
  3. World Drama Criticism
  4. World Novel Criticism
  5. World Essay Criticism
  6. Indian English Poetry Criticism
  7. Indian English Poets and Poetry Chief Features
  8. Emily Dickinson’s Poetry-A Thematic Study
  9. Walt Whitman’s Poetry-A Thematic Study
  10. Critical Essays on English Poetry
  11. Tawfiq al-Hakim’s Novel: Return of the Spirit-An Analytical Study
  12. Tawfiq al-Hakim’s Novel: ‘Yawmiyyat Naib Fil Arayaf’-An Analytical Study
  13. Analytical Studies of Some Arabic Short Stories
  14. A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD)
  15. A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD-661 AD)
  16. Reviews on William Shakespeare’s Works

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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